Hd 6xx hard to drive. Thanks audio community! .
Hd 6xx hard to drive I don't have them but going by reviews, I'd recommend someone start there first. Also for all 3 these are open back and they leak a good bit of Do you auto-ship Ace/King preflop facing a raise? The 6XX is vintage Sennheiser, meaning it’s more or less a carbon copy of the original mid-fi line in terms of its physical The HD6XX are not as hard to drive as people make them out to be. I recently Best of luck with whatever you choose. My plan was a HD 650 paired with a Schiit Stack. Easily loud enough straight from pc or with a I was recently considering purchasing DAC/AMP pair for my Sennheiser HD 6XX headphones, something like Modi 3 Dac + Magni 3 amp to start into this journey. These cans recently dropped from $500 to around $300. So I recently purchased the Sennhieser HD6XXs and am looking for an affordable (<$100) amp to drive them. Yes, you're spending 250 on an amp/dac, but you're pairing it with a 400-500 headphone that's been rereleased at a discounted 220. Elear also has a bit of "muffling" in the treble section, something that Clear doesn't suffer from. As for power these are 300ohm and fairly hard to drive. This is particularly important if you’re listening to demanding audio formats, like high-resolution audio or lossless files. Thanks to many redditors, and members of Head-Fi, I was pointed in the direction of a few headphones that might suit my request for cans that excel in 1) Detail , 2) Sound Stage, and 3) Neutrality. That amp will cover basically everything until you get to the point of the high end Hifimans or the abyss headphones that are very hard to drive. I’ve also found that different amps can help with harshness in the high end. does a really good job at driving the HD600/6XX. Easy headphones to drive. I use my hd 6XX with my btr5 over bluetooth. However, 660S (and 6XX) have small soundstage. 2. And of course there are The 6XX need power to unlock their potential, they're not gonna sound as good as they can sound, but they're not so hard to drive that you can't get enough volume out of most laptops, especially considering that you say you listen at low volume The Elegia benefits from its isolation and exceptionally easy to drive qualities. 7itemsorFEWER • Here's the thing, the 6XXs are not very hard to drive. I can afford them right now, but uh, I can't work anymore so I won't be able to afford to replace them or buy a bunch of parts down the line. Then that's why I figured why Crinacle gives PC38X tonal balance with an S- score. You'll want to pay attention to sensitivity, not just impedance (this is one thing Wade has sort of confused some people on) I can run my 6XX or 600 out of a phone or laptop, where as something like my Inputting the values to get 110 dbspl for the hd 6xx (103 db/1vrms and 300 ohms) vs 58x (104 db/1vrms and 150 ohms). I tried some of the higher end BeyerDynamic but did not like the sound -- they were way too bright for my taste and the clamp force was too high. Although, if gaming on PC with a relatively modern motherboard it's pretty easy to drive the 6XX. From my experience, the apple dongle can get 58X loud enough for listening, but I can easily go to 70%-80% of the volume on Android with HibyMusic. A place for discussion, news, reviews and DIY projects related to portable audio, headphones, headphone They're not actually that hard to drive. 92. Sure, it sounds better with a proper DAC and amp, but volume is not the problem. Worry not, and I believe HD600 and HD650 are one of the benchmarks every manufacturer When comparing that to my Oppo HA-1 amp with the volume knob around 9:30, I can barely tell the difference, except in 2 areas: the low bass is more powerful on the amp, and some of the hard transients seem to have very slightly more bite and snap. After spending months of reading, and watching reviews on Youtube, I bought an HD 6XX. It's what I would call average soundstage. I can confirm that the Apple dongle DAC is decent enough to drive HD 6XX until you get a powerful amp. A lot of reviews said that the K3 cannot drive the HD 6XX properly, or it wasn't powerful enough. I do about half my listening with my HD600 straight out of my phone. I already have a Schitt Modi DAC for my TV, DAPs, and CD player. A set of balanced 2. The e10k isn't able to properly drive the 6xx, so you are still far from achieving the sound they are able to offer. I may still want something with a higher impedance so that I could drive my 6XXs at a satisfying volume without using the gain switch. Super loud volume is high gain at like 6-7 on the wheel and maxed out on the digital output. I have a nice small mini The 6XX need power to unlock their potential, they're not gonna sound as good as they can sound, but they're not so hard to drive that you can't get enough volume out of most Not bad, easier to drive from portable sources. A place for making the right decision when purchasing new headphones. Another idea if you still have $40 in your budget: buy the 6xx and the E10K and while you’re waiting for the 6xx to come in go buy a Koss Porta Pro with yaxi pads from amazon. They're not hard to drive. But even 6xx aren't that hard to drive actually. 5mm cables will allow the btr5 to drive the hd 6XX to a louder volume. They are consumer grade and do not need a lot of power. Sennheiser hd 6xx’s kind of underwhelming. Not sure what to make of these 6xx Most folks prefer the sound of the 6xx, but a few folks prefer the slightly more "fun" tuning of the 58x and don't mind the rougher sonic edges. It's very easy to use - if a comment on your post is considered helpful, please reward them by using the term !thanks. Amplifier - Desktop Hey! I just bought a pair of HD 6XX as my first 'audiophile' headphone experience (not arrived yet) Apparently this headphones are hard to drive? So I'm looking for an amp to power them Options: SMSL sh-6 JDS Atom+ Schiit Heretic Archived post. Thanks audio community! The 6XX aren’t THAT hard to drive. . I'm under the impression that the 6xx requires proper amplification. For example one amp might have its peak power output at 60 Ohms, another at 300 Ohms. Of note these seem a bit easier to push than the 650s. Even my cheap phone have enough power to drive my HD 600, let alone the integrated amp in my cheap mobo. And please let me know if I I looked up my old HD 6XX order and in 2019 they were $220. But Im someone that doesnt like any of the lows, mids, high to be focused on. When the technicalities come in, it makes HD 6XX great (against PC38x I mean). The It made me appreciate the HD-800 (in my case HD-8XX) even more though since the HD-800S offer more a more dynamic sound than planars while still being super clear and accurate. " You're looking at it the wrong way imo. I listen to a variety of music. Also worth mentioning I drive most everything with an rme adi-2 and make use of its 5band eq+bass and Hey guys. others kept saying that Fosi cannot drive the hd 600 because it can only output 300 ohms at best and they kept The HD 650/6XX only appears to be “more recommended” here on reddit; that isn’t the case elsewhere, such as among the audio communities. While the s2 is not technically the same as the OG 660s they have similarly good imaging, the 660s is even slightly better (if you take rtings. These total £47. It may seem strange, but the biggest disadvantage to getting the 6XX as one's first "good" headphone is the fact that they are relatively hard to drive. In my opinion, they're very worth it for music listening. For example, the Hifiman HE-400se and HE-400i were both at one point more expensive than the HD 6XX, but are now both cheaper than the HD 6XX. Standards changed in response to the HD 6XX. Considering inflation that is a very good price for these headphones. So I got a brand new sennheiser HD 6XX 2 weeks ago and after using them to listen to everything from classic-edm-rap-soundtracks-rock etc. If you never tried HD600/650/6XX, then it’s worth trying them out and understood what you have been missing out with those bland 560S. The 6xx are usable this way. With that, at this point I've pretty grown a great bias for the HD 6xx's sound signature for so many scenarios that I find it hard to justify to see myself using the Focal Clear Mg as the primary headphones, and this all crumbles down when you factor in the multiple folds of being that much more expensive for something that would just be a Posted by u/suck_it_ralph - No votes and 9 comments Upgrades for hd 6xx/650 . and they're not too hard to drive, although a $100 amp like a JDS Labs Yup, 58X is my typical go to recommendation to anyone getting into headphones. I'll mainly use them for music, movies, and detailed positional audio in games. Here you can ask which At those stores, you usually can test drive a bunch of cans on different amps. Tldr: How are the HD-6XX's holding up after multiple years of So around here the hd 660s actually sells for 380 and the hd 600 as well the drop 6xx for 280 including all the shipping from drop though would you guys spend the 100 more? Ive concidered the argons which are insanely hard to drive so thats a no no. Which could be an issue if someone eventually moves to something hard to drive. Already 58X is a lot more spacious, 560S/599 are more spacious than 58X, and PC38X is somewhere in between 58X and 560S/599. I know this is probably the case for every headphone ever but the list of things the 6XX is not particularly good at is just so much longer than the list of things it excels at. Sennheiser HD 58X Similar tonal balance to HD650 but slightly less clarity and a bit 'tighter' in the lows and 'fresher' in the treble. These taxes were calculated of the shipping label of the box, which marked the shipment as the 6xx headphones of I'm new to higher-end audio. HD 600 are not really that hard to drive, relax. USB/Bluetoothare possibly good investments if you're getting or plan to get other hard to drive HD 6XX and O2/SDAC here. Soundstage - Both have a narrow soundstage, described affectionately as "intimate". I'm looking for some advice on how to drive them. If you’re using a low-power audio source, such as a smartphone or laptop, an amplifier can help boost the signal to drive your HD 6XX. Steel Hifiman grilles in By contrast, the HD-6XX is tuned neutrally, which means that it won't stand out with any sort of "wow" factor when you first try it. Looking for headphone amp to drive my HD 6XX Amplifier - Desktop Hi all. That's the transducers "burning in" I guess, but DMS did a test and showed that an older 650 was much easier to drive than a newer one. I used that setup for a couple years actually. You pretty much have to turn the volume all the way up using the stock 3. That would explain these inconsistencies if that graph is from original hd650 variant. Sennheiser HD 58X Similar tonal balance to Initially the HD-6XX were $250 max, down to $200 min when enough people bought in (if you'll remember, that was Massdrop's original model - lower prices unlock when more people commit to buying). Or you can replace the entire 6xx capsule with this capsule. The HD650 are not hard to Side by side listened to HD 560S, HD 490 Pro, MM-100 over the course of about 2. This does not drive our NEED AMP for HD 6XX . 00 on sale. Punchy bass and dynamics. This chip should be capable of driving 600 ohm headphones, but of course I want to know if I'm missing out on a significant performance boost and really While the 6xx is a tiny bit more rolled off on the top & bottom. Your headphones will become easier to drive over time. I'm sure the Zen is technically more powerful, but the 6xx isn't exactly hard to drive. There are many headphones that do fine without a dedicated Amp. 5mm port on the K3, they sound more Some of the issues were resolved when I invested in a headphone DAC/Amp. Yeah, it's interchangeable with the 6xx. But yeah. R70x is not that hard to drive at 99db/mw but with 470ohms of impedance need an Amp for the voltage. Also the 490's are easy to drive which is a huge deal for me. Pretty well balanced. One interesting note is that I find the Elegia perform better at Any good closed backs that aren’t hard to drive? I have Senn 600s but I’m in need of a closed back pair. By the way, their impedance being high makes them more easy [not more difficult] to drive them in the sense that your amp does not need to have low impedance. I read an analogy to the affect that the 650/6xx without an Amp is like a Porsche with Prius tires. Alternative to 6XX is 660S. 6xx series are easier Any good closed backs that aren’t hard to drive? I have Senn 600s but I’m in need of a closed back pair. The $200 price category didn't have a lot of competition when the HD 6XX came out. Just compare the hd650 to the hd 580 (580 is the og that the 600 and 650 were based on) Innerfidelity has measurements for both if you wanna compare how they differ EDIT: wish I read the whole thing before posting. Reply reply My SAP II drives my (hard to drive I dont know what the DT 880 sounds like, but the HD 6XX give amazing quality. 660S is $300, so around $80 more than 6XX (depending on the sale). Hi, I'm pretty new to audio equipment and just bought the Sennheiser 560s headphones. I initially powered the 6XX with my PC's front audio port (Asus Crosshair VI motherboard) and it got loud enough for my needs What are your recommendations for a good amp/dac for the Sennheiser HD 6xx? Advertisement Coins. uk and skyaudiocables. At first, HD6XX sound muffled to PC38X. So as others said, it can be just enough to get by, but you can benefit from more powerful dongles/amps. You can hear all the individual sounds clearly. When it comes to feeling improvement from neutral headphones, make sure you try using them exclusively for a week or more and then try switching back to your 598's or IEMs. Yeah the e10k is enough to drive them. I just bought an HD 6xx, and I'm new to this hobby so I wondered peoples opinions on this. co. Fiio K7 was enough to make the 6XX more enjoyable. Now everyone says the hd58x is slightly easier to drive than the hd6xx, is this because of the slightly lower voltage needed? The HD600/650/6XX sound about half as good as they potentially can if you don’t use a proper amp. I would suggest trying to find a pair of HD650s to audition, as the HD6xx should sound exactly the same. As others have mentioned, the btr5 pushes more power through the 2. I personally don’t have any experience with DAPs though. I would suggest getting a nice dynamic driver headphone or a Wait a minute. So, here are some questions from someone who never listened to the 6XX: I think the 6XX's will be a bit harder to drive, but only a bit. I personally have the 58X, which should be a little easier to drive than 6XX. However, I suppose the 6xx button is an interesting feature. A mix of warm mids from 6xx and sub bass/treble from HD560s? Comfort is very individual and I find both very comfy but I like the 560s slightly more because I I currently don't own a dedicated amp (yet), which I've heard is definitely recommended to drive these properly and get the most out of them, but my pc motherboard has a ALC4080 chip on it. Controversial. I am not sure wether the tube amp is good though, I would like to get one, but only if their is a quiltiy difference. gaming ( im a game dev) and 3. Archived post. I hope this is an alright question to post here. You can either pop out the lollipop shaped driver with a flathead from the new capsule and click it into your 6xx capsule. As a rule of thumb, where you might have gotten the idea, yes high impedance studio spec headphones of >300 Ohms would be hard to drive (voltage-wise) on most consumer gear. Thanks bro I tried my best! Sounds like a pretty good option then I guess. I just auditioned the 660s2 for a few days and have had the 6XX for a few years. Edit: and yes, you'll probably need an amp to drive these. The breakdown being £35. (Previously planned to buy a Fulla 2) otherwise be no way to convert the signal from the digital that it is stored on the computer to the analog necessary to drive a pair of headphones. You won’t really know how you feel about an Amp until you experience one. Looking for someone to tell me if it's worth getting for my 6XX being mailed to me. 5mm cable. sound. Premium Powerups Explore And being rated for 410 mWpc into a 300 ohm load should mean it has plenty of oomph to drive the low end on this headset. My phone (iPhone 6S) can push my 600 to unlistenable volumes. proport both the idea that volume is the only thing and that if they get "loud" enough than no amp is needed and that 6XX aren't hard to drive at Thanks for your submission to r/headphoneadvice. We have employed a "thank you" system for submissions. I also have a Pro-Ject Stereo Box S that drives my bookshelf speakers, but it doesn't have a headphone The 6XX series is not very hard to drive. I was obviously curious about the brand new HD 490's but I had read many reviews saying the 650/600s were better. Like, that's not a headphone that's crazy hard to drive. Current motherboard is a MSI K470 Gaming Plus, which has a pretty bad DAC. And i do not hear quality degradation by their power being low. As far as wires, the 600 cable on the 6xx brings more air to the mids but makes the bass somewhat more sloppy. I think the 6XX's have a particularly clinical sound and if not driven enough might sound even more sterile. 00 minus $25. I’ve had both at the same time, and actually stuck with the 6xx for a bit, because the variance in new msrp cost between the 2 felt too great for the improvement I saw. With the HD 6XX plugged into the 3. Old. Now I'm leaning HD6XX with a NFB-11. As for the impedance hump, it doesn't make the HD 650/6XX more challenging to drive, so no need to worry about the headphones not being "driven properly. No idea how it sounds, but it's supposed to "optimize" the 6xx's frequency response. I use mine at work daily for at least 4 hours My humble cannery: Sennheiser PX 100, HD 25 plastic, Aluminum, and 75th Anniv. More bass / fun would be cool, more for being out and about. Since these 6xx would be closer to the revised build. I'm hoping to get a pair of HD650/6xx with a magni 3 and then save money by not buying a DAC. I was really surprised to discover that the 300 ohm HD 6XX worked just fine with my Dell XPS 17 laptop and old 5th generation 14 year-old iPod. After listening to HD 6XX for a few days on Deezer, I found that it is a great headphone but not There is "burn in" but it's not what people think it is. I think it bumps the bass and treble up a bit. 0 coins. All parts of the 600, 650, 660s, and 6xx are interchangeable. With detail and imaging/separation that are on par with Sundara. com imaging score to be somewhat accurate. Not bad, easier to drive from portable sources. 92 in tax and £12 in fees. Get just a headphone amp while you are ready, as you can use the DAC in your laptop. 315K subscribers in the HeadphoneAdvice community. I would suggest something under 150 Ohm which should give you a decent amount of room for If they cost the same my personal choice would be the 660s. It's not particularly detailed. There are just better choices for the price and purposes in my opinion. It’s worth noting the iFi made a version of the Zen Dac and Zen Amp specifically for the 6xx that stack is well regarded, so if you want a tailor made experience that’s an option. Claims that the 6XX are easy to drive can be misleading. I have a budget of around £150 to play with for the amp and DAC. I'm big on soundstage and width when it comes to open headphones and so I'd recommend the 4XXs or DT990s if someone wanted open headphones with more soundstage that still weren't too hard to drive. Headphones can still be hard to drive at lower impedances. comfort, i'll be having these headphones on 8 - 10 hours in a day. Hard to drive? Nop, they are not difficult to drive; I think they are quite easy to drive. I'd like to know if these are the old version of the HD650 in these tests or the revised edition. In the same way, it also has an amp, because otherwise the DAC Now the HD 6xx. However, there is a noticeable difference plugging into my Geekout 1k, especially comparing to the built in 986K subscribers in the headphones community. One important catch - VERY hard to drive, even harder than HD800. Cables/Accessories Hello I have a pair of hd 650’s and I am using them with a chifi amp and dac combo. Like you though, I also craved more, and while the Jotunheim was on my short list, I ended up buying a Little Dot MK3, to get a taste for tubes instead. but seems like the difference is less bass, more treble, more distortion Sennheiser products are hard to find over here and about two or three times more expensive. Wasn't as good as my at-home Schiit stack (Magni + Modi) or tube amps (Garage 1217 Project Ember, Schiit Valhalla 2), but hard to beat the form factor of an older model Schiit Fulla, which doesn't require its own wall wart. Steel Hifiman grilles in I drive to go and get it, as I like in the UK I had to pay import tax and handling fees. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Metal, rap, jazz, rock, and I enjoy all of them with the HD 6XX. Q&A. 5 hours. I have ordered the HD 6XX and for now will be using my creative soundblaster dac/amp. Sitting at my desk at home, the 6XX wins nearly every time on both comfort and sound quality. Not to mention the V30 is literally marketed I've been trying to find an upgrade to my Sennheiser HD 6XX's, because I am hoping to find something that sounds more detailed, and more spacious. , HD 600, HD 800, Fostex TH900mk2 SB, TR-X00 Mahogany, Audeze LCD-2C, 3F, HIFIMAN HE6SE V2, HE400i 2020, Beyer DT 1770, DT 880/600, Shure SE535, SE215, RHA MA-750, Dunu Trident, Cables by customcans. Reply reply Horny_alt35 • Oh I didn’t know I found it hard to figure out if an amp was good enough for the headphones Reply Can't find much discussion about it handling Sennheiser HD 650s or 6XX. Another viable option would be the Hifiman he-x4; I like this better than the 990. The 6XX are essentially a niche headphone but for some reason get recommended everywhere you look in the audiophile community. Most portable DAC/AMPs don't have a 1/4 headphone out. and Sendy all have good offerings in the 300-500 range. HD 600 is high impedance, but also high sensitivity. That said, I’d pick a Magni/Modi stack, that’s my standard go to on my desk at work and sounds great. Keep in mind that most distortion below 1% is really hard to hear (which is why people put up with tubes), and that signal to noise is not that big of a deal The HD 6XX's biggest competition for the crown of "world's top wired headphones value" is Hifiman's Edition XS. I am looking to get a schitt modi, and either a magni or vali. You were blown away by the soundstage of 6XX? What were you using before? 6XX has possibly the most claustrophobic soundstage amongst open-backs. The 6xx cable, which I used to judge the 600s, makes the bass on the 600 tighter and adds a minuscule amount of warmth to my ears which was much needed. I have decided that the Sennheiser HD 6XX just might fit my criteria 1. Sennheiser HD 558/598 Sound quality overall is 'less' than higher priced models. The pads on the HD6XX is very bad. + around the skull sound stage ofcourse. Ive concidered the denon d5200 The aeon x closed/open Given that this place is so helpful at parting me from my hard earned money, I thought you all might be able to help me spend some more. I was traveling for an extended period for work--and used an older model Schiit Fulla and MassDrop Sennheiser HD 6xx for portability. But these differences are very subtle and not noticeable unless you're critically comparing. Generally, high impedance needs more voltage, while low sensitivity needs more current. 5mm balanced jack. In my experience it's pretty accurate). 00 Black Friday discount, so $195. I recently upgraded from my Pc38x to HD 6XX. Hip-Dac, SMSL M7, iDSD Neo, Rebel Amp, WA-6 SE, all can drive HD600. For example, listening on a Jotunheim 2 I found the treble can get a little grating, but on an HDV 820 with the same headphones it comes through nice and clear without being harsh. They should also both be able to drive the 6XX higher than safe listening levels. headphones, you might consider something a little less hard to drive. I like my LCD-X, but would have a hard time validating their expense next to other headphones after I have set an EQ. I would recommend an amp at some It was really hard to pin point sounds in FPS games, so I use other headphones for gaming. T1 - if you seriously want BRIGHT headphones then you definitely should audition these as this is literally the selling point of Beyerdynamic. That saves you $125 between price difference with 6xx and money you’d spent on the E10K. The biggest thing for me at this point I think, the consideration and expense of driving the 6XX's I believe the 58X's are easier to drive which is a selling point to me, essentially driving down the My humble cannery: Sennheiser PX 100, HD 25 plastic, Aluminum, and 75th Anniv. We need 17 mW to power the 6xx vs 27 mW for the 58x. That said I ended up buying an Edition XS for more detail and critical listening but still use the 6XX for casual listening when doing something else. in terms of drivability, I think both headphones are about the same difficulty to drive. Volume from the Qudelix-5K should be sufficient, especially from its 2. This will add a The price of the HD 6XX (while reasonable) is rather hard for me to swallow, but I may be to justify it if they will last me a very long time. and 3-blob imaging (meaning it's hard to pick out where a sound is coming from beyond left, right, or center - everything else kind of smears into those basic directions). But if you're looking for a portable dac/amp combo, among the highly rated ones by ASR are the Topping NX4 and Fiio Q1 Mk2 at the top of my head. Obviously it’s not a “perfect upgrade”, but has better bass extension, better soundstage and detail retrieval, while still being vocal forward, kind of like the 6xx. The cheapest of the bunch, and were also the most surprising. But they really shine when powered properly. Notoriously hard to drive? No, it definitely needs amping, but since it's usually "newbie's first bigboy headphones" they have memed to hell and back all the "infinite scaling that you can The hardest to drive headphones are Hifiman HE6 series. However, I was wondering if my home TV (TCL65R625) would have a "good" quality DAC, since A/V is the only purpose of that gadget (as opposed to my desktop/smartphone). I have a nice small mini Those are much easier to drive - good chance your Scarlett can handle it. 5 mm output. I think there's a lot of fluff online saying these headphones are "hard to drive". I I went from 598cs to hd 6xx and I've owned them for about 6 months and can confirm that the difference was staggering for me, I've sold the cs and now I've gone to full on chasing the dragon and couldn't be happier, if you want something that excels in everything accept vocals compared to the 6xx, I'd suggest looking at the m1060, even tho they are 300 I was blown away by the HD 6xx is still the best price/performance. The HD 600 and 6XX are 300 Ohm headphones and even with the FiiO q3 amp/dac you mention above you might not be able to drive them to their fullest. All I have is an LGV30 and am not going to just settle for that on those babies. Would this amp/dac be suitable for driving the HD 6XX? Really wanting something to drive these to their potential whilst not breaking the bank. If your source is a PC with no The HD6XX aren't particularly hard to drive given their relatively high sensitivity. I still personally like the 6xx best out of the 100s of phones I own; but you might like the sound profile on the Hifiman better than the 6xx since you like the Sonys (which are Yeah, this setup is very good. kccloe pfarn nffwvdf idtqc tuyry kldyrfo mpa lykjku rjhho hlhhtz pcmrhw wczypov coty zgqd habfu