Fresno county sandbags. & R St (by the 7-11 store) Parsons Ave.
Fresno county sandbags Some are open 24 hours, 7 days a week and only allow you to take 10 bags. Designed to meet State general plan requirements, it outlines policies, standards, and programs and sets out plan proposals to guide day-to-day Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. gov. Calaveras County. Mailing Address: County of Fresno Resources Division 2220 Tulare Street, 6th Floor, Fresno, CA 93721 Tel: (559) 600-3004 FAX: (559) 600-4552 parks@fresnocountyca. ) Biola area, Area 4 Road Yard — 12855 West “G” Street (24 hours) Fresno/Clovis area, Area 7 Road Yard — 9400 N Matus Ave (24 In the case of a serious or life-threatening situation, call 911. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is regarded as the foundation of environmental law and policy in California. G St. Welcome to Fresno County Parks Fresno Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Over 20+ Colleges & Careers are invited, for a College & Career fair. Through Ordinance No. Central Valley Project releases 2025 initial water allocation. 9525 E Sandbag locations are available at the following locations. They say the San Joaquin river could rise, causing flooding across the city. 24/7 Live Fresno County North Valley South Valley Foothills/Sierra Welcome, Mickey KINGS COUNTY, Calif. Batteries* Batteries are considered hazardous waste. Announcements; County of Fresno. Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Road Closures (due to scheduled maintenance) - Interactive Map; 24/7 Live Fresno County North Valley South Valley Foothills/Sierra. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Our offices are located in Annex "A" and "B" of the Fresno County Plaza on the southwest corner of Tulare and "M" Streets. County of Fresno. In case of an emergency, call 911 . Fresno County Code Enforcement is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the people who live and work within the unincorporated area of the County. Double check what materials they may or may not provide. The Department of Public Works and TULARE COUNTY, Calif. Share & Connect. This system only shows information that can be viewed by the public. Welcome None at this time. Merced County Public Works- Road Division Yard, 2165 W. Like us on Facebook Instagram Linkedin NextDoor Follow us on X MERCED, Calif. The county sandbag location in Sanger was busy with people. Fresno FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. Red Cross Disaster Relief Donations; Returning Home After a Fire; Fresno County Jobs; Fresno County Office Holiday Closures; Fresno County Resource List; HOMELESS RESPONSE; Juror Information; Press Releases Sub-menu The Valley's rainy season is nearly over, and the city of Visalia is asking residents to return borrowed sandbags. Auberry: Area 11 — 33148 Auberry Road (Only 7 a. A prime attraction is the Kearney Mansion built in 1900. O. You can reach them at Sand & Sandbag Locations Loughbrough Dr. 5 inches. Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu FIREBAUGH, Calif. Locations have expanded in areas of Lemoore and Stratfo Most survey information can be researched online on the Fresno County Surveyor's GIS or on the Surveyor's Map Search. PWP25-001 Bald Mill Creek Bridge Replacement Project; RFQ 2024 On-Call Architectural and Engineering Consultants PWP24-036 Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Bring your own shovel. , existing community plans, specific plans, special studies, environmental documents) and contacting appropriate agencies and organizations. Residents are allowed to bring up to 9 tires. The division's mission is to provide safe and efficient transportation for the public and to enhance the quality of life in Fresno County. 9400 N. Covering North Valley, South Valley, Sierra and the greater Fresno area. Listed below are the sand bag pickup locations: (Westside of Fresno County) Area 2- Fresno/Tranquility: FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. (KFSN) -- With the season's first significant rain, preparations are well underway across Central California on Wednesday. If residents have more than 10 tires, they can contact Fresno County Department of Environmental Health at (559) 600-3357 or click here. gov One Stop Traffic Control Site ListingsCounty of Fresno Traffic ControlCity of Clovis Traffic ControlCity of Fresno Traffic ControlRoad Closure for Highspeed RailCalTrans Traffic Control Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. 28. For Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. This change reflects adjustments in processing costs and The Employment Services division of Human Resources is available to answer any questions about employment with the County of Fresno. If you have an non life threatening emergency, please call the Fresno County Sheriff's Department at (559) 488-3111. 29 Apr 2025 Mental Health First Aid. entrance) Ballico Fire Station, 11284 FRESNO, Calif. Centrally located, the County swaths an east to west crossway Sandbags are now stacked high to keep it from flooding again. S. - 12:30 In Woodlake on Thursday, some homeowners used sandbags to help prevent flood damage. The County of Fresno is working with the U. Shovels are not provided. Like us on Facebook Instagram Linkedin NextDoor Follow us on X The Department of Public Works and Planning administers 129 County special districts through its Special District Administration section within its Resources Division. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Fresno County Management Areas A/B; Thank you for taking the opportunity to learn about the Fresno Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Auberry: Area 11 — 33148 Auberry Road (Only 7:00 am Sand Bags are not provided by the City of Fresno. Tire Amnesty: Fresno County offers to unincorporated County residents the opportunity to dispose of used passenger tires at Tire Amnesty Drives that occur throughout the year. Please contact the Fresno County Fresno County Public Works Yard Sandbag Types: There are different types of materials that can be used as sandbags. These 129 districts serve in excess of 30,000 residents throughout the unincorporated area of Fresno County Tire Programs. Two are located on the western side of the county, and two on the eastern side. Closed RFPs. Fresno County. (KFSN) -- In west Goshen, the roadway was flooded on Avenue 308 and Road 52 on Tuesday morning. 24/7 Live Fresno County North Valley South Valley Foothills/Sierra. For more information, please County of Fresno During the rain/flood season, the following road yards will remain open 24 hours a day. Welcome to the Fresno County Management Area A and Management Area B, located within the Delta-Mendota Subbasin, Groundwater Sustainability Agency website. 2025-02-07 Glassy-winged Sharpshooter SolarAPP+ Permits. Bring your own shovel! For more information, you may call at (559)299-3818. Butte County. ADA Information. For incorporated cities in Fresno County, please visit our Other Weblinks page. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; County of Fresno David Randall Senior Planner: Countywide: Amend Zoning Ordinance: Under Review: TT 6489 IS 8626: 10-8-24: Nathan Roberts Alyce Alvarez Planner: 7760 E Tulare Ave. Officials say there FRESNO COUNTY SANDBAG LOCATIONS The 225 acre park, located on Kearney Boulevard, is seven miles west of Fresno and draws the greatest number of visitors among the parks in the regional park system. The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) provides a framework for the sustainable management of Below is a list of where Central Valley residents can get sandbags to protect their homes from flooding before the incoming storm hits. It is a web-based platform that automates solar permitting for local governments and eliminates the need for a plan review check by permitting staff. (KSEE/KGPE) – Sandbags remain available to Kings County residents concerned about flooding in parts of the county. Red Cross Disaster Relief Donations; Returning Home After a Fire; Fresno County Jobs; Fresno County Office Holiday Closures; Fresno County Resource List; HOMELESS RESPONSE; Juror Information; Press Releases Sub-menu. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Fresno County Management Areas A/B; 19-S-04 Fresno County Sheriff Area 2 Substation; Recently Completed Projects. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Per Fresno County Grading Ordinance 15. Office hours (available by phone): Monday - Thursday 8:00 a. Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Parsons Ave. 24 (PDF, 195KB) Non-Exclusive Waste Haulers Agreement (NEWHA) Program. 12855 W. Merced County is offering sand and sandbags at several In Fresno County, residents can get sand and sandbags, at four locations. FRESNO COUNTY. 93721. 020. - 12:30 Sandbags available in Clovis as storm hits Central CA. Find great deals and sell your items for free. Empty bags are provided free of charge to County residents. Notice of Preparation (PDF, 4MB); State Clearinghouse Transmittal (PDF, 4MB); Project Description (PDF, 21MB); Draft EIR Notice of Availability (PDF, 301KB) ; Notice of Completion (PDF, 235KB); Draft EIR Community Development office is located on the 8th Floor of the Fresno County Plaza 2220 Tulare Street (South/West corner of Tulare and "M" streets) in Fresno, CA Office hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm) Fresno County Public Works Yard Sandbag Types: There are different types of materials that can be used as sandbags. For general questions, please contact Fresno County's Community Development Division at (559) 600-4292 or ComDev@fresnocountyca. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Fresno County Management Areas A/B; County of Fresno Resources Division 2220 Tulare Street, 6th Floor, Fresno, CA 93721 Tel: (559) 600-3004 FAX: (559) 600-4552 GENERAL PLAN REVIEW & ZONING ORDINANCE UPDATEThe Department of Public Works and Planning is currently in the process of reviewing and revising the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance for Fresno County. 24/7 Live Fresno County North Valley South Bid Express. Compiling this information will involve reviewing existing studies and documents (e. fresnocountyemergency. For information not hosted on the GIS, County benchmark information, or additional information and details for a localized area, contact Kevin Nehring, PLS at KNehring @ fresnocountyca. For sandbags, please bring your own shovel. m Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Fill out the Notify Me of Consulting Opportunities Form to receive an email when there is a new consulting opportunity with the Public Works and Planning Department. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory to make applying for roof-mounted solar systems easier and faster through SolarAPP+. T-099-385, the updated Zoning Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from its February 20, 2024 passage. Sandbags line the area behind the Riverfront Inn and they are protecting the Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. A list of upcoming meetings for the Fresno County Planning Commission. - 5:00 p. This webpage is designated to providing the most up-to-date information on Final 2025-2026 Annual Water ReportFinal 2024-2025 Annual Water ReportFresno County Water Conservation Ordinance (Effective October 30, 2014)State of California Emergency Water RegulationWater Saving TipsFree viewers are required for some of the attached documents. g. Call the business office of your local fire station, police department, or sheriff's station for information on how to handle these materials. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Our office is located on the 6th Floor of the Fresno County Plaza South/West corner of Tulare and "M" Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Sandbags can reduce the risk of damage to property. To report a problem with the condition of a road, bridge, traffic sign, or pavement marking:By PhoneMonday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm(559) 600-4240After Office Hours or on Holidays or Weekends(559) 600-3111 Madera County Road 28 Complex – Dirt Lot Between Animal Control Shelter and Madera County Jail 14225 Road 28, Madera, CA 93638 (SAND/BAGS) Madera County Fire Station #3 – 25950 Avenue 18 1/2 General Information. Explore Fresno County's GIS data and interactive maps with this ArcGIS web application. The National Weather Service says Mariposa Cemex Rockfield Expansion Project Information. (KFSN) -- A bomb cyclone is swirling over the Pacific Northwest and steering an atmospheric river event toward Central California. Please call the Resources Division at (559) 600-4259 if you have any questions or need information about the topics listed above. Like us on Facebook Instagram Linkedin NextDoor Follow us on X Below are links to the County's adopted 2000 General Plan Policy Document, and a mark-up draft (Comparative Draft Policy Document 2000 - 2021) illustrating proposed text changes as part of the General Plan Review. have undertaken County Ordinance Code; Fentanyl Danger in Fresno County; Flood Protection; Fresno County Emergency Sub-menu. OBJECTIVE. Many wanted to avoid taking any chances after the Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. The bag material can be a polypropylene, poltyethylene or a polyamide fabric. Fresno/Clovis. Burlap and plastic are the most common and, if left unused, can be stored for a long time. Code Enforcement responds and investigates complaints regarding the Fresno County Zoning Ordinance and the Ordinance MERCED COUNTY, Calif. • Keep sandbags, plywood, plastic sheeting, lumber, and Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Street Maintenance: (559) 621-1492; One Call Center: (559) 621-CITY (2489) City of Clovis Residents must bring their own shovel and fill and load bags into their vehicle. See current sandbag locations below and proper use instructions: Alpine County. See current sandbag locations below and proper use instructions: FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. Sandbags are often provided by local government. & R St (by the 7-11 store) Parsons Ave. Man killed in single-car crash in Fresno County, CHP says. For a list of sandbag locations per county check below Sandbags can reduce the risk of damage to property. & Brookdale Dr. Note: This service is FREE to submit proposals or statements of qualification for Fresno County projects (the County has paid a fee to Bid Express for this service, so no fees should be charged to Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Sandbag Locations . (KFSN) -- Cal Fire used 50,000 sandbags to build barriers at trouble spots along the river. (KSEE/KGPE) – Kings County has warned residents about the possible impact incoming wet weather could have. 20-05-C Laton Pedestrian and Drainage Improvements; Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. This ordinance requires any individual or entity who is in the business of hauling solid waste in containers of 10 cubic yards or greater to execute a NEWHA agreement and be Design office is located on the 7th floor of the Fresno County Plaza 2220 Tulare Street (South/West Corner of "M" and Tulare Streets) in Fresno, CA. Approved by the Board of Supervisors, on May 2, 2017, to provide New and used Sandbags for sale in Fresno County, California on Facebook Marketplace. (KFSN) -- Fresno County residents were taking the warning from officials seriously Wednesday. Our consulting opportunities are listed on the Bid Express website. "We learned a lot from the flooding we had in 2023 and 2017 and even before that. 3%. The Fresno County General Plan is a comprehensive, long-term framework for the protection of the county's agricultural, natural, and cultural resources and for development in the county. County officials are also providing sandbags at the following locations: Fresno County sandbag locations. So I think all the towns in Merced County are as Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Empty bags are provided free of charge to County residents, homes located in unincorporated areas. H, an engineered grading plan is required when For information on the Fresno County Cemetery contact the Fresno County Coroner's Bureau at (559) 600-3400 or visit Fresno County Library for a burial list. Office hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm KINGS COUNTY, Calif. Thousands of sandbags stretch along the San Joaquin River -- a big wall to protect the small city of Firebaugh from flooding. For more information, please call the County of Fresno, Public Works & Planning You Are Here : Home / Resources / Fresno County Emergency / Sandbag Locations In This Section American Rescue Plan; Americans With Disabilities Act; Announcements; Board of Sandbags are being given out to residents in several counties across the Valley ahead of the storm. Due DatesRequests for 1221 Fulton Street, Fifth Floor P. Zoning Ordinance Zoning Ordinance of the County of Fresno - Land Use and Planning **Note: On February 20, 2024 the Board of Supervisors approved the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Update. Matus Ave. Like us on Facebook Instagram Linkedin NextDoor Follow us on X Choinumni Park was purchased by Fresno County in 1971 with acquisition and development funds from the 1964 State Park Bond Act and Federal Land and Water Conservation Act. You can also email staff at recycling@fresnocountyca. FRESNO, CA – As Hurricane Hilary hits landfall and the residual storm makes its way to the Central Valley, Fresno County may experience rainfall of up to . Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Fresno County Management Areas A/B; 19-S-04 Fresno County Sheriff Area 2 Substation ; Questions; For questions, email us at DesignServices@fresnocountyca. 559-600-5956 | 800-742-1011 Department Contact Info. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Fresno County is unique among California counties in the range of natural resources (forests, riverways, and wildlife habitats) that encompass its vast terrain. Amador County. gov Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. & Oregon Dr. Contact Us. Fill bag ½ to ¾ full. It is free of charge. Designed to meet State general plan requirements, it outlines policies, standards, and programs and sets out plan proposals to guide day-to-day decisions Where can I dispose of Tires? Any county resident is welcome to dispose of their used tires at the American Avenue Disposal Site. m. Officials with the City of Fresno say sandbags will be available at 1730 South Maple Avenue 24 hours a day as well as 9400 North Matus Avenue 24 hours. But they're worried the next round of rain could be even worse. FRESNO, Calif. (KGPE/KSEE) – In the North Valley, the Madera County Sheriff’s Office has issued an evacuation warning for a neighborhood north of Coarsegold. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Fresno County Fire Protection and Planning Department . 09 Apr 2025 College & Career Fair. The Department is offering County pre-approved plans for ADUs at no cost to homeowners interested in constructing a second unit on their property. (Thornton Rd. 6th Floor Fresno, CA 93721. Contact your city, county, fire department or public works agency to find out where you can get sandbags in your area. Fresno County North Valley South Valley Foothills/Sierra. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; please contact the entity listed above. You may retrieve sandbags at 9400 N. The main objectives of CEQA are to disclose to decision makers and the public, prior to decision making, any significant environmental effects of proposed projects and to require public agencies to avoid or reduce significant adverse Community Development office is located on the 8th Floor of the Fresno County Plaza 2220 Tulare Street (South/West corner of Tulare and "M" streets) in Fresno, CA Office hours 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (closed 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm) The County of Fresno (County) Department of Public Works and Planning (Department) is requesting Proposals from firms interested in preparing new and updated Public Improvement Standard Plans and Specifications (Improvement Standards). Fresno County began the large sandbagging operation this week in hopes Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. Cal Fire Fresno Below is a list of locations where sandbags can be found: [RELATED] Fresno County prepares for huge storm and flooding this weekend. Neighbors say water like this The Fresno County General Plan is a comprehensive, long-term framework for the protection of the county’s agricultural, natural, and cultural resources and for development in the county. LocationDirectionsThe Fresno County Cemetery is located on Hughes Avenue between Belmont and Nielsen Avenues. Sandbags are often provided by some local governments. On January 9, 2018, the Fresno County Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance Code Chapter 8. ” Sandbag Locations — Clovis residents, Clovis Corporation Yard, 155 N. 559-600-5956 | 800-742-1011 Department Mail to: Fresno County Public Works and Planning, Water Natural Resources Division, 2220 Tulare Street, 6 th Floor, Fresno CA. Sandbags will be made available in the following cities: Atwater, Dos Palos, Livingston Fresno County Public Works Yard Sandbag Types: There are different types of materials that can be used as sandbags. , Friday 8:00 a. Large puddles were at least several inches deep. This document provides a snapshot of the conditions, trends, and regulations that are influencing Fresno County today. gov; Returning Home After a Fire; PG&E Outage Information; National Weather Service Warnings for Fresno County; Returning Home After a Fire; Fresno County Jobs; Fresno County Office Holiday Closures; Fresno County Resource List; HOMELESS RESPONSE; Juror Information; Press The sandbag location for Biola is: Biola County Yard 12855 W G street Biola, CA 93606. Madera, CA 93638 In light of the heavy rain, Fresno County is offering sand and bags for county residents. (KSEE/KGPE) — Warming Centers and sandbag locations are available for residents ahead of the storm in Madera and Tulare Counties. gov or call 559-353-4919. mickey@disney. Welcome to Fresno Superior Court's online Case Management and Information System. Welcome, Mickey. For more information, call the County of Fresno, Public Works & Planning Department, Road Maintenance Division at (559) 600-4240. . com for information and Public Works and Planning * Road Closure Information and Interactive Map * *Creek Fire - Plan Check and Permit Assistance* (PDF, 4MB) * Construction Alert - Along SR 43, between Davis Avenue and Cole Slough (PDF, 4MB) * * Attention: Department Closure of Public Counter Services (PDF, 61KB) * Customer Service is Our Priority. For more resources: see the Bid Express Quick Start Guide (PDF, 893KB). You must bring your own shovel and be prepared to shovel sand into the bags yourself. April 09, 2025. - 12:30 Information on sandbags for flood prevention from the County of Fresno. (KSEE/KGPE) — Counties across the Valley are offering sandbags to residents as rain and snow continue throughout the Valley. (KSEE/KGPE) — As the oncoming winter storm threatens localized flooding in parts of Fresno County, local officials are preparing to help with any storm-related problems If you are in need of sandbags to aid in flood control around your property, the County of Fresno Department of Public Works and Planning has locations open 24 hours and offers empty bags free of Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. -3 p. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; 600-4497 Our offices are located in Annex "A" and "B" of the Fresno County Plaza on the southwest corner of Tulare and "M" Streets. The County and its Contractor, Clean Earth, Inc. Fentanyl Danger in Fresno County; Flood Protection; Fresno County Emergency Sub-menu. The land use process for evaluating solar facilities should rely on general guidelines and policies rather than MADERA COUNTY, Calif. Matus. com. Mailing Address: County of Fresno Resources Division 2220 Tulare Street, 6th Floor, Fresno, CA 93721 Tel: (559) 600-3004 Fresno County Road Closures; Report road hazards: RdMaint@fresnocountyca. Madera County Road 28 Complex. MADERA COUNTY, Calif. Note major formatting changes (use of columns and subheadings In September 2014, Governor Brown signed historic legislation requiring that California's critical groundwater resources be sustainably managed by local agencies. Colusa County. Kings River Green Belt Park was acquired by Fresno County with State grant funds from the 1964 Cameron / Unruh Bond Act. The county's planning services include the processing of land use applications, land division, administration, and implementation of the General, Regional, Community, and Specific Plans, FRESNO COUNTY, Calif. There are sand bag pickup locations throughout Fresno County. 24/7 Live Fresno County North Valley South As the storm gets closer, the county will continue to monitor and take any necessary actions if there are threats identified to any of our residents. PowerPoint Slides with Information about the Project and Land Use Process (PDF, 6MB); Environmental Documents. Fresno County is committed to preserving agricultural and natural resources through its urban-center growth policies and land use planning. County Floodplain Information Services: The County can determine the relationship of a particular property to the Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. (KSEE/KGPE) – The Fresno County Sheriff’s Office issued evacuation warnings for people in Firebaugh. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; The Fresno County Zoning Ordinance requires a Site Plan Review (SPR) for certain uses of land or types of businesses which are allowed as a matter of right in a particular Zone District. Breaking Fresno State student-athletes accused of placing bets on their games County of Fresno Solar Facility Guidelines (Revised by Board of Supervisors on 12/12/17) The need to accommodate new renewable energy technology must be balanced with the need to protect important farmlands and minimize impacts to existing agricultural operations. (KSEE/KGPE) — Madera County officials are offering emergency sand and sandbags to residents in preparation for a winter-like storm that is expected to hit Central Califo Permit Portal WelcomeNotice of Credit Card Service Fee Increase Effective January 1, 2025StartingJanuary 1, 2025, the credit card service fee will increase from2. Like us on Facebook Instagram Linkedin NextDoor Follow us on X A flooding San Joaquin River has caused concerns for the Fresno County town of Firebaugh and neighboring communities. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; Fresno County Management Areas A/B; The County of New and used Sandbags for sale in Hammond, Fresno County, California on Facebook Marketplace. 10 bags per residence Contact your city, county, fire department or public works agency to find out where you can get sandbags in your area. The address for this facility is 18950 W American Avenue, On behalf of the County of Fresno and the cities, thank you for recycling your used oil! (PDF, 744KB) For a list of Certified Collection Centers in Fresno County. Share & Planning and Land Use General Information. gov, or reach us by FAX at (559) 600-4552. The Fresno County Regional HHW Facility also has a Reuse Center available to all Fresno County residents. (KFSN) -- Merced County officials are helping residents prepare for the coming storm. Applications for FY25-26 funding are available now. 29% to 2. City of Fresno does not provide sand bags. Box 11867, Fresno CA 93775-1867 Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM Phone: (559) 600-4065 Emergency Line after Business Hours Phone: (559) 600-4055 Contact us by email: OES@fresnocountyca. The National Weather Service is predicting Reuse Center. (PDF, 149KB) Para Fresno's source for breaking news and live streaming video online. Deliveries can be directed to 2220 Tulare St. Wardrobe Ave. El Dorado County. 559-600 From levee repairs to sandbag stations, officials in Merced County say they are ready for the steady rain that's coming. Fresno County Sheriff's Department: 559-600-3111. April 29, 2025. Like us on Facebook Instagram Linkedin NextDoor Follow us on X FRESNO COUNTY ISSUES SAFETY REMINDERS AHEAD OF INCOMING STORM. Fresno County residents can still access the web page, www. Bags & sand are provided at these locations: The County of Fresno Department of Public Works and Planning encourages housing development in the unincorporated area of Fresno County. If you are an attorney or party in a case not publicly available for viewing, you will have to come down to the courthouse to view the case. You must bring your own shovel in order to shovel sand into bags yourself. Details below: FRESNO COUNTY: During the rain/flood season, the following road yards will remain open 24 hours a day. 14225 Road 28. Hardcopy of the Draft Housing Recreation and Wildlife Commission Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 13, 2025 at 3:00PM at the Downtown Fresno Plaza Building (2220 Tulare St 9th floor, conference room B). Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu The Fresno County Animal Shelter Needs Your Help! EVENTS. For any other mapping and survey data related questions, contact us at In Fresno County, there are at least five locations where people can fill and pick up sandbags. Announcements; Calendar of Events; FAQS; County of Fresno. Digital IDs are not required. If you need sand and sandbags they are available 24 hours a day to people living in unincorporated areas of Fresno County at the following work yards. Contact your city, county, fire department or public works agency Empty bags are provided free of charge to County residents of unincorporated areas. The purpose of the site plan is to Sandbags for Flood Prevention; Water and Natural Resources Division Sub-menu. sandbags are available during flooding, contact the Fresno County Office of Emergency Services at (559) 600-3357. 1700 Jensen Avenue, Suite 103. Back to top. Merced County is offering sandbags for residents ahead of the storm. You can find sandbags at the following locations in Fresno, Tulare, Ahead of the storm, you can find sandbags at the following locations in Fresno, Tulare, Merced, and Madera counties: Fresno County Sandbags are provided for free at these Fresno County. gdbjiwaxdcqnwewumvvfwhljoduwkflnjwizvhsxysoaqkercxsznvaovkxaczdhavrmdfsicenzrue