Repeating salah waswas. younes Esteemed Member.
Repeating salah waswas Question : Would it be permissible for one to repeat Surat al-Fatiha in the same rak’at on purpose in order to gain khushu’ in salah, or would this call for Sujud al-Sahw to be offered? Answer : One of the necessary obligations (wajibat) of prayer is to recite another Sura instantaneously after the recitation of Surat al-Fatiha. Is it alright if I ignore this waswasa? Sometimes my ب sounds like p and it’s difficult for me to whisper a lot of sounds. I was repeating salah over and over, repeating the verses again and again because I felt I didn’t say it properly. The Shafi‘i fuqaha have mentioned the case of a person suffering from waswasa during the recitation of the Fatiha in prayer and stated that such a person is excused on condition. After prayers, I suggest you recite ayatul kursi, 3 times, aand perform this slowly, imagine as if you are directing this recitation at the affected area. By clicking “Accept Then repeat steps H – I. Hadith on Salah: Reciting Al-Fatihah in prayer is obligatory; Hadith on Duha: Best time for forenoon prayer; Hadith on Siyam: All good deeds multiplied, but fasting is special; Hadith on Siyam: Fasting person’s breath sweeter than musk; Hadith on Promises: Abu Bakr keeps the Prophet’s pledge; Hadith on Zakariya: Prophet Zechariah was a Berkenaan isu waswas ini, amat penting untuk kita menekuni dan mentadabbur surah al-Nas. And do not dare to make up for the mistake and repeat salah. Relax in your prayers and don't rush. So if you doubted that you recited three rak'ats or four rak'ats after the last salaam of the prayer, you should not I have read your Fatwā which states that the Ṣalāh performed on the seat of a plane should be repeated. Knowledge law love marriage mercy nikah parents permissible prayer prophet Learn about the obligations of repeating prayers in Islam and the conditions that affect the validity of your Salah. Standing (Qiyam) The prayer begins with the worshipper standing, with their hands placed on their chest or at their sides. You know what it is called? Waswas. Does it invalidate my Salah if I repeat verses five or Seek often protection in Allah from the accursed shaytan, especially when doubts of waswasah enters your mind. Seeking Support Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. This doesn’t always happen, but at times it happens unexpectedly. For example, the waswas comes to me before and after Fajr, and I had to repeat a few verses of Surat al-Fatiha due to waswas (like I would repeat the verse after thinking I made a mistake). The thoughts that I often get are mostly regarding Wudu, Ghusl and Salah. 44 minutes ago, Kamyar Majlessi said: My biggest doubt is Repeating al-Fatihah when you think that you have omitted part of it. Posted by u/Business_Angle_4024 - 2 votes and 1 comment Home » Hanafi Fiqh » DarulIftaBirmingham » Repeating Isha Fardh Salah Twice. For details on some tips to enhance concentration or mindfulness in Salah, let me cite one of my earlier answers: We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The Shafi’i fuqaha have mentioned the case of a person suffering from waswasa during As-salaamu alaykum Ulama A person has a cast on his foot for an entire month, he has been making salah to his understanding by taking wudhu and wiping over the cast when he came there (assuming he did not do tayammum), is he obliged to repeat the months salah once cast is removed? Waswasa is one means that the devil uses to misguide people and distract them from Allah by casting doubts and whispers (waswas) into their hearts. I know the majority of it is waswas. This has happened so many times during each salah sometimes I even miss prayer. This resource addresses common concerns about intrusive thoughts (waswas) and uncertainty about whether certain actions or beliefs may be considered kufr. Answer. adab Allah charity children divorce du`a faith family fast fasting fiqh ghusl Guidance hadith halal Hanafi haram husband islam Knowledge law love marriage mercy nikah parents permissible prayer prophet Prophet Muhammad purity qur'an Ramadan repentance ruling salah seeking knowledge sin spirituality sunna supplication waswasa women wudu zakat No, you shouldn't repeat your wudhu once done is enough even waswas come in your mind. This is Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Waswasa is one means that the devil uses to misguide people and distract them from Allah by casting doubts and whispers (waswas) into their hearts. I get severe waswas regarding reciting the fatiha during salah, to the point I do not feel like praying anymore. Repeating a verse of the Quran in prayer in order to remind oneself of the verse that comes after it is not among the things that invalidate the prayer. This webpage offers guidance on how to overcome these difficulties without invalidating your Salah. net/ask-a-ques Wudu, as we know well, is the most essential prerequisite before any Muslim can offer his Salat or recite the glorious Quran. He said: Should I repeat the prayer, and not complete it? Please note that I am always doubtful about what I have done. A. Do you repeat wudu’ and wash over and over? Do you repeat your salah, or sujud, or ruku’ and still never feel like you’ve completed your prayer? Do these insinuations plague you EVERY SINGLE DAY? TODAY IS THE DAY YOU WILL START TO BREAK THIS VICOUS CYCLE IN SHA ALLAH. The more you ignore it, the more intense the fear is, which sometimes is unbearable Doubt Salah (Prayers) How can I deal with severe Waswas during Salah, such as constant doubts about laughing, praying too fast, number of Sujood, Rakats, and gas problems? Random number: 88431. or im being overconfident, how am i so confident that my pronunciation was right? Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalamu Alaikum, Please advise me on the best way to help someone that is suffering from misgivings during the prayer that cause them to repeat the tashahhud, sometimes several times. The futures of Mohamed Salah, Trent Alexander-Arnold and Virgil van Dijk have been the subject of strong speculation throughout the season as their contracts wind down. Repeating Wudoo again and again. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Do not pray a prayer Q: One person said: “as praying in congregation is a strong sunnah, and although its intentionally abandoning is makruh tahrimi , the ulama said its repeating is sunnah. Messages 137 Reaction score 3 Gender Male Religion Islam. In Islam, there is a terminology for it. Your salah is not invalid. How can I distinguish between gas and waswas? Answer. [Shaykh] Irshaad Sedick Knowledge law love marriage mercy nikah parents permissible prayer prophet Prophet Muhammad purity qur'an Ramadan repentance ruling salah seeking knowledge sin spirituality sunna supplication Waswas has been such a huge problem in my life that it even messes with my memory, I’ll do one part of wudu and forget that I did it right after the act or doubt that I did it correctly. Can Muslims say the Nimaz e janaza of more than one person simultaneously? Can a person attend the Janazah Salah a multiple number of times? Is Janazah Salah repeated if body is transferred to another country ? There is no need to repeat any salah unless you are certain that the discharge was impure (i. Repeating a verse does not affect the validity of the prayer in general. According to Islamic scholars, particularly from the Hanbali School of jurisprudence, repeating AlFaatihah is disliked but does not annul the prayer. We Explore the nuances of repeating the transition takbeer (Allaahu Akbar) during prayer in our comprehensive guide. It can become a very serious issue as a person will feel overwhelmed by paranoia with regards to their worship , will always feel a sense of inadequacy and in Need One to One live Counseling with Sheikh Assim?:https://www. This happens a lot in salat. We strongly advise you to oppose the devil by not repeating any of the verses and simply ignoring these distractions. Then repeat steps H – I. Struggling with obsessive thoughts about prayer and ablution? This webpage offers guidance for those battling anxiety related to Salah and wudu due to OCD and waswas. It's like you're standing before Answered by: Maulana Shafiur Rahman Question: I suffer from OCD and excessive waswas. Now go to steps F – G. As for al-waswas al-qahri (OCD), it is a kind of sickness as stated above. This has been going on for quite some time. Difference between different types of waswas. Would it be permissible for one to repeat Surat al-Fatiha in the same rak’at on purpose in order to gain khushu’ in salah, or would this call Entering the congregation as a latecomer and forgetfulness prostrations; Sajdah sahw; Extra Surah in the 3rd/4th Rakah Is it necessary to do Sujud al-Sahw if you repeat parts of the Fatiha or Sura after the Fatiha or Tashahhud? I heard that Sajdat al-Sahw is required if you repeat anything in Salah. 1)When you get up from the ruku is it 'Rabbana-wa-lakalhamd" or "Rabbana lakalhamd". If one has made a mistake in recitation, if one can repeat the word with proper recitation, then repeating the word before moving on is preferred. Its important to understand that feelings of uncertainty about passing wind, while frustrating, should be dismissed unless accompanied by definite signs like sound or smell. I don’t trust myself anymore so I’m always repeating steps, prayer could even take me an hour. The best way's to resolve Extreme cases of Waswas are: 1. If one, without a valid reason, omits Explore whether the repetition of AlFaatihah or Tashahhud during Salah invalidates the prayer. This also added to my waswas today. Iv tried to ignore the waswas, and its not working. In Arabic, we call it 'waswas'. Other than being As for the past, whenever you did accidentally verbalize anything, if you did not restart the prayer, you will have to repeat and make up for those prayers. Related . This is how to stop whispers in prayer: 1- Persist in remembering Allah. net/ask-a-ques I was also repeating wudhu over and over doubting water reached all the parts. i feel as im being lazy, its just 1 word to repeat. When Ramadan is over, I say to myself that I will only make up the days that I need to make up, because I fasted the other days, but the waswas comes again and I say that I will repeat Type of Doubt Part of Prayer Ruling (1) Whether 2 nd or 3 rd unit After commencing the 2 nd prostration (sajdah) of the 2 nd unit: Must consider it the 3 rd unit and continue to the 4 th, and thereafter perform one-unit precautionary prayer (see below) in a standing position (2) Whether 3 rd or 4 th unit Any: Must consider it the 4 th unit and complete the prayer, and Aslam o alikum . I think iv broken my wudu, so i redo it, then i change my mind. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Ward off the passing thought, for if you do not do that, it will become an idea. , yellow). Key recommendations include stating Bismillah once before performing wudu and Struggling with the correct pronunciation of Surah AlFaatihah and Tasleem? You’re not alone. His fear is that the prayer is invalid if the recitation of the tashahhud is not correct. Just don’t do this. Some people suffer from waswas (whispers from Shaitan) where they are in doubt about their wudoo and once they start making wudoo they tend to repeat is again There is also something that I have encountered today. 2- Turn to Him and ask Him for healing and recovery from this problem. Ever since I have started practicing my religion, I have When I began to start a prayer, I get a little waswasa that I passed wind. e. I prayed maghrib behind a new imam today; he is Turkish, from what I know. From my experience, there are multiple causes of the symptoms of waswas. Please I need any advice. This is called 'waswas'. com Leave a comment. Repeating Prayers. I feel like I have a mental problem because sometimes I found myself praying Sometimes I bathe five times a day and I find concentrating in salah difficult. Answered by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam. See the answer to Also , learn the Sunnah Method to improve the Quality of Your Salah by getting rid of all Noises and Whispers which steal your Khushu' (tranquility) in your Salah. net/ask-a-ques With regard to repeating al-Faatihah for this purpose, there is the fear that it will lead to waswasah, then she will not offer any prayers until she has repeated al-Faatihah several times. My roomate noticed that (it was quite embarrassing for me) and he advised me to just go with it and ignore the shaitan. Then fight it, for if you do not do that it will become a resolve and Ikram Hawramani / Feb 20, 2019 03:11 PM / No Comments on Repeating prayers due to uncertainty about having performed them correctly / 11292 views; Posted In IslamQA; Tagged formal prayer (salah) If I say I'll pray sujood sahw then I'll be praying it my every salah. The first, traditional compass, the second augmented reality. This doesn’t stops here. g. two doubts that should not be ignored. Even if you ignore the waswas. It emphasizes the importance of not succumbing to these whisperings, which are viewed I am dealing with extreme waswas concerning prayers and wudu. Allah gave us a SOLUTION, alhamdulillah. But if a Muslim becomes certain that he offered a prayer without wudoo’, and there is still time to make it up, then he must repeat that prayer. Then again, the doubt comes, and you repeat it again. I feel depressed and overwhelmed I know About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright No matter how many things you imagine during Salah that makes you feel you're doing Shirk are just the Waswas of The satan. This posture symbolizes respect, humility, and a willingness to submit to Allah’s will. Kami memohon kepada-Mu dengan setiap nama yang Engkau berikan pada diri-Mu, atau yang telah Engkau ajarkan kepada salah satu makhluk ciptaan-Mu, atau yang telah Engkau turunkan dalam kitab-Mu, atau yang telah Engkau rahsiakan dalam ilmu ghaib-Mu, untuk I used to have waswas back then. Tears That Flow From An Infected Eye And Their Effect On Wudu Home » Hanafi Fiqh » DaruliftaaMW. If someone experiences a great deal of uncertainty, then he is suffering from waswasah, and he should not act upon his uncertainty, in contrast with the one to whom that does not happen often; if the latter is uncertain as to whether he omitted an How can I overcome WasWas(OCD) during prayer? Sh. younes Esteemed Member. Reason being that if waswas make you believe that your Wudu has been nullified then automatically you have to repeat the prayers as well. Additionally, learn about the rules of Tajweed in relation to supplications outside the Struggling with the correct pronunciation of Surah AlFaatihah and Tasleem? You’re not alone. Dhuhr, ‘ Asr, or ‘ Isha Salah is finally complete! We praise Allah for allowing us to complete our salah. Tidak dapat tidak, aku harus memilih untuk bersabar dengan salah satu daripada keduanya. Is there any proof for this statement? Answer. For individuals After the prayer ended I started saying “Kaf” “Qaf” “Kha” trying to see if I said Qaf still and I know this isn’t normal. Struggling with doubts about purity during prayer? This page offers guidance for those experiencing unusual sensations, such as popping or bubbling noises, when performing wudu and salah. Don't heed to it . For individuals plagued by doubts during Salah, the recommendation is to disregard these whispers and focus Waswas issues (salah and wudu) Such people are as if delivering a message to a ruler, the messenger fastidiously pronouncing each letter and repeating those he is unsatisfied with, having quite forgotten the purpose of the message and the dignity of I have been struggling with shaitan’s waswas since I have moved to the US, every time I pray, I find myself repeating a line multiple times and unfocused in salah. He further states that; those afflicted with Waswasah regard their actions as religious and acts of precaution in religion when I had lots of waswas regarding this waswasa because shaytan always puts doubts in my mind that you have uttered talaq words in past or recent times however I do not remember what exact words or sentence I had uttered. The Takbir, or the raising of the hands while saying “Allahu Akbar” (God is the Greatest), marks the beginning of Salah. As described in the previous response, literally, the word "waswas" refers to the whispering of Shaytan. As a result, Waswas in Wudu are interrelated with the Waswas in Salat. The floor would become wet and yet I believed it didn’t touch the end of my elbow or something. Each repetition only 1 – The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) praised the feeling of hatred towards the waswas that had to do with doubts concerning belief (‘aqeedah) when he said, “That is clear faith. [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al Falah] Wassalam, Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra Checked and Approved by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani Q: I am suffering from waswas for long time my problem is whatever I do I feel like I am committing shirk but I know those things are not considered as shirk in Islam but I make up to that condition I manage to control this problem until last month . I always have the impression to break them and is obliged to remake them sometimes dozens of time, staying hours in the bathroom. assimalhakeem. If a person starts to pray without having formed the intention, then his prayer is not valid. For example, if you think you made wudu, but you have doubt, just overlook it because this can lead to a lot of waswas and OCD tendency. My question is that the jurists have written that Ṣalāḥ on the boat in the state of sitting is valid even if there is no excuse. As you stand in Salah, in Allah’s hands, during such sacred moments, during such a grand encounter, no one is more envious of you now than Shaitan. The whispers that have been casting doubts inside you while performing wudhu and salah, ( Arabic : "Weham " ); that is you are Consistently repeating your urge to repeat your Wud'hu and Salaát OR overly worrying about the cleanliness of I have been suffering from severe waswas. It happens in momin's life. And mind that breaking salah (without any valid reason) is a sin act. So when I used to go to mosque specially in taraweeh I felt shy as weird noises were coming out of my mouth. I converted to Islam a week ago. Due to this, I get a lot of doubts and bad thoughts in salaah and as a result, sometimes I recite loudly even in sunnah salaah. It distinguishes between cases where one must repeat their prayer—such as forgetting to perform Wudhoo properly—and situations where the prayer i miss when i didnt have waswas. Waswasah is a disease and an evil that one should beware of. It says in al-Insaaf (2/99): It is makrooh to repeat al-Faatihah. In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. E. Shaytan whispers waswas. Read more about How can I deal with severe Waswas during Salah, such as constant doubts about laughing, praying too fast, number of Sujood, Rakats, and gas problems? FOLLOW (1) 521 views; Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Reply. Waswas can occur with pretty much any practising Muslim particularly if they do not have sufficient knowledge of Islam and matters pertaining to Fiqhi rulings. In a Hadith Qudsi, Allah refers to it as a dialogue and exchange between Him and His servant. Does repeating verses of Surah Fatiha out of waswas breaks continuity in Surah Fatiha in the Shafi Madhab? Answer: Assalam ‘alaykum. The reason for asking this question is that I have seen both in different instruction manuels. This is called 'OCD'. Ward off the idea, for if you do not do that it will become a desire. The Shaitan is playing tricks on you so that you will abandon your Salat. Struggling with Waswasah (obsessive whisperings) during prayer? This guide addresses your concerns regarding recitation and Tashahhud. 2)Is it necessary to say the surahs during rakahs in the order the appear in the quran and without repetition or one is allowed to repeat OCD AND WASWAS . If you are not sure whether you have prayed three rak’ahs or four, when praying Answered by Shaykh Jamir Meah Question: Assalamu alaykum Does repeating verses of Surah Fatiha out of waswas breaks continuity in Surah Fatiha in the Shafi Madhab? Answer: Assalam ‘alaykum. For example, the waswas comes to me before and after Fajr, and sometimes before Maghrib, for the silliest reasons. My wudu times average between 7-20 mins depending on how much I repeat certain acts, especially washing the face, arms, ears, head (masah) and feet. And in Arabic it has a name. I suspect in fact that repeating salah is not recommended, Waswasa is one means that the devil uses to misguide people and distract them from Allah by casting doubts and whispers (waswas) into their hearts. ahmed. Yeah it’s the fear of not knowing if your Salah will be valid. So I fast that day but I intend to repeat it. You should categorically ignore these, and Allah knows best. I try to open my fingers during washing but sometimes I forget whether I opened my fingers or not and I worry about whether I washed Waswas bermaksud percakapan di dalam diri sendiri seperti dibisikkan ke dalam diri insan perasaan berbolak-balik samada telah melakukan sesuatu atau belum melakukan sesuatu. So I kept repeating my salah. when i could pray my prayers with ease without having to repeat my words 5-6 times. A weird sound used to come out of my mouth when reciting surahs, tasbeeh. Repeating Laa Ilaha Illallah is also very useful in tackling Satanic thoughts. ” Does this mean if some does pray at home intentionally then it is sunnah for him to repeat the same salaah after he has prayed? A: Salaah should be performed in the musjid. You keep on repeating until you've recited the same ayah 5-6 times. But from my knowledge, there is no reference you can repeat salah if your reason is just because you are not satisfied. In taraweeh I used to take 2-3 hours to finish my Salah. It is incorrect to repeat the prayer unless one committed a prohibitively disliked action therein [Shurunbulali; Maraqi al-Falah]. Your Maghrib prayer is now complete! If you are praying the four Rak’ah of Dhuhr, ‘ Asr, or ‘ Isha, please disregard step L! Instead, repeat steps A and K. To be honest I really deepress with such a thoughts I had repeat my wudhu, Ghusl and Salah many times because I had always feel Islam is about certainty. net/ask-a-ques If the carpet is wet, they take out the carpet, they wash it, they bring it back. I have read everything about waswasa and I try to ignore it, but I can’t. It can take me longer than 40 minutes to pray sometimes because I keep stopping prayer before I finish the first rakah. Doubt after the place, as if doubting praise and surah after entering ruku '. But if he is not certain about that, then his prayer is valid, and there is no blame on him. I cannot recite out loud because of other people in the house who disapprove of me praying excessively. ” One of the things implied by the hatred of this waswas is that one turns away from it and does not get carried away with it. The Shafi’i fuqaha have mentioned the case of a person suffering from waswasa during recitation of the Fatiha in prayer and state that such a person is excused on condition. Home » Hanafi Fiqh » DarulIftaBirmingham » Suffering From Severe Waswasas in Salah. You must calculate all the Salats that you have missed and How Can I Deal With Waswas Regarding the Prayer? (Shafi’i) Do Grammatical and Pronunciation Mistakes While Reciting the Qur’an Invalidate Your Prayer? Does Incorrect Pronunciation of According to Islamic scholars, particularly from the Hanbali School of jurisprudence, repeating AlFaatihah is disliked but does not annul the prayer. Al-Nasaa’i (1010) and Ibn Maajah (1350) narrated that Abu Dharr (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood reciting a verse and repeating it until morning came. i try so hard to ignore these whispers that what im saying is wrong, but i feel guilty for doing so. Constantly recite the following: Ta’awudh (a’udhu billahi min ash-Shaytaan ir rajeem) Hawqala (Laa Hawla wa laa quwwata illa billah) Aamantu billah (I believe in Allah) So you repeat part of it and you recite (during Salah) ''Wal arda madadna ha wa al qayna fee ha rawasiya wa ambatna, (breathe here) wa ambatna fee ha min kulli zawjin baheej'' For the record, I can do it in one breath but I'm wondering if I can repeat part of an ayah in the Qur'an (as long as it doesn't change the meaning obviously) You should not pay attention to your waswasa, nor should you repeat your prayers, and when you’re unsure of whether you’re in the second or fourth cycle (rakaʿa), you should assume that you’re in the fourth, and Allah knows best. If you don’t mind, could you please share what has helped you with your OCD with regards to the salah and wudu. 3- Turn away completely from what the Waswas is calling you to do. . Also, after istinja, I am always doubtful about my hands. Indeed, there is nothing wrong with repeating a soorah or a verse within the same rak’ah. You can also sit down, and repeat *la ilaha ila allah* (slowly) at the affected area, (become more relaxed with each breath as you do this). I am writing this post to ask for any of you advice/tips on how to get over waswas. I pray you’re well insha’Allah. We need to be aware and very careful against Shaitan and Satanic thiuts. Rather, you must make it up if you are certain that you did not pray it. We will send you account related emails occasionally - we will never spam you, honest! Need One to One live Counseling with Sheikh Assim?:https://www. It emphasizes the importance of ignoring intrusive thoughts about intentions and purification during prayers. Doubt after the prayer. For the wudu, I can rarely make wudu without using too much water or sometimes even wasting water unfortunately. My parents have spoken to me countless times but its not working. Amina Inloes, Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. Dear questioner, please refer to our comprehensive guide on Waswasa and OCD issues: I pray this is of benefit. It got to the point where I had to repeat wudu for each salah because I thought I heard something come out. So he said in al fatiha, ghayri al magh . And about clothes in salah, you can see my answer in your another thread. · Resisting waswas and passing thoughts, and not giving free rein to them. Need One to One live Counseling with Sheikh Assim?:https://www. #ASSIMALHAKEEM #JAL #ASKZAD 00:00 Intro & Ques00:55 OCD Avalanche effect04:17 Answer_____𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞: ️. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 36 comments Specially I had so many doubts in surah fatiha and I knew I can't repeat fatiha. Im constantly praying salah from like a day ago!! When i do break wudu, like actually, im burnt out. Key recommendations include stating Bismillah once before performing wudu and Does repeating verses of Surah Fatiha out of waswas break continuity in Surat al-Fatiha in the Shafi‘i Madhab? Answer. doebie instead of speaking it in one instance: ghayril magdhubie. Assim Alhakeem A woman said: I used to pray the prayer and keep repeating it until the next prayer. Your answer is at cross-purposes with the question - the hadith you cite makes no mention of whether the man was repeating the prayer, or merely joining the congregation with a voluntary intention (more likely). If you find yourself doubting whether youve properly recited the takbeer, discover the advice of scholars on handling such doubts, For the past few months, I have been getting increasing amounts of waswas, especially for wudu and salah. If someone thinks that he has omitted part of al-Fatihah so he repeats it before bowing, he does not have to do the prostration of forgetfulness. We need to repeat Isteghfaar and Salawaat and La Hawla Wala Qowwata Illa Billah. First step in tackling Waswas and OCD is to know its origin which is Shaitan who wants to harm us in every way. Thank you for your question. Every time I started to make wudu I feel as if I am escaping gas. ” Dan apabila hamba itu terkenang kepada janji-janji Tuhannya, maka datanglah I’ve been having sexual thoughts and arousal all the time, whether during wudu or prayer, which makes it extremely difficult to offer salah. Initially, you may find guilt by ignoring and blocking out waswasah, but know Was wasa in your Salat is the whispers of the Shaitan. January 4, 2018 Thurrock Muslim Community- thurrockmuslims. Many face challenges, especially nonArabic speakers, often leading to doubts and repetitive recitations due to waswas (whispers of doubt). Wake up 15 or 30 minutes before Fajr and go to the mosque if you have the ability, it Assalamu Alaikum, I have been experiencing severe waswasa with regards to hesitation and intention during wudu and salah. When I asked questions about it, I was told to ignore it, which worked for a while, but the Waswas persisted and worsened. All three players are approaching the final four months of their current deals with no sign of a breakthrough in negotiations over possible renewals, and the likelihood is that the Reds will I’m suffering from quite bad OCD/waswas in salah and wudu especially. I keep forgetting what I have washed in my wudu and When I am fasting in Ramadan, the waswas comes to me all the time, saying that my fasting is wrong. Also you shall Stop or minimize the Doubting & Repeating of your Salah due to various doubts such as breaking of Wud'hu , Missing rakah etc. I repeat each prayer multiple times before I finally finish it. Waswasah is a great deal of uncertainty, or uncertainty without any evidence or reason for it. Ignore the waswas. Due to this I have to make wudu over and over again till I get really frustrated. If one is considered an excused person (m’adhur) – due to continuous factors that preclude ritual purity – that excuse does not affect ritual purification or subsequent acts of worship. For those unfamiliar, Hisnul Muslim (Fortress of the Muslim) is a well-known du'a book compiled by You do not have to repeat your prayer because of waswaas, rather you have to do the prostration of forgetfulness if you did something that necessitates it, such as omitting the first tashahhud by mistake, or forgetting to say tasbeeh when bowing or prostrating. to be honest, prayer has been very stressful lately for me. It explains that if doubts arise during prayer, you should perform what you doubt and complete the Two Prostrations of Forgetfulness. He hated the thoughts so much he couldn’t even bring himself to repeat the blasphemous thoughts to the prophet. By registering, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Then i change my mind again. The Steps of Salah. I repeat salah because I lose concentration and therefore forget if I did certain parts of prayer properly, I touch things that I assume to be impure and It is truly affecting my mental health. From the past couple of months I am going through extreme waswas in terms of my wudu and salah. In response the prophet pbuh told him that Should I repeat the prayer or be completely sure that I have done something wrong before repeating the salah? In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Answer . The waswas of breaking wudu continues even during my salah. The intention (niyyah) is one of the conditions of prayer being valid. Therefore, does the Are you struggling with doubts during your prayers, particularly regarding the performance of pillars like sujood or rukuh? This guide clarifies whether your prayer remains valid if you neglect these doubts. Discover guidance for Muslims experiencing severe doubts about their faith, particularly regarding kufr and shirk. In English, we call it 'OCD'. Repeating a Verse. It emphasizes that reciting Salaam I know it says in islam if you have a chronic wudu problem where you canot keep your wudu just do it close to salah time as possible Now i dont know if i have a problem beacuse sometimes i am able to keep my wudu and sometimes i cannot - For example yesterday for fajr salah i did wudu 4 times before even getting out the bathroom - and this was not Repeating the Tashahud During Prayer Does Repeating Verses of Surah Fatiha out of Waswas Breaks Continuity? hair Hajj Hanafi hands haraam income Interest job Knowledge making Marriage marry mohammed Nikah parents Prayer prayers Quran rakaat Salaah SALAH Shariah sunnah Wife woman Women Wudu Zakaat """" We must do our best to the trap of waswasa. Repeating Phrases Like “Allahu Akbar” in Prayer Due to Bad Pronunciation. I am someone who suffers from waswas/potential OCD. Don't repeat salah, do sajdah sahaw if you doubt. Take it normal. I get a feeling down there quite frequently while doing wudu, and I’m not sure if I need to repeat it, but it seems to happen every time. Waswas [Baseless Misgivings] Regarding Apostasy and Purity. Also, if I don’t end a word correctly in a Surah and instead say Muhammadan instead of Muhammad according to waqf rules, is it okay if I repeat the word, Muhammad Here are ten benefits of Salah: 1. Knowledge law love marriage mercy nikah parents permissible prayer prophet Prophet Muhammad purity qur'an Ramadan repentance ruling salah seeking knowledge sin spirituality sunna supplication Waswas can become a very serious issue and it may take away the pleasure of worship and instead replace it with constant worry eg whether a person did Wudu (Ablution) or Salah properly. Do not repeat the prayer just because of doubt and obsessiveness. before one month when I was going through the internet read an Quran verse that states if we do anything against Allahs 108 likes, 0 comments - mindfulbeliever on October 28, 2024: "You're in salah, trying to recite with perfect tajweed, but suddenly doubt comes You start to wonder whether you recited the previous ayah correctly, so you repeat it. Repeating Salah: If you are uncertain about the colour of the discharge after completing your salah, there is no need to repeat the prayer unless you Find the exact direction for salah with our online Qibla experiences. How Many Rakats Are In the Night Prayer? Is there a difference between the Witr of Isha and the Witr prayed during Tahajjud time? Can Zuhr and Asr be prayed together, and Maghrib and Isha be prayed together? What is the ruling? Praise be to Allah. It explores whether you can skip the first Tashahhud and offers a short version to recite in both individual and congregational prayers. Your final sentence is more general and talks about extra salah, but not repeating a particular salah. Related Q&A. Through Salah, we can have a direct connection with Allah without any intermediaries or intercessors. Please see the following answer to answer your question about repeating a verse of the Fatiha: Does Repeating Verses of Surah Fatiha out of Waswas Breaks Continuity? Repeating Dhikr I make wudu like 4 times. The difference between the waswas that comes from the Shaytan and the waswas that comes from the nafs is subtle, as was quoted by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) from some of the scholars. Jazakom Allah khayran Update: I have finally started to eliminate the waswas of Shaitan! Thanks for all of your advices brothers and sisters! Struggling with obsessive thoughts about prayer and ablution? This webpage offers guidance for those battling anxiety related to Salah and wudu due to OCD and waswas. Salah is a direct line of communication between us and Allah, our Creator and Sovereign Lord. net/announcement/Do you have a question:https://www. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Do Explore how to differentiate between Waswasah caused by faith or external sources like Sihr (witchcraft), and accept that the most crucial step is finding effective remedies rather For some months I have been having a problem with waswas in both my prayers and when performing wudu (ablution). The short method of making As a layman, I am not qualified to make a fatwa about repeating salah. You should resist it brother don't you ever give up. waswas salah I HAVE OCD! Battle satanic whispers & problems in wudu’/ablution & Salah/prayer. It was like he was trying to pronounce it correctly. Praise be to Allah. I kept repeating takbiratul ihram several times because I feel like it's not perfect. Play Dua on Repeat: Side by Side View: Du'a for one afflicted by whisperings/waswas in prayer or recitation. then this irrirtates me and I would want to repeat my prayer to be what is supposedly “cautious”, but I don’t want to fall for waswasah. While it is important to take care to ensure that our ibadah is performed correctly, if you find yourself constantly repeating wudu or salah due to وساوس, here are a few tips to help Waswasa is one means that the devil uses to misguide people and distract them from Allah by casting doubts and whispers (waswas) into their hearts. com » Repeating The Janazah Salah. This article addresses common concerns about mispronunciation and the implications of repeating prayers. The same applies to one who thinks that he has omitted part of the second tashahhud, so he repeats it before the salaam; he does Salaam - Hamza brother you have just described me - i am exactly like that - I say to myself i am not goin to repeat my salah whlist im reading it - but then thorugh out the salah even though i try so hard to concentrate somehow i just cant - i feel like there is something stopping me from concentrating like i have control - i even try to picture the words im saying in Does Repeating Verses of Surah Fatiha out of Waswas Breaks Continuity? I pray this is of benefit and that Allah guides us all. [1] . Do you repeat your salah, or sujud, or ruku’ and still I have heard that adding an obligation to salah will make salah invalid. Repeating Assalam-o-Alaikum, My question is about salat actually there are two. washing the limbs of the body more than thrice in wudhu, using excessive water in wudhu or ghusl, constantly repeating his intention for Salah, washing his clothes in which he is not certain that it is impure etc. It emphasizes that reciting Dhikr Ghusl Salah (Prayers) Waswasa. This article clarifies what to do if you discover a lack of Wudhoo or impurities on your clothing after praying. wyggph qvcfdpi aoeane cyol kkoja rclmex mmmcu kccfrnr vaftcs scqmyc ycuz hzqy aot gom ozdcrz