43 ft vertical loading coil. 120" thick-walled tubing.

43 ft vertical loading coil org/?smd_process_downlo WILLIAMS VERTICAL FAN COILS 5 VERTICAL BASIC / LV-B The slim, compact design of our Vertical Basic fan coil (LV-B) is intended for furred in applications with a field fabricated, custom enclosure. Notes. The radiation resistance of the base section of a 40-foot top-loaded vertical can be calculated by Eq 1, but again a simpler equation (Eq 10) yields values sufficiently accurate for our purposes. 5kW 80/160M high-efficiency Matching NetworkMFJ-2910 improves efficiency on 160 and 80 Meters for the popular new 43-foot all band vertical antennas by eliminatingSWR-related coax and unun mismatch losses. Top Loading with a coil is rarely done as it Vertical Antenna • Slow taper, 43 ft. There was a recent article in QST with a tuner at the base of a 43 ft vertical to provide a good match on 80 and 160. M5 panhead screws are used as anchors for the coil wire. Matching network shunt coils, loading coils and baluns cannot be used on verticals used in a phased array. Top Loading involves mounting the coil to the top end of the radiator. The top 6 foot section of this Analysis of 43 foot vertical against the SteppIR BigIR vertical in the 20 meter band. Verticals have lower angles of radiation in general. The insulator High Performance Vertical Antennas (Tuner Required) 2 1/8" to 3/8" Fast Taper, 160 to 10 Meters • 43 ft. It is a 1/4 wave resonant length for 20 meters-about 16'. com pagehttps://www. 50 Ohm Coax Feed. For whips and verticals. 30 – 32. Gary's KI5GRD Ham Radio Website. I nearly took the full-size 80M vertical with a tuner path, but it actually takes a lot more concrete — which is No trap or loading coil losses to worry about Richardson, Texas Phil Salas – AD5X AD5X The 43-foot Vertical Antenna Advantages Still can be self-supporting & moderately unobtrusive Approximately 3X higher radiation resistance than the typical trap or loaded vertical. The model is designed for use with 16 awg solid wire. Some references: Making a loading coil for 43-foot vertical antennas (de AD5X) Network for Your 43-Foot Vertical Put your 43-foot vertical antenna to work on two popular "low" bands. Enhanced RF Choke for Verticals 2025 MFJ-2910 160 and 80 Meter Loading Coil Assembly Introduction The MFJ-2910 is designed to be used with the MFJ-2990 43 foot vertical antenna to resonate the antenna on 80 and 160 meters bringing the impedance within the range that an antenna tuner can handle. tap points on the coil. 790Mhz which is very good for loaded shorter antenna. I had over 1000' of wire in about 70 radials of varying length. The base insulator below is for a 43ft vertical that was mounted over a good ground system and fed with a good loading coil on 80-meters. This is In this video we are using a coil to match the 43 ' vertical to 160m. • Galvanized drain pan is powder coated epoxy with a 1/8" thick elastomeric insulation and has a formed P The 25 foot vertical is qualitatively similar to the 43 foot vertical, but at half size, and is designed to provide acceptably efficient operation from 40 meters to 10 meters. For It’s anecdotal, but the antenna seemed to be working fine. 120" thick-walled tubing. I used tinned copper buss wire. My worst case SWR is 5:1 on 20 meters Models of two 43 ft antennas were constructed using W7EL's EZNEC (NEC2) Simple 43-ft monopole with 10 Ω radial system (~32 on-ground wire radials) Simple 43-ft monopole with base at 33 ft, with two resonant radials each for 40M, 20M, 15M, and 10M (not easy to build) Compare with quarter-wave ground- 43 Foot Vertical Pops a U-Bolt; BigIR vs. A couple of days ago, I worked a station in Maine that was using a 43-ft. I wanted also to use the 43 ft as a 20m 5/8 loaded with coil at bottom. 160 and 80 Meter Matching Network for Your 43 Foot Vertical – Part 1, QST, Dec. Hi! If you’re coming here from Michael KB9VBR’s This model is a 46 uH loading coil base for a portable vertical antenna with tripod. Figure 3: Comparative EZNEC elevation patterns and gains of (red) shortened no-radial 40 meter ½λ vertical and The loading coil is nominally 8-10 turns of common ¼ in. After recently been given some water pipe. Let’s look at a few examples: Doug Adams must have not been an amateur radio operator for he seems to have missed the answer to everything suggesting 42 as the answer to it all. Share this post. But if you have limited space, a 43 foot vertical with 25 ground radials out to the limit of your property can provide you with all band capability. Then enable 160 It’s anecdotal, but the antenna seemed to be working fine. 630m matching system. RF Choke - Vertical Antenna Ground Isolation - 2025; DL6WU & G0KSC Element Correction for Yagis - 2025; RG-213 Choke Calc Version 3; On-line Shop. All aluminum construction, random-wire style tuning 80-10M, and a 90 MPH wind tolerance. Some 43-foot antenna vendors claim the antenna can be matched from 160-10 meters with your in-shack tuner. It is nine sections including the stainless steel whip on the very top of the Get 160-6 Meters Coverage and 1500 Watt Operation with a single antenna!This MFJ-2990 is a 43-foot self-supporting vertical antenna that covers 160 through 6 Meters with the use of an antenna tuner. 5-4. Loading Coil The Loading Coil is close wound directly onto the pole 6 feet below the antenna top and measures 30 inches in length and 20mm diameter at this section of the pole. Get 160-6 Meters Coverage and 1500 Watt Operation with a single antenna!This MFJ-2990 is a 43-foot self-supporting vertical antenna that covers 160 through 6 Meters with the use of an antenna tuner. The Vertigo 43 feet vertical is already QRV at my QTH, working fine! Until now I was using, for all bands, a 5/8 λ vertical for the 11 m band tuned, so although I have made some nice DX You can shorten a vertical antenna by using a loading coil. I used the old coil as a guide to determine the number of turns I needed to cover the bands of interest, adding two turns for good measure. vertical radiator • 6063 T832 corrosion-resistant aircraft aluminum tubing and stainless steel hardware • 12 ft. Log in A large loading coil for a portable vertical antenna with a 123 uH potential inductance. Nov 11, 2024. I would like to recommend that John include some really small tie wraps to prevent the friction fit working lose and falling inside the adjoining tube. 7:1 -- well beyond the spec range of most wide-range antenna tuners. We might be able to get away with using the system on 5 MHz, but 3. Should be good on higher frequencies when Back in 2017 I built my 19-foot wire vertical, which was my go-to portable antenna for about 4 or 5 years. [3] Salas, Phil, AD5X, 160 and 80 Meter Matching Network for Your 43 Foot Vertical – Part 1 The antenna element is 10. So, the information here will roughly translate over to 80 through 20 meter operation of the 43 foot vertical (or, even better as you will see, a 50 foot vertical Chameleon Antenna CHA-M-Coil HF Antenna Loading Coils. Because the top 9-foot section of the antenna consists of a 1/8” diameter stainless steel whip, the MFJ-2990 has the lowest wind-loading and has the least visual impact of any 43-foot vertical antenna on the market. 1, 2, 3 But a flat top becomes mechanically difficult on 160 meters, at least for really short verticals where a large diam - eter is needed. and has a wind load of jus MFJ-2990 - 160-6M HF Vertical Antenna, 43ft, 1500 W This was (is) a popular antenna a few years ago and is not a cheap option. As you can see in the schematic, I feed the antenna through a 1:1 choke, consisting of 10 bifilar turns of #22 hookup wire The vertical sections may comprise either a conducting metal mast (which must be insulated at the base, and around the loading coil) or wire wrapped around an insulating mast (such as a fishing rod). that since only modeling is used to "analyze" this vertical, his dummy load must be a good antenna since it is always 1:1. This So, my concept was to use a 19-foot radiator with loading coils for 40 and 30. Please don't expect a 43 foot vertical to be a great antenna on 160. The first is to add a coil between the 43 foot vertical feedpoint and the tuner. A Keystone 209 battery contact is used on the contact ring. 43-ft verticals with 50-ohm feeders have three low-SWR points. Probably mediocre on 80m compared to dipole, inverted V, or full size vertical. Normally I stay away from MFJ gear, but Phil listed them as a source for the coil for 80 and 160. Build: Base-Loaded 40 Meter Coil for my 17 ft Whip Why buy it when you can build it for twice the price? Gary Dusbabek KI5GRD. 43 Foot Vertical Antenna @ 15 meters EZNEC BigIR vs. For this antenna an R r of 7. 43 foot vertical with radials +: theoretically superior on 40m (7Mhz), with "enough" radials. 15 MHz, based on an EZNEC model. The insulator failed at 700-1000 watts peak The 43-foot vertical has become the new standard of vertical antenna heights. This vertical is often advertised as usable from 160 Meters to 10 Meters, with a tuner. Copy link. the present setup uses a screwdriver antenna in series with the 43' stinger and 3500' of radiales The 43-foot vertical has become the new standard of vertical antenna heights. It 'works'. 8μH. It weighs just 20 lbs. soft aluminum or copper tubing. It does tune nicely for 40 Meters to 10 Meters, but has trouble being tuned on 80 Meters and 160 Meters. ) To address your broader question of A 4:1 UNUN Feeds A Tapped Base-Loading Coil. More. optimal length vertical radiator • Easy tuning design—correct length and taper • Thick stainless steel tilt base • No coils or linear loading elements • Requires DXE-UN-43 UNUN Balun for multi-band use with your wide range tuner a nonresonant vertical with lots of radials with top loading (and a remote tuner at the base) might be cheaper / more convenient / more efficient than a motorized coil arrangement. 1 metres, you will use 100 mm for the loading coil taps. this antenna works very well on 40 through 10. The voltage across the loading coi can be quite high. 2009, pp. Let’s see how well it models as an 80- "Lazy L" - 160m 42 ft vertical wire raised by pulley from top of 43 ft aluminum tilt-over mast with 90 ft sloping horizontal section, base loading coils for 2200m and 630m. My original design works extremely well but I used the old coil as a guide to determine the number of turns I needed to cover the bands of interest, adding two turns for good measure. -----Earlier 5-star review posted by N5VEG on 2010-12-08 I received my new S-9V 43 foot vertical antenna yesterday. The base-loading coil is tuned to resonate out the capacitive reactance of the shortened antenna. (These values are only significant for purposes of illustration; actual measured values may vary substantially, but those effects are outside the scope of this question. For best efficiency, the loading coil must be as high as possible off the ground, but this requires a compromise between the inductance (and hence Edit: Forgot to mention that if you decide to use a loading coil elevating it with the MO-3 mast may improve the efficiency slightly. Most phased vertical array systems Phil has a great website with articles describing his work and analysis of the 43 foot vertical. com/db/VK3KTThtt The DXE-VMN-1 has a special coil tap clip to make the inductance adjustment needed for the correct match. One vendor says to use 150 feet of RG-213 for best all-band operation of the For several years I ran a 43 ft vertical in a small backyard. From one end measure 2. Email. The antenna diameter is 2” OD at the bottom, 0. Every antenna is a compromise and the 43 foot vertical is no exception. " While at the current time I have no understanding of how to apply this to the actual process of designing a loading coil, supposedly the relevant equation is: f = 1 / ( 2 pi (LC) 1/2) which reduces to: L C = 1 / ( f 2 4 pi 2. On 20M and higher, I would use the radiator as a random wire and use a tuner. 4μH to load the 12-foot whip on the 40M band. 1 × 5. Since I was going to have to rebuild the antenna, I started While using a 43' vertical monopole as a Z-matched radiator on the upper ham bands through 10 meters can make the transmitter happy, it has considerably less gain/usefulness on 10 meters than a typical Ground Plane Without the tape it may have collapsed. 8 MHz is not really practical. I bought a coil loaded vertical (cheap one) and was instantly doing much better than the dipole that was perfectly tuned. This drives us to consider other forms of top Currently, the antenna I have, a 43 foot vertical with a tuner at the base, is having trouble keeping a match on 80. diameter capacity hat—resonant on 3. For Because the coil needs to be about 46 uh, it is too long to fit all in one piece. This is very common with mobile installations where a 102" vertical radiator is resonated with a loading coil to operate on the the 43-foot vertical, the worst situation occurs on 160 meters where the capacitive reactance is ~600 Ω and the radiation resistance is ~3Ω. And no trap or loading coil losses to worry about Modest compromise SWR from 60-10 meters when fed with a 1:4 unun. The design uses a chassis mount SO239 and is threaded for 3/8-24 attachments. 5' tall stainless steel collapsible whip, my portable vertical is about 14. Build: Base-Loaded 40 Meter Coil for my 17 ft Whip. NOTE: This matching network is not for use on 43 ft. 8 MHz +2 dB 43 ft -coil loss 6. Perhaps he is right for many things, but for ham radio folks evaluating antenna choices a popular answer for the height of a vertical antenna for the HF bands appears to My first switched base loading coil implementation for feeding my 43 foot S9 antenna used the T400A-2 toroid material, but power loss and heating was more than air wound coil and two Array Solutions RF-30 relays for up to full legal limit match-ing on all bands from 160 to 10 meters. A 43 ft vertical is a 43 ft vertical, and the major difference between them is the effective electrical diameter of the radiator, the mechanical construction, and The 25 foot vertical is qualitatively similar to the 43 foot vertical, but at half size, and is designed to provide acceptably efficient operation from 40 meters to 10 meters. A custom CNC machined 2" solid super heavy duty black Delrin base insulator for superior UV resistance and high power handling 6 WILLIAMS VERTICAL STACK FAN COILS VERTICAL STACK MODELS ER SERIES STANDARD FEATURES • Heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinet with neoprene coated 1/2" thick fiberglass insulation with at 350 PSI with a 300 PSI working pressure. The antenna diameter is 2" OD at the bottom, 0. This combo will allow me to tune down to 60 meters, and I can bypass the coil for 15 meters and up Antenna, HF Multi-Band Vertical, Non-resonant, 43 ft. It cannot be used as a series coil to "load" a vertical to a lower frequency operation, especially with high power. 43 Foot Vertical Antenna EZNEC Shootout; BigIR vs. 5KW PEP on all of the amateur bands from 160 to 6 meters. vertical. This results in an SWR of 23. Here's a good theoretical analysis of the 43 foot vertical: By center loading my vertical with a 4' mast under the V. 9% efficiency 50 ft -3. MFJ-2910 improves efficiency on 160 and 80 Meters for the popular new 43-foot all band vertical antennas by eliminating SWR-related coax and unun mismatch losses. Loading Coils: The coil designed to work with the MFJ-1979 is (I think A 43 ft vertical is a bit short on 80 (but not impractical). 7 W and 16 radials is 33. NBF- 32316 NEMA box for the enclo- sure, added a Bud Industries NBX-32916-PL internal grid panel, and mounted the coil and relay mini box on it. Reply kwhubby • k6bby [E] • • Edited The 2910 came with loose screws on the 160 coil as others have stated but all solder joints good. However, capacitive top-load - ing is still the key to maximizing efficiency in short verticals. Connect the matching assembly to the base of your 43 foot vertical. It weighs just 20 lbs. 5 kV, and with 1500 W, about 16 kV. such as crossbars, have a greater capacitance to the mast below the 160 and 80 Meter Matching Network for Your 43 foot Vertical — Part 2 This dual band matching section design provides for remote band changing. 5 metres and mark the plastic insulation with a permanent marker. 2 coil (scroll to the bottom of this page for more info on why I center load my vertical), and a 9. The 160 meter loaded vertical antenna is constructed using an inexpensive telescopic fiberglass fishing pole 10m in length. Using an online shortened vertical calculator, I figured I would need about 13. 43 Foot Vertical Antenna @ 10 meters EZNEC BigIR vs. Another option is a shortened dipole using loading coils. And as MFJ says in it's The 43-foot vertical has become the new standard of vertical antenna heights. My first setup was the way ZEROFIVE recommends installing the 43 vertical using a full range tuner and using a UNUN and a coil on the 43' vertical antenna this worked well up to 200 watts at my location, but after 200 watts the efficiency dropped. 5' tall overall. 5 mm dc power jack located below the SO-239 connector Why choose an InnovAntennas 43' (13m) self-supporting vertical? Base of this antenna is 60mm diameter Base tube tapering to 6mm diameter at the top. Base of antenna. If you are looking for a contest winning, DX powerhouse antenna, this is not the antenna for you! If you live on a city lot or in a covenant restricted neighborhood, this could get you The 43' vertical worked ok before but now I ended up just tuning this antenna for 75m with a 1:1 balun and a small hairpin matching coil at the base to get 1:1. 🙂 I ordered the coil and insulators from MFJ last week. Two possible solutions came to mind. There' s not enough information available for the coil you mentioned, inductance range and Q, to guesstimate how much. qrz. Schematic diagram of the matching network for the 19-ft vertical. anyone's 43 foot vertical. Another consideration was the simplicity of the mounting base. What angle is the signal coming from? Is the signal broadside to the dipole? How well-situated is the vertical? The dipole? It's not a simple answer. I have heard of adding a wire to the top to act as an inverted-L or adding several wires to act as a top-hat. 43 Foot Vertical Antenna @ 80 The DX Engineering 43-ft Vertical Antenna Package addressed this list. The Single Element loaded vertical (left) has a loading coil inserted at the base of the antenna element. long, about the size of a 40m dipole. 0 MHz • Thick stainless steel tilt base • 300 KHz wide below 2:1 SWR • No coils or linear loading elements • 5 kW continuous/10kW CW/SSB rating Models of two 43 ft antennas were constructed using W7EL's EZNEC (NEC2) Simple 43-ft monopole with 10 Ω radial system (~32 on-ground wire radials) Simple 43-ft monopole with base at 33 ft, with two resonant radials each for 40M, 20M, 15M, and 10M (not easy to build) Compare with quarter-wave ground- update nov 2021VK1ERF has made a brilliant write-up on how to build and set this up. The top of the coil directly bonds to the upper vertical section with a jumper wire (hidden) on the far side of the plastic Simulation shows that the driving-point impedance of a 25-ft 1" diameter vertical with four (4) 25-ft #14 radials is 6. Do you have any specs on the coil for 5/8 wave and where you fed it. Mast base. ). 43-ft. SWR is: ground system and fed with a good loading coil on 80-meters. The lower end of the top vertical section would be inserted into the upper end of the coil. Facebook. A clamp-on tripod is included. non-resonant multi-band verticals. The 160-80-Coil kit which is fitted between the antenna and ATU will provide usage on these bands. The NEMA box is designed to More from the Doctor: Loading a 43 Foot Vertical with Additional Inductance A 43 foot vertical made of 1 inch tubing fed and against four elevated 1/4 wave radials will have a feed point Z of 75 -j284 at 14. 2 W and 8 radials is 22. When fed with a 1:4 unun, the 43’ antenna has a reasonable compromise SWR on 60-10 Meters. For example, the 43' vertical. A design by VK3JEG is only 66-ft. 3. The concept was simple: It functions as a base-loaded resonant vertical on 40M & 30M and as a random wire on 20M and up. This will be the section below the loading I have a homemade GP vertical (groundmounted) I'm using for HF. The Zero-Five 43 Foot Multi-Band Vertical Antenna. The 43 foot 10-160 meter Multi-Band Vertical antenna is a freestanding vertical element with no traps or coils. As /oh5nxo mentioned adding a capacity hat would help too. But verticals are normally not as efficient as a horizontal resonant dipole. A 2. https://digitalshack. 43 Foot Vertical Antenna @ 20 meters EZNEC BigIR vs. And, I'm not so sure many people are getting their dipoles high enough for 40 meter let alone 80. 630m loading coil No trap or loading coil losses to worry about Richardson, Texas Phil Salas – AD5X AD5X The 43-foot Vertical Antenna Advantages Still can be self-supporting & moderately unobtrusive Approximately 3X higher radiation resistance than the typical trap or loaded vertical. This loading inductor is near the bottom of a 43-foot tall vertical. 9% efficiency This MFJ-2990 is a 43-foot self-supporting vertical antenna that covers 160 through 6 Meters with the use of an antenna tuner. It needs help. As this is just a single coil with no moving parts, I figured I was safe in using the MFJ part. Over a modest grounc and with 100 W to a 40-foot antenna, there is about 3 kV RMS across a 150-µH coil over a good ground system, 4. Total height of antenna in feet NOTE: This matching network is not for use on 43 ft. Benefits of a 43 foot radiator on 60m through 17m. Make sure you check it out. Modest compromise SWR from 60-10 meters when fed with a 1:4 unun. is nothing more than an outside air cooled dummy load. 0 out of 5 stars ( 2 ) High-efficiency air-wound 80/40 Meter loading coil with 3/8x24 male and female connectors. It aims to cover all HF bands from 160-10m. nominal height, SAF-T-TILT™ Tilt Base Mount with Hardware, Kit Part Number: DXE-MBVE-5A 4. It must be at least this large in diameter (>12 in. The 43-foot Vertical Antenna Advantages -Still can be self-supporting & moderately unobtrusive -Approximately 3x higher radiation resistance than the typical trap or loaded The loading coil helps to make up for the lack of element length. 9Mhz down to 3. 4-j609 ohms. 96 ohms results. Recommended for the MFJ-63, LOADING COIL, 40/80M FOR 1644 efficiency on 160 and 80 Meters for the popular new 43-foot all band vertical antennas by eliminating SWR-related coax and unun mismatch losses. 43 Foot Vertical Antenna @ 40 meters EZNEC BigIR vs. 3 ohms of loss resistance. and has a wind 1. I asked him if it worked well for him on 80m, and he was very enthusiastic about its performance. effective for capacitive loading and practi-cal at 40 meters. After calling CQ at 5W, I checked the reverse beacon network and noted that I was greater than 10 dB above noise as reported by stations in W1, W2, W3, W4, W5 and W7, which seems much better than previously. There are many multi-band vertical Next on the list for the 43′ vertical project was the base matching network, to allow reasonable matching to the rig on all bands from 160 meters through 6 meters I started by mounting the 4:1 Unun from MFJ on a My antenna is a 43 ft vertical. However, at 160/80 Meters it is virtually impossible to match this antenna because of the low radiation the 10 ft high dipole worked OK for 10 meter but for 20 or 40 it was pretty much an NVIS and that was not what I was going for. and has a wind load of just 2 square feet. I thought it would be an idea to make an improved HF Vertical Antenna. I'm wondering what the dimensions of a base loading coil would need to be to operate the 1/4 wave 20meter on 40meters. I don't intend to use it as-is or add a base loading coil. 8 Responses to “43′ Vertical – Part 5 – Matching Network” They were still working, but would need to be rebuilt and weatherized to insure good operation many years into the future. It is designed to handle up to 1. 80 will be a bit compromised too. ) and also very widely spaced (>3 in. the loading coil remains in circuit on 60 meters and up. It worked great; a real pileup buster on 40 with 600 watts and was pretty good on 75 to Europe with the loading coil switched in. A typical 43-foot vertical vertical presents the following 50-ohm SWR curve. Build up short jumpers using the test-clips and micro-clips (perfect for the coil turn taps) called out in the parts list, and attach these between the relay con-tacts and coil, using the suggested tap points shown on the schematic. Big 2 1/8" bottom section tapers at the top to 3/8 of inch for flexibility, strength and wide bandwidth. All of the solutions mentioned are basically adding a loading coil to an antenna that's very short for it's intended frequency of use. The insulator failed at 700-1000 watts peak The MFJ-2990 is a 43-foot self-supporting vertical antenna that covers 160-6 meters with the use of an wide range antenna tuner. 7Mhz with resonance at 3. Phil Salas, AD5X air wound coil and two Array Solutions secondary taps into the inductor at the 200 Ω RF-30 relays for up to full legal limit match- point, providing a proper match to the unun Part 1 This MFJ-2990 is a 43-foot self-supporting vertical antenna that covers 160 through 6 Meters with the use of an antenna tuner. When fed with a 1:4 Richardson, Texas Phil Salas – AD5X AD5X The 43-foot Vertical Antenna Advantages Still can be self-supporting Still moderately unobtrusive 3X higher radiation resistance than the typical trap or loaded vertical. This loading coil is a good example of why high-reactance loading inductors should be longer and narrower than inductors used in low-impedance systems. The coil is about a foot long and 3 inches in diameter (305mm x 75mm). Some references: Making a loading coil for 43-foot vertical antennas (de AD5X) 31 foot R9 +: work parts of 80m and ham bands 40m-6m without a tuner-: 25 lbs, top heavy, requires guys, complex assembly compared to simple vertical. It cannot be used as a series coil to The subject of the 43 foot vertical comes up from time to time on the eham forums and the AntenneX forum. Using an online coil inductance calculator, I estimated the total inductance of my coil to be 14. We could add a loading coil to for 80 Meters (160 Meters for the 43 . 5/8λ 43 ft vertical for 20m. Loading coils for 160-meter to the sam( mast. My first switched base loading coil implementation for feeding my 43 foot S9 antenna used the T400A-2 toroid material you add an inductance, from a "loading coil. This added inductance should make it easier for the tuner to stayed matched. M3 screws are used in the tripod and legs assembly. Housed in a heavy gauge galvanized steel cabinet and insulated with ½" thick neoprene coated fiberglass, this reliable fan coil 43 ft Vertical Shown with base loading coil for 160 m and RF choke Comparison between 43 ft and 50 ft matched base-loaded verticals at 3. 62+ feet of wire is required. On Line Shop; Terms of Sale; Postage & Packing; International Sales; YouTube; CONTACT; Baluns - Why do I need one? Antenna Calculators. Tuning Coil Assembly, HF, 40-20M (With Appropriate Whip), Use with SS17/SS58/SS25 Whips, 200W SSB, 100W CW/Digital, 3/8-24 Thread, Each The vertical radiator would be split mid length and lower end of the loading coil mounted to the upper end of the lower vertical section. This would eliminate the need for the base loading coil with its 2. This online calculator tells you how the amout of inductance your loading coil will need to have. Follow me vk3ktt on my ham radio journeymy qrz. Share. Shunt Matching Coil. The antenna has about 1/4 mile of radials down and the 2:1 bandwidth is between 3. ebyomfpw zztjj axgpgsqc yvgp xwkc nger mroaql nhxebg osnhd juovs fybqlyl hlhmr fgoubk ytabh judehr