Destiny 2 crucible broken anyone had this? Full stats and details for Crucible Carmine, a Shader in Destiny 2. I dont play destiny pvp often so maybe im just clueless, but Ive given it about a week or so now and I can safely say Crucible is one of the most inconsistent PVP experiences ive ever had online. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, has Bungo even acknowledged it? Last edited by Savathûn, the Bitch Queen; Dec 12, 2024 @ 3:11am < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments Discuss all things Destiny 2. I'm going to break each one down by subclass, exotic armor, weapon recommendations, and gameplay strategies Destiny 2 Crucible Tips and Tricks: Dominate Every Match in 2025; Destiny 2 Best Weapons for PvP: Mastering the Current Hunters are way too broken in crucible the amount of ability spam is ridiculous in comp-trials and overall crucible we titans and warlocks have to compete with all these spams. Discuss all things Destiny 2. Add more answer options. wtf bungie. So the game is grindy as hell, demands you cough up money for half the nightfall rotations, and its own grind is broken? The Best Destiny 2 Database with possible rolls, full stats, 3D previews, god rolls, leaderboards, reviews, are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the season the weapon was added. Still no crucible catalysts of any kind, even after winning as number one on Hunters always get the best stuff, and that remains true in season 17. Bungie. placed me in a match thats already done and it bugged out too. Destiny 2 has seen its fair share of ups and downs, but the recent scuttlebutt surrounding melee combat in the Crucible has sparked some serious player unrest. As mentioned previously, a new Vex-themed asymmetrical map is coming to Crucible in Season 22. Effectiveness = Kills / Usage. 10950 Days. Members Online. Related [Top 10] Destiny 2 Best Crucible Weapons (2021 Edition) 10. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews May just be bad RNG but with how broken everything else is, I'm sceptical. Fuck Crucible and fuck Bungie for forcing it on us to get the seasonal exotic catalysts. Melee is totally broken, I main a warlock dawnblade. Not much bungie can do Welcome, Guardians! Today, we're diving deep into the world of Destiny 2 to explore some top-tier Titan builds for PvP. See All. Wh Destiny 2 will be temporarily offline today for scheduled maintenance. The game is simply a broken mess right now. Just remember that PvP in Destiny is broken and in Competitive you should rely on pure luck EDIT: To clarify for "omggitgud" superheroes - really don't care about your e-sport level skills, also not going to list all the ♥♥♥♥ that is wrong with PvP again. Lunch break ruined : This Week 𝒾𝓃 Destiny Here's a look at what's happening this week in Destiny 2: This is the last week of Revenant Act 2, Act 3 begins next week. Comment Reply Start Topic. 3% of all the Kills in Crucible and break them down by archetypes. Solarius Nash. By the time I reached them the game was almost over, all I did was run and run, then participate in the final battle. Destiny 2. We'll cover everything from the best exotics to mods, abilities, and playstyles. Of course we knew that with Void and Solar 3. Small update: Got the Borealis sniper as a random drop a few days ago. We are not affiliated with Bungie in any way, and are a strictly fan-run community. This shift effectively leveled the playing field, Yup. Is Destiny 2's crucible pvp broken? The competitive playlist seems to have issues, and the meta of which guns are the best are already starting to emerge. All Discussions Shaxx's currently available set is 'Cinder Pinion'. #destiny2 #Destiny2Gameplay. 89 used. Ace of Spades Cade-6s' final gift to the guardian that is willing to take up the quest to find his legacy. This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, the only people that play crucible are try harder now but I have been having the actual worst time I've ever had in the crucible. It's Uhh, is Crucible matchmaking broken? I don't mean by how they wanna punish you by giving you losing streaks or anything like that, I meant like it's not loading how many Yes it was very annoying. ADMIN MOD Is crucible matchmaking broken? Question I've done 9 matches of pvp tonight and most of them were so lopsided that Shaxx forcibly ended them early. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold. All Destiny 2 Season 22 Crucible Changes. 0, things would end up a little crazy with abilities. It's so full of bullshit weapons that every shitter has to use to be good, the constant super spam, the broken lag where people kill you before they come around corners, spawning surrounded by enemies, enemies spawning right next to you. Since rants on steam is the only thing that is "fixed" by bunbgie. $169. Visualization of what Trait Combos (Perks 3+4) are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the season the weapon was added. Queued for Control match in crucible then it placed me in one that was a complete wash and it ended within a minute of when i joined. Today I got the catalyst drop during the Escalation Protocol. In this video I break down a crucible build using Solar 3. you were just a decent player that took a 1-2 year long break so you're rusty. Contrary This is broken AF, Destiny 2 Prometheus Lens in Crucible, 1-2 second kills EZ Crucible is completely broken, Witherhoard, Rose, Stasis. It's disabled in regular PVP. Posting in language: Crucible Rankup Broken So after resetting valor 4 times you can't do it anymore because there's hidden rewards you can't claim. #5. None of the tiers are actually affecting any damage you take. Team tactics, map knowledge, class builds, loadouts, game It's the most broken gun Destiny has ever seen tbh. Be sure to read the sidebar rules and check our FAQ for your question before posting. its clear bungie are good at making absolutely broken yet fun things. you need to up your jump off a cliff you Total Destiny 2 Emblems Tracked: 915. Destiny 2's Crucible is a PvP mode that allows players to face off against each other, with a new focus this season on competitive play. You could go into crucible with white armor and it wouldn't really matter much. @Destiny2Team there are 100 more absolute broken builds and the complexity of buildcrafting is ruining the crucible since you started focusing on it. A Broken Throne. Wh In Quickplay, what are the bloody chances 6 people who can seemingly pull 3. Legendary - Competitive. More Topics from this Board. Try doing a full shutdown and startup of your pc, that seemed to fix the issue for me. I've tested this to ensure. These three core game modes—Vanguard Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit—are not just weekly checkboxes but fundamental pillars that drive player progression. Something is definitely off with the Exotic Catalyst drop rates in Destiny 2 for Season of Opulence. Legendary - General. Destiny 2 season 18 has brought us Arc 3. PvP is always broken because they refuse to balance titans and warlocks to hunter level. Players start out with ammo for their Primary weapon, and a small amount for their Special weapon, though Learn all possible Forerunner rolls, view popular perks on Forerunner among the global Destiny 2 community, read are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by in activities where power matters, such as raids, Nightfalls, Trials, etc. 0kd get put on the same team? Everything is broken in crucible. If you've felt like you've either been playing really badly recently or the game just got way harder, it's not anything you've done. Some weapons just blatantly out damage others and you're screwed no matter what. completely disable this wall hack crap or fix this immediately radar is constantly showing there is an enemy in front of me but there isn't. Just a matter of who has the more broken exotic. xe is located in [SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Destiny 2\battleye] in case this is the possible issue, I have been able to play without issues all week and today I just got 2 crashes in less than 20 mins. Rose is a hand cannon that players might remember from the lore, but getting it might prove trickier than it should be. I've been on both sides of this, losing 150 to 30 and winning around the opposite. TheMadTemplar. Armor piece: pre-nerf One Eyed Mask. This Destiny 2 Weekly Reset guide covers the most important activities, rewards, and loot this week (we cover the next week in Destiny 2 here). After slogging through 150 matches this weekend on a Ferocity card, I eventually gave up trusting the solo/duo queue to get a solid four win streak as I suffered from one of the following on every sixth or seven game: Teammates DCing Full stats and details for Broken Bird, to Be Healed, a Weapon Ornament in Destiny 2. Did that a lot of times. gg Destiny 2 Database, God Rolls, Loadouts, Collection Manager, and Collection Leaderboard in activities where power matters, such as raids, Nightfalls, Trials, etc. Crushed . so the team lost, went into results screen and back into orbit and the game said i quit before the match ended. Rampage x1, swash x1, charged with light x1, rift, sunwarrior, disruption break, inertia override, frontal assault, kill clip, multi kill clip, freezingEndless chain of 2 taps. Matchmaking is broken in quickplay and, to make it w Crucible feels stale in Destiny 2, with players longing for better gunplay and balanced gameplay while avoiding meta weapons. Explore the best and most powerful Prismatic Warlock builds made by top-tier Destiny 2 players featuring synergistic armor, weapons, and abilities. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. Here are the Warlock builds that I've found to be the most effective in the current Crucible meta. These are all the challenges and loot on rotation this Bungie's State of the Game blog post comes just days before the highly anticipated Destiny 2 annual showcase, where the studio plans to show off its upcoming expansion, The Final Shape, and Season 22. Whether you are focused on PvE content, or on dominating in PvP matches, plan to summon an army of Bleak Watchers and Threadlings or to have high uptime on Transcendence, our guides offer diverse Prismatic Warlock loadouts to Visualization of what Trait Combos (Perks 3+4) are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the season the weapon was added. I’ve been playing for a while now and I’ve noticed so much bullshit. Usually it’s not impossible to get Destiny 2; radar is broken in crucible; anony778 7 years ago #1. net is the Internet home for Bungie, the developer of Destiny, Halo, Myth, Oni, and Marathon, and the only place with official Bungie info straight from the developers. This is all quite pointless. Use the meta weapons and try to stop focusing so much on killing and start focusing on not dying. In most open world activities and standard Crucible playlists, you will still be able to use whatever Welcome to Crucible Report! We wanted to give you a useful and pretty way to look up your achievements in Destiny 2's Crucible. A Classy Order. For Destiny 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Crucible matchmaking is broken" - Page 3. gg Destiny 2 Database, God Rolls, Loadouts, Collection Manager, and Collection Leaderboard light. I know this post get made I’d say about 50 times a week but they really need to tweak crucible in TWQ ( The Witch Queen). gg Destiny 2 Database, God Rolls, Loadouts, Collection Manager, and Collection in activities where power matters, such as raids, Nightfalls, Trials, etc. In most open world activities and standard Crucible playlists, you will still be able to use whatever armor Crucible Commendations are items added to Destiny in The Dark Below that are awarded with Crucible rank-up packages beginning at rank 3. Weapon and armor builds for the game Destiny 2 from In alot of the videos I see refering to broken builds it acts partially as a warning that there probably is going to Crucible Guidebook is a subreddit for the continued discussion focusing on strategies and techniques for Destiny's Crucible. What Are Ritual Activities in Destiny 2 – 2025 Guide. Include Classified. All Discussions of Rubicon. Please try it out and send us any feedback/thoughts/ ideas/bugs through Discord. Looking for an Active Clan. Base 120 is borderline broken, but then Any 120 hand cannon TTK with one stack of LITERALLY ANY damage buff in the game whatsoever = 0. Legendary - Raids. Please stay tuned to @BungieHelp for updates. I want to know why crucible seems broken to me and nobody else seems to be batting an eye at it. The first two I was dumped at the beginning when the other 2 players were almost done. How is Sweet Business not broken in Crucible? With the freaking Catalyst, that BS lasts for days and won't flinch. I feel like Bungie are purposefully trolling at this point. Bungie? Did you mean buggie haha Full stats and details for A Broken Throne, a Emblem in Destiny 2. This has made the perk fairly situational, but the weapon itself Well they must of went back to sbmm like others had said. Anyone else? This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. And that makes this a great time to look at all the best Crucible builds for each Class. Heroic (Perks 3+4) are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the season the weapon was added. < > Showing 1-15 of 24 comments . Include Sunset. However, this was nerfed in Update 8. Discussion The latency and lag in crucible right now makes it actually unplayable, its teleport city in there. If you complete 8 of his bounties in one week, you will earn a 'Crucible Prime Engram' from him, containing one piece of this set. In most open world activities and standard Crucible playlists, you will I'm crashing out from gambit and crucible and strikes and while changing my gears. A Bit of Coin. So it's debunked that I have to finish the last 2 catalysts I haven't done yet. 0, the final rework to the game's core subclasses. 5 seconds. The curated roll is great, but once more people get their hands on this roll it is over -----Follow me on Twitch: http Crucible Destiny 2 Strike And Crucible Exotic Drop Rates Seem Broken This Season. This s*** happens too many times just disable it. So fun. This video highlights just how badly the 6v6 PvP experience can go in Destiny 2 right now (August 2018). All Discussions Destiny 2 pvp completely broken and unbalanced and iron banner, but that's it. The current concerns revolve around players feeling that their melee attacks are mysteriously missing or failing to register properly, leading to an outcry about whether melee abilities have indeed Crucible Guidebook is a subreddit for the continued discussion focusing on strategies and techniques for Destiny's Crucible. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews hard to blame the crucible when the entire game doesn't know what it wants to Destiny 2; So is Crucible Matchmaking broken or is no one playing it yet? Topic Archived; Page 1 of 2; Last ; Product Deals. Best advice I can give. Played a match, won, didn't get valor,bounty progress, loot , crucible tokens, not even a match played for my weekly goal. Crucible Guidebook is a subreddit for the continued discussion focusing on strategies and techniques for Destiny's Crucible. gg. Full stats and details for Broken Memorial, a in Destiny 2. Destiny 2 Has Lost The Trust Of This week I did 3 Vanguard strikes. They are required to purchase Legendary weapons, helmets, and chest pieces from Arcite 99-40, Lord Shaxx, Executor Hideo, Lakshmi-2, and Arach Jalaal, in addition to a sum of Crucible Marks. where players were stripped of capacity to unleash “broken” powers. So Destiny 2 Crucible PVP is utterly broken and unplayable because of PC players who are running riot using a weapon shaping glitch that enables auto rifles Discuss all things Destiny 2. Also, being a So Destiny 2 Crucible PVP is utterly broken and unplayable because of PC players who are running riot using a weapon shaping glitch that enables auto rifles to behave like shotguns. Team tactics, map knowledge Anyone else having terrible sound glitch sounds in crucible after the update? This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Is Destiny 2 Broken? It seems like the recent updates or server issues have triggered this strange phenomenon in Destiny 2. Rjheey Jun 18, 2020 are you actually retarded hunters are dumb in crucible. All posts and discussion should in someway relate to the game. Constantly dying about a second after passing the wall like bullets curve, I even experience it against AI enemies in PVE. Destiny 2 Weekly Reset: March 18. To break that one down further, if you were a solo and went up against a full stack fireteam: 60% of the time you were paired with a 5-person fireteam (or filled in when someone from a full fireteam disconnected). This should have been a heavy weapon! I understand that everyone can get it but only if your "lucky" enough for it to drop. Welcome to DestinyLore! This sub is for discussing the lore of Bungie's game Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Roll Appraiser Assess your entire arsenal with all perks in one place. You’re absolutely right, it’s just frustrating over and over. Roll Appraiser The Crucible; Gambit; Iron Banner; Emblems; Checklists; Collection Leaderboards Now that we're about two seasons into Witch Queen, I think it's safe to say that it's been a bit of a disaster on the PVP side of things despite it otherwise being a pretty great addition. This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. 2% of the time (that’s 1 out of every 500 matches). 162116:RUF. They seek a refreshing blend of balanced gameplay and diverse Players, especially those taking on the Crucible, have been leveling up their grievances with claims of “ghost melees” and missed punches that seemed perfectly aligned. Fresh Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Loadouts from high-skill players, (Perks 3+4) are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the season the weapon was added. It is very rare for me to But Destiny 2 Without fail there's always OP weapons and hit detection is wildly inconsistent. No matter how many new expansions or seasonal events arrive, one thing remains constant in Destiny 2 ritual activities. hunters super would need to be balanced, this that and another thing. Why Go AFK in Destiny 2 Crucible? There are several reasons why players might want to go AFK in the Destiny 2 Crucible: To take a break: Sometimes, players need a break from the intense action and high-stakes gameplay of the Crucible. gg Destiny 2 are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the in activities where power matters, such as Crucible is horribly broken . Roll Appraiser Destiny 2: Heresy Crucible Gear & Items Item Name / Description. All the exotics and abilities really just make PVP the Is Destiny 2's crucible pvp broken? The competitive playlist seems to have issues, and the meta of which guns are the best are already starting to emerge. 1. Team tactics, map knowledge, class builds, loadouts, game modes, Trials matchmaking was broken for about an Hit detection is broken in crucible Certain Fusion Rifles, namely Rapid Fire frames, and 390 Pulse Rifles sometimes do 0 damage. 24 FPS. The last one I was dumped at the final battle with about 10 seconds to go. Reason being because I am FORCED to play crucible for weekly's, clan bounties, and powerful gear. 99 new $195. Amazon. For a bit before the update lag was not to bad then after the update it started to be a lag fest. but Destiny2 sounds muffled and even broken up like a bad analog connection sometimes. If you want destiny crucible to succeed again you need to make it simpler and by simpler I dont talk about tightening the skill gap even more. Activity Bonus: Double Vanguard rank & Nightfall rewards Nightfall: Birthplace of the Vile Rake Angle (glaive) Crucible Rotators: Labs: Doubles Clash 3v3: Survival, Survival 6v6: Relic, Crucible Guidebook is a subreddit for the continued discussion focusing on strategies and techniques for Destiny's Crucible. The mods are also not working right now. Allowed titans to get wallhacks simply for being shot at, as D1 Thorn was as broken as it could get, 2 taps from across the map, poison ticks of 7 if I recall correctly, even if you died mid engagement your opponent would most likely die while you were respawning. For 390's it's often the second bullet in a burst that doesn't even register. Especially with the current season and the return of old beloved weapons from past seasons. BEService_x64. The best Destiny 2 PvP weapons are constantly changing, with new guns being added all the time, and Episode Heresy is no exception, giving Guardians plenty of fresh options to consider. Melees are broken asf like I punch first and die 99 percent Something must be broken or the drop rate far too low. Team tactics, map knowledge, class builds, loadouts, game modes, accounting for 79. Are you seeing any lobbies where one team can barely land shots and when Players’ frustrations regarding Destiny 2’s Crucible mode paint a vivid picture of a community at a crossroads. Jotunn has broken crucible more than telesto It's clear when playing competitive that a team with Jotunn's clearly win. th Visualization of what Trait Combos (Perks 3+4) are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the season the weapon was added. 5. Upon the release of House of Visualization of what Trait Combos (Perks 3+4) are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community, broken down by the season the weapon was added. If you're looking to dominate the Crucible, you're in the right place. 0, the new Trials sidearm "F Overview [] Destiny []. Each map will feature nearly all game modes on them with exceptions made to much larger maps made to be used in the mode Combined Arms. A Cold Wind Blowin' Legendary Crucible Ascendant Division. Destiny 2 has so much to do it’s sometimes hard to decide what to chase and prioritize next. The community wants a fix to restore the immersive, competitive experience Destiny 2 is known for. Matt Wagster (@mattwagster) reported 17 minutes ago r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2. I can't tell you how many times I melted one person with a gun, then on another person I barely dent shields. Enemies that The latest patch for Destiny 2 added the 6v6 quickplay playlist to the game’s Crucible PvP mode, and it came with an inadvertent bug: skill-based matchmaking, which groups players based on their Broken Destiny 2 Weapon Prometheus Lens Is Wreaking Havoc In Crucible PvP The Prometheus Lens trace rifle is making PvP a nightmare. Tired of getting mauled by the same super 3 times in a row because bonghole spawns you in front of it repeatedly. Find more discussions and potential solutions on the Bungie forums. All Destiny 2 Emblems. Team tactics, map knowledge, class builds, loadouts, game modes, This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, The Unbreakable titan aspect is literally Broken in PVP In the Destiny 2 Crucible, AFK players can cause frustration and disrupt the gameplay experience for others. Legendary - Seasonal. By Chris Pereira on December 7, 2017 at 1:32PM PST Bungie. English. balancing everything for crucible is nigh impossible anyway. Crucible Gear If you ran solo, you went up against a full fireteam 0. All Crucible maps are completely separate and unique from explorable locations in the game. Crucible is so incredibly unbalanced and unfun. No sense among these people for real. The Destiny 2 Rose legendary hand cannon is a reward for participating in the new competitive mode in the Crucible. 4 posts, 1/1 2:10AM. 2, with High Ground now needing you to stand way above another player for it to activate. 😂 Thorn was single handedly responsible for the most bucketfuls of salty tears that crucible has ever know. . EncryptedJyNX 7 years ago #2. just continue with that, and heck with crucible. light. But we are here to help.
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