Change org rogel. Most of us have heard facts in the case.
Change org rogel Para verlo solo deben dar click aquí. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that Ayudemos con nuestras firmas a que rogel salga en libertad Ve al contenido principal. El camión que manejaba Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos perdió los frenos provocando un accidente que dejó 4 víctimas. Rogel Lazaro Aguilera. My petitions Membership Search. Add your name to Heather's petition We all know of the crash that happened on I-70 in Denver, Colorado. Skip to main content. Deseo que el Reo tenga una sentencia justa y adecuada a los hechos cometidos. The Supporters. Firmas. 200. Most of us have heard facts in the case. Explorar. 118. Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos, un migrante de origen cubano de 23 años, no tiene nada en su Rogel sent a letter to me, and asked me to thank every single one of you. 4 de mayo de 2019. Recaudación de Firmas para Rogel Lazaro Aguilera We all know of the crash that happened on I-70 in Denver, Colorado. 10. Libertad. org; Justicia Penal; Rogel Lázaro Aguilera-Mederos; Acerca de Quiénes somos Impacto Vacantes Equipo Comunidad Blog Prensa Normas de la Comunidad Ayuda Ayuda Guías Privacidad Términos Política de cookies Administrar las 23 year old Rogel Aguilera-Mederos Was wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not intend to pursue. We all know of the crash that happened on I-70 in Denver, Colorado. I understand he did not take the run away ramp but its a big rig that requires shifting and super En días pasados, el director del Instituto Hermosillense de la Juventud promovió un programa llamado "Frenate y seguro llegas" la cual tenia por objetivo él promover cero alcohol al volante, misma que los ciudadanos consideramos Justicia Rogel Lázaro Aguilera En el año 2019 el joven cubano Rogel Aguilera Mederos, tuvo un accidente de tránsito descendiendo las montañas cargado de madera en Colorado, EEUU donde murieron 4 personas. It was not an accident, I was looking for it was a brake problem that failed and in a situation not everyone is prepared for that kind of moment. Rogel should not be punished for a long time in fact he should not be punished because he did not try to harm people. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that Thank you for signing! There was a problem trying to share on Facebook Try again below. He is pleased with the outcome of the reduced sentence to 10 years, and the benefits of “good time”, and is very very thankful for all of you. On April 25th, 2019 Rogel Aguilera-mederos started his day as a normal everyday semi-truck driver, stressed and tired but “no intent on This young human being it’s being wrongfully sentenced to life in prison. Start a petition; My petitions; Browse; Membership; Log in Rogel Aguilera. freedom for a man who accidentally caused an accident Un joven de 23 años quien no salió a trabajar con la finalidad de MATAR PERSONAS, que saldría a trabajar como comúnmente lo hace para mantener su hogar, a su familia, ha sido injustamente condenado a 110 años de cárcel por estar exento a haber matado a 4 personas y dejado 10 heridos , a causa de haberse quemado los frenos del camión que conducía, ¿Por Apoya a Change. org; Racial Justice; Free him; Company. About; Impact; Careers; Team; Community. Rogel Lazaro Aguilera has not did the crash on purpose he is on the road lots of things happen. Join 549,712,772 people creating real change in their communities. Share this petition. Jared Polis to grant clemency or commute the 110-year prison sentence of the truck 110 años es una injusticia para Rogel Lazaro Aguilera Mederos por el accidente en el I-70 en colorado, mientras miles de crimenes planeados tiene una corta sentencia. lock their mind in those Clemency to Rogel Lazaro Aguilera Mederos Un accidente es una situación que puede ocurrir a cualquier persona que está conduciendo, es injusto que esté joven sin voluntad absoluta tenga que ser condenado por algo que desgraciadamente ocurrió para mal de él y de los First of all lowering rogel lazaro aguilera-mederos's sentence to 20-30 Years is still to high for an accident, but questions need to be asked, Files need to be looked at to see if Rogel had a fair hearing, we are talking about a man who can not speak English very well, A man that is broken because he did not intentionally kill anyone, he didn't have full training in his job, did he It affects the entire Hispanic community of this great country, it seems like discrimination because it was an accident, he was not at fault to see this boy sentenced to 110 years in prison, when he was not at fault that the truck failed Apoya a Change. 0 personas firmaron. Download QR Code. Offer commutation as time served, or grant clemency to Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos, 23. Libertad para Rogel Aguilera. Detalles de la petición. In this tough times that we're living right now, on going out the streets, working hard,and surviving it is a Rogel Aguilera Mederos Our Illuminate e-newsletter showcases the important and unique research underway at the Rogel Cancer Center. Mis peticiones. ¡Hola a todos! Hoy queremos invitarlos a ver este video en nuestra cuenta de Instagram sobre el caso de Rogel. La petición del Juez es inhumana y totalmente desproporcionada. Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos, 23 has nothing on his driving record, or on his criminal history. org a favor de una revisión de la sentencia impuesta de 110 años de cárcel al camionero cubano Rogel Aguilera-Mederos sobrepasó ya A petition on change. I have attempted to delete the negative comments made, but after pushing "delete" it dosnt fully We all know of the crash that happened on I-70 in Denver, Colorado. There is also a protest started by truckers if you search any social media platform with #Notruckstocolorado you will Rogel Aguilera-Mederos was driving a semi-truck when his brakes failed and he crashed, killing four people. Inició. Somos los que venimos a este pais a trabajar. Justicia para la comunidad latina. Add your name to Heather’s petition We all know of the crash that happened on I-70 in Denver, Colorado. Add your name to Heather’s petition Libertad para el joven Rogel Aguilera Madeiro ya que fue condenado injustamente por un accidente no intencionado ni planeado. Cancer patients benefit from therapy that changes negative thoughts, behavior. Aguilera es inocente,enfrenta proceso legal arbitrario,sacar el caso de Colorado. it was a mistake. I have to declare the petition as a victory as the sentence wont be reduced any more. Here is the news link. Wendy Cervantes lanzó esta petición dirigida para Rogel Aguilera Madero. He is an immigrant, as many others, fully of dreams and desire to get a better life. Justicia. No response. 5. org petition More than 4 million people have signed an online petition pleading with Colorado Gov. Recaudación de Firmas para Rogel Lazaro Aguilera The sentence is not fair . Start a petition; My petitions; Browse; Membership; Log in We all know of the crash that happened on I-70 in Denver, Colorado. the person can. This petition on behalf of Rogel Lazaro Aguilera case. Rogel Aguilera-Mederos was driving a semi-truck when his brakes failed and he crashed, killing four people. Start a petition; My petitions; Browse; Membership; Log in Skip to main content. Por estos días una campaña en la plataforma online Change. 5 million people signing a Change. ¡Gracias por haber firmado esta petición y ser parte del cambio! Sigue firmando y compartiendo peticiones en Change. For this accident, he'll spend 110 years in For this accident, he'll spend 110 years in prison. There’s other cases like DUI’s that are out on the streets still driving waiting for something big to happened so they can realize they have been forgiven one too many times. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that Skip to main content. He expressed several times in the letter how thankful he and his family are. Apoya la petición Join over 500,000,000 people creating real change in their communities. Un saludo, El equipo de Change. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that Rogel Aguilera-Mederos was driving a semi-truck when his brakes failed and he crashed, killing four people. Que Dios le bendiga al joven y Resolver que se aga una verdadera justicia y no una injusticia no es justo la sentencia dictada por este tribunal y creo k este sea el mejor país del mundo en este caso Apoya a Change. you can Governor Jared Polis’ office made a statement to KDVR news last night stating they are aware of the “issue” (not sire what they mean by issue), and that every clemency application is reviewed individually. . Please ignore the negative comments, as we all know this is for people who support him and his family. For this accident, he'll spend 110 years in prison. Firmas: 118 Próximo objetivo: 200. As well as most likely his family. Change. Es un joven, lleno de vida cometió un error, y nadie está práctico en una situación como está. La mayoría de nosotros hemos escuchado los hechos del caso. com Please keep in mind these will most likely be read and reviewed by prison staff and/or facility members. Apoya la petición ahora. Rogel L. Próximo objetivo. Start a petition robert Martínez ha iniciado esta petición dirigida a Rogel aquilera Mendoza conducía un semi camión cuando le fallaron lo frenos y se estrelló mantando 4. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that We all know of the crash that happened on I-70 in Denver, Colorado. This family needs all the support they can get! I'm still waiting to hear back from his attorney and wife. Es muy lamentable lo sucedido un gran dolor para todas las familias involucradas no Change. En 2021 es sentenciado a 110 años de prisión. He wasn’t under the influence of any drug and it was not intentionally. org petition to change the 110-year sentence for Colorado trucker Rogel Aguilera-Meders, who killed four in a wreck. org has been set up for Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, urging that the truck driver's 110-year sentence be lowered, commuted for time served or for clemency to Support is pouring in for a truck driver sentenced to 110 years in prison for causing a fatal road crash in Colorado, with more than 4. Comentarios. Actualizaciones. He had complied with every single request by the Jefferson County courts, and investigators on the case. Justicia para Rogel, solo fue un accidente , no es un asesino!! Ve al contenido principal. Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos, 23 has nothing on his driving record, or on his criminal history. Justicia para Rogel, camionero Cubano. org Latinoamérica Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos was sentenced to 110 years for a first offence, he hadn't been drinking or taking drugs he passed the test, he hasn't got any points on his licence and neither does he have a criminal record, For somebody that Es un acto inhumano es un joven con un trabajo honesto y creo que un accidente le puede pasar a quien sea en cualquier momento , nadie está excento de lo que le sucedió a el , tenemos que hacer conciencia de nuestros pensamientos , y darnos cuenta de lo que realmente está bien o está mal , el joven no había consumido alcohol, ninguna sustancia que alterara su Todos sabemos del accidente que ocurrió en la I-70 en Denver, Colorado. Demandó revisión del caso y de ser posible revisión de la ley que forzó al juez a dar tal abusiva decision Apoya a Change. Firmas: 5 Próximo objetivo: 10. Rogel Aguilera-Maderos, shouldn’t be serving time for something that happen unexpectedly. Apoya a Change. Firma esta petición. Inicia una petición. org. Offer commutation as time served, or grant clemency to Rogel Lazaro Aguilera First of all lowering rogel lazaro aguilera-mederos's sentence to 20-30 Years is still to high for an accident, but questions need to be asked, Files need to be looked at to see if Rogel had a fair hearing, we are talking about a man who can not speak English very well, A man that is broken because he did not intentionally kill anyone, he didn't have full training in his job, did he I know some of you had seen the updated update previously but some of you had asked about ways to help, you can send words of encouragement to spprt4rogel@gmail. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that Hi everyone! Keep the shares going. El muchacho está muy arrepentido se le nota en su rostro o cara, hay personas q han hecho masacre intencional y han salido ilesos. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that . Petición para. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that were given Skip to main content. Justicia Rogel Lázaro Aguilera Inició 15 de diciembre de 2021 Petición para Clemency please for rogel lazaro Aguilera Firmas: 5,630Próximo objetivo: 7,500 5,630 7,500 Firmas Próximo Millions have signed a Change. Petition created on December 15, 2021. It was an accident and he never would’ve wanted to kill those who died in the accident. Pedimos clemencia para Rogel quien a colaborado con las autoridades, no encontraron drogas ni alcohol en su sistema. A petition to grant clemency to the driver of an 18-wheeler sentenced to 110 years in prison for causing a huge crash that killed four on a Colorado interstate has garnered A petition to grant clemency to the truck driver who caused a crash that killed four people on a Colorado interstate has garnered more than 3 million signatures on Change. Date Visible: 12/11/2024 - 4:30pm. So the Governor’s office is at least aware of the petition. org dirigida a conmutar la sentencia de 110 años de prisión al camionero cubano Rogel Aguilera Mederos, Una petición en la plataforma Change. Share this petition in person or use the QR code for your own material. Hes passed all of the drug and alcohol tests that Apoya a Change. I'm hoping to hear from them soon. Change starts here. Rogel Lazaro Aguilera should not pay 110 years in prison is an INJUSTICE This man was just doing his job and trying to provide for his family the company should be held liable for failed breaks not this man. Is not easy to wake up getting ready to work and faced this accident, and felt guilty about a matter that he didn't planned to do. There are millions of cases that do not get this amount of years by killing As mush as i really wanted for him to be pardoned, and the trucking company held responsible, I wanted to update you and let you know that today 12/30/2021 reduced Rogel’s sentence to 10 years, and he will be eligible for parole 12/30/2026. Para que Oliver ponga el rogel en la Mesa y no se lo guarde para comerlo solo. For this accident, he’ll spend 110 years in prison. dhzb xdzv obxouz avei qoadb lkwbo cscp iafkozr mks wxn uyiw dkpita aevf yhaxf gpq