Sally raising percy fanfiction , Athena, Percy J. The pre-school were too shocked to do anything but constantly praise Sally Jackson on raising such an intelligent child and as Annabeth grew up her grades remained at top level. Unfathomable by mvngn reviews. " "As long as he doesn't bother you. COMPLETE! Please, feel free to review! Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Sally J. And it was enough for Poseidon. The young boy sighed and leaned back on his chair. His favourite brother looked at him like he was crazy. The mastiff walked up to Percy and I. I don't even know whether he'd give him a choice. She asked a very important question and he nodded in support. " And Perseus - Percy - Jackson, son of the sea. " I'm fine, milord. Instead, I was just in time to catch the tail end of a tickle fight. "I think you just had a really big orgasm, Mom. Sally and Medusa love Percy, they know that soon though he'll have to go to camp. Amos couldn't figure out why, though. Sally thought for a moment and responded "I think I first would like to raise Percy and maybe when he is old enough to be with other people then his father of mother then I could maybe work as a house maiden. Monsters were attracted to him. " "Do not defy me-" "And it wouldn't hurt to play with Cerberus once in a while. " Percy said a little louder for everyone to hear. Add a lot of family drama and issues and you have got a recipe for disaster. Percy/Sally incest. " Sally winked, the three laughing. Percy was unable to sleep in "He left," Percy said simply. This was originally a piece detailing Percy and his adoptive father, Amos Kane's, relationship. Check out my fanfiction. Sally knew that her child was going to be special. Triton was in the middle of his monthly routine checks of the Atlantean royal army when he felt the disturbance in the sea, his father's absolute devastation. Artemis snapped her fingers and Sally was wrapped with a silver cloth with her symbol on the top. Word Count: 1,264. I started to look around the diner more. Poseidon had told me the gods were talking about me but refused to say what about. By: lubelle321. "I'm Sally. Who was there? "Hey, Paul. Now, brother, would you like to claim him? Maybe we could raise him on Olympus, if Zeus kindly agrees?" Poseidon was quiet, yet staring at Percy with such longing. Argus dropped them off at Sally's apartment building. I know it's in August (August 18th), but Poseidon spent one month with Sally. The summer before Percy's second year at Camp Half-blood was when, well, Percy really met his mom. "Hi Sally, Percy," he greeted. " Then her multicolored eyes lit up. " "I could hire you. I never knew she was . " - Δαιδαλώδης - Orientation day Drew looked at the small bundle Nico had, and the one thing Percy had and her perfectly sculped eye brow started to raise. " Sally snapped. the hunter he had saved from the Cyclopes came to him and thanked him, and ran off after hugging him. She had a good life now, but she had been poor for a long time raising Percy and being married to Gabe. "Come here Sally. " cooed Hestia. She told Sally she'd snuck into camp's kitchen and had made them exactly how Sally had shown her last Christmas (she also apologised for the lack of icing, but the Stolls had demanded payment for acting like look-outs). She started for the door, and I grabbed her hand. They had talked, catching up with each other, and had made plans for every scenario they could conceive. On the beach, he hugged me for the last time. She suspected about the visits, ever since she entered felt the presence of Poseidon watching Percy where she could not see him. "He knows. He saves Percy from the abuse, but he can't raise Percy, knowing Amphitrite or Zeus would kill him. Good Parent Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson) (4) Crack (3) Not Beta Read (3) BAMF Percy Jackson (3) Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson) (3) Protective Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson) (3) Alternate Universe (2) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. " "Ah, Sally!" he laughed. Together they have four godly children. please read my other storys and review thank you. " He said lots of things to her after that. On the one hand, he was excited to finally see his mother again after such a long time. This was meant to be in a series I was going to write, but I saw a contest, and decided to enter this one in it. Sally had brought him out and took her eyes off of him for two seconds. Percy and Sally on the couch, Annabeth and Paul sitting towards them on the ground. " He started raising and lowering his hips again, fucking at a faster pace. The life of Sally was one that she didn't deserve. "What time is it, Sweetie? I can't seem to-" Then Percy made an especially deep thrust, and she caught her breath. After meeting the boys 7 years ago Sally had decided to adopt the pair. , Hestia - Chapters: 7 - Words: 26,239 - Reviews: 118 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 9/28/2017 - Published: 5/30/2016 - id: 11972085 + "Maybe they decided that we weren't emotionally ready to raise a child when we were still children ourselves. In another life, perhaps they could have been friends. It was painful, but she could walk. " "Percy Jackson, you will not-" "Now guys!". Sally seems like a good person for a mortal, and she does not seem like one to back down when faced with difficulty. But the blue receded, its glow fading. This Story concentrates on the story of how Apollo and Artemis raise Percy and how he reaches Camp Half-Blood. "Percy!" she shouted. " The people who feel love towards Percy currently are Calypso and Sally, even though Percy doesn't love them back, he's just playing his twisted game. " Zeus leaned on his palm, watching Sally put the cookies in the oven. Disclaimer: I don't own anything. In fact, this laptop isn't mine. He decided that he would check on Percy and Sally a common thing he did when he wanted to get his mind off of the things going on under the ocean. "Hello─ oh my god!" Sally froze. Sally, the woman, was right. "Nice ta meet ya, my darlin'. Nodding, Sally sat down on the sand next to Percy, watching as her son played. He put a tired Percy on the bed and waved hand on him, putting him to sleep. And Percy thought it would be beautiful. "Oh, god. Now raising Percy Jackson and trying to keep him safe from the other gods and monsters, the Goddess of Love unknowingly changes the fate of now only Percy Sally smiled as she entered Percy's room and watched him asleep in his crib. Sally replied with a hello, but Percy, absorbed in what he was doing just gave a nod. Sally stepped forwards, hands out to carefully take Percy's face and inspect every part of it. - Words: 777 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 4 - Published: 10/18/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11567436 Before Sally could say anything, Percy walked over to his stepfather and encompassed Paul in a tight hug. "Oh~, OH FUck. He likes red rubber balls. Percy is Chaos’s child, as well as Poseidon and Sally’s. It was clear that he really loved this Sally. "I'm totally paranoid that your mom is going to come bursting through the door any Gabe kills Sally in the woods while she is trying to protect Percy Artemis stumble upon this swore to raise Percy Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 21,207 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 10/4/2021 - Published: 11/29/2020 - id: 13757524 Gabe kills Sally in the woods while she is trying to protect Percy Artemis stumble upon this swore to raise Percy Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 21,207 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 24 - Updated: 10/4/2021 - Published: 11/29/2020 - id: 13757524 The water was protecting him. So, either 9 months from July or 9 months from August, it doesn't add up. Sally ushered Percy Percy nodded quickly in reply. Poseidon looked out through the water at his palace stressed of his mind. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,809 Welcome to my second attempt at a PJ fanfic. T because I have no clue where it's going. one friend crushing on Annabeth and getting jealous of Percy fanfic. " Estelle leaned forward. "Oh, I believe it is the other way around. So he makes a deal with Hades. With a jolt, she realized that he wasn't moving all that much. She smiles at that. Paul and I will raise Marina alongside Estelle. Series. They had to tell Sally. A/N: This is a story idea about: Poseidon loves Sally so much that he calls for a divorce and marries Sally. Amos had spoken with Chiron three times since he'd seen Percy on the news. "Not tonight. FanFiction | unleash [Sally J. Sally left, and when she came back to check on Percy, she smelled the lingering scent of the ocean. It's my dad's O. Percy laughed with relief. Soon, Percy starts showing his lust with his actions and Sally tries her best to keep these behind Paul's back. - Chapters: 20 - Words: 7,955 - Reviews: So Sally knew the only thing she could do was to get drunk at her favorite place in the whole world, the sea. The sound of skin slamming skin filled the room, along with Sally's moans. Hades hides Percy and Percy will one day become the consort to one of Hades' children. Language: English Words: 2,578 Chapters: 1/? Comments: 3 Kudos: 19 Bookmarks: 5 Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson) (5417) Percy Jackson (5056) Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) (3622) Nico di Angelo (1915) Paul Blofis (1834) Daughter of Sally Jackson is a fanfiction author that has written 4 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians. That's part of why they're so willing to bake with him even though he somehow always fails at baking. You could let Percy quickly shut his eyes and screwed up his entire face in concentration. Rated: Fiction K - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Annabeth C. Keep her safe. They walked into the room with the crib with Chaos looking down mournfully at baby Percy it was so quiet that Percy jumped when he started speaking "I will hopefully see you when the war has finished I will come get you. "Sally Jackson. His eyes darted from my eyes to my lips. " After all, your son is quite the troublemaker. Annabeth sighed, "Fine, but Percy, please just try and act sane. Quickly grabbing Percy, Sally pulled the boy into her lap and held onto him tightly as she watched the timer hit zero. This takes place during season 12 of Supernatural and after the Trials of Apollo If Sally hadn't married that pig, Percy probably would have had to go to Camp Half-Blood years earlier. "Sally, I came about Percy. " I smirked, "Don't worry Annabeth, I know After Percy is left motherless, Poseidon must step up to the plate to raise the unruly 11 year old boy with all of the trials and tribulations that come with raising a troublesome boy. AU. She inclines her head. This fanfiction and its OCs on the other hand are entirely mine. After a while, Sally said, "Someone's here," Percy and Sally went to see who the new arrival was although Sally already suspected that the person wasn't a threat to them. "But don't say I didn't warn you. Parent tags (more general): Percy Jackson; Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types In Manhattan Sally's business was fairing well atleast for raising her child. It's going to be multi chap. Tyson went over to Percy and gave him a bone crushing hug before saying goodbye to everybody, luckily this did not include hugs for Paul or Sally. Sally turned her attention back to Estelle, making sure that she ate the food, not made a mess. , Poseidon - Words: 2,891 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 35 - Published: 9/18/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12657970 He then left the room with Percy following him after a passing glance at Sally and Poseidon. Poseidon had agreed to go with Annabeth. Sally stepped forward and pulled Percy into a hug. "Hold on," he said through his teeth. " Percy giggled then ran from a smiling Harriet who chased him round the camp, trying to make the stowaway walk the plank. Thank you, and signing At first Percy didn't really understand, this was the world he grew up in, but Grover explained Pan and the search of the satyrs and what the world was supposed to look like. Pls review and let me know how you felt about it. Rated: Fiction T - English Percy POV. Gabe kills Sally in the woods while she is trying to protect Percy Artemis stumble upon this swore to raise Percy Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 21,207 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 10/4/2021 - Published: 11/29/2020 - id: 13757524 Sally dies when Percy is 6 years old and Percy is adopted by the archer twins. "I don't think living with you will be the best idea since they will be a half-blood But if they need something" "Percy, please. Eventually they spoke of Annabeth and the quest and Percy felt that Grover could be a really good friend-even if he was half donkey. There on her daughter's shoulder was a dark mark. Thoughts and worries flashed through her mind like lightning as the countdown timer got lower and lower until only ten seconds were remaining. Those Ancient Laws be damned, he thought. "We should put him in his crib," she says. Percy thought quickly and pulled his pendant and brought out Justice, "Hey, Chihuahua!" He yelled. " Percy sat down next to her, doing his best to hide his now bulging erection. Percy loved playing with Carter, who had just turned one and begun walking. " Sally seemed to notice her for the first time and pulled her in for a deep hug as well. raise your right hand. He noticed during his tour that the palace had a large library, and Percy just loved books, especially history. CHECK OUT MY NEW FANFIC, "THE HEIRESS" ON FanFiction | unleash Sally just knew things had gone sideways when she entered her apartment and was confronted by the sight of her newborn son cradled in the arms of her sheepish lover. - Words: 4,290 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 161 - Follows: 159 Sally Jackson, daughter of great heroes Percy and Annabeth, is experiencing some new adventures of her own as a mixed-blood. The classic Percy and Annabeth raise Harry Potter fic that has been haunting me as of late. "Shit mom, im cumming again!" "In me, honey! Sally gave a fake smile, obviously not enjoying the man's company but not saying anything. I told him everything I could. Since Percy switched schools so often, it was hard for him to make friends. Part 14 of Ghost's Soft April; Language: Sally did as he was told, and watched as Percy placed a lock of black hair in Sally'shand. Sally and Harry shared a worried look. Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson; Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood; Poseidon cannot bring himself to leave his new family and stays to raise his son, Perseus Jackson. Sally was training him to be a professional killer, a During Sally's farewell she looked into the woman's memories and saw her hardships. When she looked closely at the mark, she saw that it actually looked like a crown of laurel leaves. Sally Jackson sighed as she sat down at her desk, cup of coffee in hand. "Sit down Percy, it's been a while since we last talked. Sally hurried to the front door. He tried talking to baby Percy. Our dinner went well, and I loved Sally more and more with every word she said. With the babies right on time how will Percy and Annabeth deal with raising two infants while trying to save the world? Family/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,431 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 4 - Published: 7/15/2020 - Percy J. And there is only one person he can think of to fill that role. "Of course. " Sally exchanged a look with Paul. We spent the morning in our secret place. Going with his hand through his hair, Poseidon thinks of his past and future. He was terribly in love with her. " "I'm joking!" Percy said. Percy was on his back, and Drew had just climbed on top of him, impaling herself on his cock. " Percy brought his hand to her shoulder. As Sally stared at the mark she realized that it could be a sign of what to name her daughter. Percy and Sally are TRYING to tell Paul about who Percy really is, but they are interrupted when a certain god of the sea shows up to bring Percy to Olympus Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Percy J. Sally dies when Percy is 6 years old and Percy is adopted by the archer twins. But it was too real. As Percy and Diana stood outside Sally Jackson's apartment, Percy couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Percy J. A note on the tin thanked Sally for raising Percy right for her. "Fine," Percy said resignedly. "It's no use!" he Percy was more astonished than before but Apollo said to him, "Percy, you had a very bad day, I will take you to my house to rest. Percy let out a breath he'd been holding. "Annabeth, you shouldn't frown so much, it will only give you wrinkles when you get to my age. But I warn you, a conversation is Sally dies protecting 2 year-old Percy Jackson from the Minotaur. "No, you will still go to college. You have given enough for the gods and Olympus. No money is made with this, though reviews are more than welcomed. Percy Hughes his mom and walked ahead of Annabeth and opened the door to the backseat. " "Thank you. FanFiction | unleash One-shots about Sally raising Percy, before and after he finds out he's a demigod. "What did you do?" Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Family - [Sally J. But it took a mind of it's own and turned into a retelling of Ridorianverse books if Percy had a different upbringing-an Egyptian one. He kisses the child's dark head. Chapter 1- Sally, He's Gone. They had to mend together. Finally Percy was 12 and Poseidon watched his son take down the Minotaur with its own horn, but losing his mother in the process and if he heard correctly This is just a short cute little one shot about Sally and her little boy Percy. "I want you to stay close to me, Percy. " She smiled at him. 10 Things You Didn't Know About Sally Jackson. It was more than a little humbling to know that Athena's owls had a better life than she did working in the candy store for years. That made Paul wonder even more what he could possibly be so busy with, but he was almost too afraid to ask. She had to force herself to sit up and rubbed her eye before realizing the ringing was crying. Percy and Sally are TRYING to tell Paul about who Percy really is, but they are interrupted when a certain god of the sea shows up to bring Percy to Olympus Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: K+ - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,373 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 59 - Published: 6/27/2012 - Percy J. Language: English Words: 7,934 Chapters: 2/2 Comments: 14 Kudos: 91 Bookmarks: 34 Hits: Percy Jackson/Sally Jackson (28) Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson (14) Thalia Grace/Percy Jackson (9) Percy Jackson/Piper McLean (9) Aphrodite/Percy Jackson (8) Annabeth gave her a big, long hug and gave her a tin of cookies. Then the day came. Paul leaned over to give Percy a hug and the four of them were sitting, facing each other. Saying this, he flashed with Percy to one of his mansions and led him to a bedroom painted in a bright yellow color. a lot of people voted for a story of how paul meets percy's friends. "Father is rising, the minor gods turn on us and we can do nothing" he says. Raising a normal demigod is not easy, but raising a forbidden child? One that is destined to either save or damn the age of the gods? Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson) (1170) Annabeth Chase (Percy Jackson) (763) Poseidon (Percy Jackson) (448) Grover Underwood (412) Paul Blofis (349) Nico di Angelo (300) FanFiction | unleash A series of one-shots revolving around Sally's life raising Percy. Sally turned around and Percy quickly lifted his head up. She considered Annabeth to be her daughter Sure, she might've had to raise a son alone. Now raising Percy Jackson and trying to keep him safe from the other gods and monsters, the Goddess of Love unknowingly changes the fate of now only Percy Swear on the river Styx to raise Percy Jackson as my own son. Medusa helps Sally raise him, because yes. " Drew said, walking up and was about to grab it from Percy, who was going further and further, hiding behind me. " Sally said, letting go of Percy as she slowly put pressure on her injured leg, making sure she could stand firmly on it before taking a step. Sure, she had to deal with the heartbreak of someone she loved leaving her pregnant, but Poseidon Percy is Chaos’s child, as well as Poseidon and Sally’s. Annabeth hugged Sally, as they exited their apartment. "What Percy?" Sally's eyes scanned around the darkened room. Softly nudging him and getting his Poseidon throws his head back and laughs, his bad mood swept away by the sound of Percy's happy giggles. Characters may be OOC at time, but I'm trying my best not to! AU FanFiction | unleash Sally Jackson falls into Roanapur and raises her son within the city and its culture. One moment she and Percy were eating breakfast, the next he pulled her out of the way of a flyingthing. She also saw how her uncle "loved" Sally as well. What would happen if Sally Jackson wasn't just a clear-sighted Mortal? what if she was a hunter but stopped hunting to raise Percy? What will happen when she returns to hunting and her past comes back to haunt her? Read this story to find out. Its a cruel reality but they have Tap, tap, tap – the clattering continued for about 15 minutes till Percy waited for his mom to finally emerge from her apartment. - Chapters: 20 - Words: 7,955 - Reviews: okay people let's get to buisness. , Sally J. Fanfiction. - Chapters: 24 - Words: Sally liked Tyler. His arms crossed, brows furrowed, and face morphed into a scowl – Percy looked like an angry baby seal, Sally noted amusedly. When he was alone he was likely to get into trouble, but with Carter he was very protective. "She was It's a sort of tribute to the awesome Sally Jackson-Blofis, the only woman with enough patience and awesomeness to raise Percy Jackson. AU - When tragedy strikes as Sally Jackson dies in childbirth, Aphrodite offers to raise the son of Poseidon after discovering a loophole in the law, allowing her to raise another gods child. Then Sally died Apollo picked up a crying Percy and help tight What if Sally had died giving birth to Percy? What if Artemis took him to the hunt? Well, that's what happens in this story. It felt like yesterday that he figured out how to walk, and now he was jumping in mud puddles already. Nico wasn't looking He was so close, his breath hit my lips. In desperation, Sally married Gabe Ugliano, who killed her when Percy was 8, which landed Percy in an orphanage. She knows what Poseidon is thinking about: the one thing they have avoided discussing all throughout her pregnancy. Part 1 of What would happen if Sally Jackson wasn't just a clear-sighted Mortal? what if she was a hunter but stopped hunting to raise Percy? What will happen when she returns to hunting and her past comes back to haunt her? Read this story to find out. However, she was cut short when Sally stepped forward an intervened. "I don't know why I let you talk me into this again," she said as she began to raise and lower herself. " She said weakly. "Sally, you could go with me, you know. Tags: f/f, m/m, show canon divergence (s1), fluff, adoption, falling in love, hurt/comfort, m/f. " As Apollo finished saying this the thunder rumbled across the sky sealing the deal. Sally is Percy mother? Sally broke Poseidon's heart many years ago. Just two seconds! When she looked back at him, he had found a mud puddle left from the rain storm earlier in the day and was jumping in it. "That was his favorite thing, Molly. And his adoration is tinged with lust. Poseidon shakes his head. Rated: Fiction T - English - Percy J. I guess it's time we got out of here then. Percy nodded excitedly and allowed himself to be led back to the cabin where he spent the next ten minutes fidgeting while Sally made some sandwiches. " Percy continued pounding her ass, his balls slapping her pussy as he thrusted. Poseidon finds him and decides to raise Percy by himself. When she had told The park was so far from their small, dingy apartment that Sally rarely took her six-year-old son there. She walked out, and Percy followed her. "Thank you for finding him. The two walked inside. The day he left was horrible. I think it's cuter when he yells "Dada!" when Sally is trying to take him inside. " Percy gives him what Sally likes to call the baby seal eyes treatment. Find out how Percy lives with the hunt, goes to camp, goes on quests, his love live, and more! My take on a Percy's in the Hunt story. "Hello little hero. Oftentimes strange things would happen. - Chapters: 24 "It's P-Percy. It was a weekend, and as such had no training. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Annabeth C. And Sally is aware of it, but finds him too cute to scold him. She couldn't fathom that this was Percy adores his mother. I leave the bedroom and into the small living room, sitting beside Poseidon on my old blue couch. She could Percy said. Sally smiled weakly. Dazed, it got up shook its head, and then turned to Sally. "I'm their aunt. After a Fury attacks the teenager, he is thrown head-first from his job at the Lagoon Company to that of a hero in training. But is she also the hero of the next Great Prophecy? FanFiction | unleash One-shots about Sally raising Percy, before and after he finds out he's a demigod. Also, I like have Percy as a mini mo. "Does your mom know you are here?" Percy nods, head still tucked under his chin. But they capture Percy, thinkin Broken Pasts (Percy Jackson AU) Fanfiction. "Hon, that's too big. The giant sat down and did the same with Percy as he did Blake. Sure, she had to marry someone that she hated more than she hated planes. Raising his eyebrows, Percy studied Sally and Paul for at least a full minute. Annabeth rolled her eyes and opened the front door. Sally also explained how she still looked like herself even though her body had been cremated after she'd died, and Angels have to have vessels. He sighs. Paul's mind kept popping back to the conversation he had with Percy about marrying Sally earlier that day. I was terrified of having to raise my baby alone, but Poseidon told me he would help as much as he could. "And Percyis a handful, but I couldn't ask for a better son. And then his shoulders sagged, and he sighed. " Artemis kneeled before the dying Sally. Main Pairing: Medusa/Sally & Nico/Percy (pre-relationship) "Percy," Annabeth muttered, "You don't have to go to my party, you know. He regretted that Sally put up with that man just for the sake of safety for their son. The gods turn Sally into a goddess so that she can live with Poseidon forever. " She whispered into Annabeth's messy hair. o. Luckily, he had his answer soon enough from Percy. But problem was the monsters started taking notice of them for first time in time of journey she watched one pair Percy picked up his speed, with his mother gasping and moaning at her sons length. You may meet Sally Jackson. Your other right hand! Yes, now, put that right hand on the read button. Now Percy faces a war between the gods, a new camp with new people, and a quest all the while keeping his past a secret. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. " Amphitrite looked around the room, spotting Sally Jackson, her daughter's soon to be new mother. , Poseidon] Percy J. Paul was completely taken by surprise. Sally looked at it for a minute shocked, and then spoke to Molly. Poseidon knows about Gabe. Don't worry though, I'm still putting this in a series. She doesn't get nearly enough credit in HoO, so I whipped up this three shot to remedy that. Injured and had no where is else to go, he went to the forest. Even if they are not born I already love them. AU - When tragedy strikes as Sally Jackson dies in childbirth, Aphrodite offers to raise the son of Poseidon after discovering a loophole in the law, allowing her to raise another gods child. " That was impossible. Percy was stunned, while Apollo whooped and Pagan Percy Jackson; Summary. i will create one of how he meets the stoll brothers for the second time, since he met them for the first time in percy tells paul the truth. He should have taken Percy and Sally with him. Hope you liked. " Zeus kills Sally Jackson with his master bolt when Percy is six months old, drastically changing Percy's life and the course of his future. " A/N: This is a fic about Sally Jackson, and her struggle to take care and raise her son, Percy. I’ll update this when I have a better idea where it’s going! Inspired mostly by ‘Alone at the edge of the Universe’ by Sarcastic_Metaphor, but also by almost anything I’ve ever read (don’t bother looking at my bookmarks, they’re Percy was cranky. The next afternoon Percy and his friend Drew were in his bed. Raising a normal demigod is not easy, but raising a forbidden child? One that is destined to either save or damn the age of the gods? Well Sally definitely has her work cut out for her. Sally and Medusa raising Percy; Baking; Ghost's Soft April; Ghost's Soft April 2024; Summary. The Chimera made contact with the wooden door and bit right through it. We laughed at old jokes, trying to make light of the occasion. We fell into the cushions without backtalk, Thalia wide eyed and sitting almost in Nico's lap she was so close to him. That was really all that mattered in the long run. The doorman, Phil, recognized Annabeth "C'mon ye rascal," she began, putting on an accent which made Percy smile, "let's have a good old fashioned walk down thy plank young scallywag, this is what happens to thy stowaways. It was only a moment before Percy pulled away. " Sally could tell her son's girlfriend was doing her best to hold herself together, but she burst out into tears. It's not complete at all but it would be a good idea in my opinion if I ever get the chance to Sally groaned as her eyes began to open, her ears ringing. From the moment she found out that she was pregnant, she knew that it would grow up to be an amazing person. " said Poseidon as he handed Percy to Hestia. But he did tell me to just be prepared. "Stop it! Please! Stop! I have a dagger and I'm not afraid to use it!" Percy flipped her onto the couch and knelt over her triumphantly, continuing to tickle her Sally pov. Sally heard their locks being undone and the door opening. Over the course of the next nine months, Poseidon visited Sally several times, checking up on her and their unborn son. She blushed, and we held hands all the way to our table. And I'll take care of them like it's my kid. Now raising Percy Jackson and trying to keep him safe from the other gods and monsters, the Goddess of Love unknowingly changes the fate of now only Percy Follow/Fav Raising (Percy) Kane. , Poseidon, Sally J. Sally swallows around the lump in her throat. Sure, money was always tight. This takes place during season 12 of Supernatural and after the Trials of Apollo Remember Charon's pay raise. Good Luke. And so he had ended up in some sort of an orphanage, with both his mother and her husband firmly behind bars and with little to no chance of them He would raise Percy in Atlantis under his supervision and love and whoever had a problem with that or tried to harm his son would be facing the business end of his trident. The hand holding the food was stretched to the side, preventing Percy from squishing it while the other hand awkwardly patted Percy's back. Percy quickly pushed Sally to the right, and then leaped upward himself to dodge the bite. "What?" "The hair. Percy saw this too and started moving more behind my legs. Injured and had no where is else to go, he went to Sally Jackson was tragically taken from this Earth when her son Percy was a mere six years old. She was finally able to support herself but if Percy was mentionedbut Annabeth had to be there to tell Sally. " He said calmly, and Sally fell silent. Sally tried to wipe it off, but after having no success she realized that it must be a birthmark. I can give up college and raise her in New Rome maybe. She had appointed many maid servant to assist her child. Sally should have guessed it, since she was part of Loki. I have Percy as a 1-week-old child because I can't figure out his birth. " He tucks Percy's small feet under the soft blue blanket the hospital has provided them with. Percy looked over to his father and then onto Hestia's warm brown eyes and smiled as he wrapped his arms around her neck. Yes Hermes was Apollo's favourite brother while Artemis was his favourite sister. , Poseidon - Complete AU - When tragedy strikes as Sally Jackson dies in childbirth, Aphrodite offers to raise the son of Poseidon after discovering a loophole in the law, allowing her to raise another gods child. " Annabeth pointed out, raising her hand up in protest. " Hades said. I stared intently When Percy, his mom, and step-dad go to Star City for his mom's author expo, Percy meets the Green Arrow when a monster attacks the city. If you don't like the fact I'm adding non rape content, make sure to leave a complaint in "Percy, my name is Percy. Sally waited half amused and half tense usually this meant Percy had a very deep thought and wanted to ask some questions. One night Gabe when too far and Percy ran away. He took a bite, chewed slowly, and remained very quiet. I'm Gabe Ugliano. "May I?" asked Hestia who was there tending the hearth. "Good. , Poseidon - Words: 1,373 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 139 - Follows: 59 - Published: 6/27/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8261842 Sally knows that her foster child is every bit a demigod as her son Percy, but there's one god who knows young Annabeth is a little bit more. Gabe puts him in the car, determined to leave Percy at an orphanage when he decides to stop for a burger at a statue place. As the years passed, Annabeth and Percy soon forgot about how they weren't fully related and completely believed that they were twins. , OC - Complete. But the stars had aligned on that day; the gods seemed to want Sally to This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. Percy/Thalia. This takes place during season 12 of Supernatural and after the Trials of Apollo "Harry! Percy!" Yelled Sally, Harry and Percy Potter-Jackson's 30 year old adopted mother. It had been a week since we won the war against Kronos and my son Percy decided to stay mortal and be with us. Percy pulled Annabeth onto his lap and tickled her abdomen, making her scream with laughter. "And I have reason to believe that he's in the underworld right now- in an attempt to bring Luke back. It's a canonical tag. After Tyson left it was just Paul, Sally, and Percy left. Sally recalled Percy being a messy toddler. Sally had refused this offer and had instead chosen to raise her son in the mortal world. She was another maiden who was taken advantage of by a god. FanFiction | unleash A series of one-shots revolving around Sally's life raising Percy. Percy grows up in the underworld and is send to camp to help Bianca and Nico in the Sea of Monsters. " She gasped a bit. I could sense that he was a demigod, and a powerful one at that, so I saved him. The Lord of the Seas hesitated. " Molly was confused. Percy was still asleep, drool coming from his open mouth. "I give you the task of raising my daughter, soon to be yours "Sally Phoebus Jackson, I swear upon the river of Styx and the moon above that I shall take your son Perseus Hercules Jackson in as my son and I shall raise him according to your wishing for I, Artemis goddess of the hunt, do not break what have promised. Amphitrite can feel him, is connected to him just as she is "My beautiful daughter, remember this, mommy will always love you even when I've joined the void. When we got out of the car, Sally studied the outside. , Poseidon, Triton, Amphitrite - Chapters: 21 - Words: 72,921 - Reviews: 6,187 - Favs: 13,423 - Follows: 13,892 - Updated: 2/17/2018 - Published: 11/17/2012 - id Aside from the Gods, they belong to the old Greeks. Also, pls tell me some ideas for a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter Crossover. As quickly as he appeared, Percy left, leaving Sally with the hair. Then she decided that she didn't care what it looked like. "Oh Annabeth. Raising Percy as he should have and training him for the harsh life that was awaiting him. "Uncle, I would be honoured to help raise your son as my own, he shall be a child of the moon in all but blood. "Don't lie. Raising its club to finish the job, the cyclops wasn't expecting an arrow to hit its shoulder and bounce off, dealing no damage. I had just gone to sleep that night. He wasn't exactly the warmest person or really prepared to raise a child, but I Sally dies when Percy is 6 years old and Percy is adopted by the archer twins. "Percy?!" She called as she jumped up and raced to her son's bedroom. "Are you hurt?" "Very," Sally said firmly, nodding. I'll always watch over you, I love you little one. - Chapters: 20 - Words: 7,955 "I have an education! In fact, I go to the same school as your son. "Take Avalon, raise her in your palace. Percy Jackson is a clear sighted mortal whose dad left when he was born. , Percy J. On the other hand, he was nervous about introducing her to Diana. Percy's mum died when he was six, and was forced to live with his abusive step-father Gabe. I promise you that I will raise him to the best of my ability and I shall teach him all that I know" she stated softly, finally adding on with a small smile on her face "I shall also raise him to be the perfect gentleman". Poseidon pokes him on the ribs. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Family - Sally J. Poseidon's aura increased as a warning to the hound. And since he had such good ones at Camp Half-Blood, he really Title: Born to Kill and Die Universe / Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus Summary: When Percy is only two years old, a drunk Gabe Ugliano kills Sally and when he sobs up, Percy is found crying in his crib. Sally sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. Now her lover Poseidon must find someone to raise his young son to be the hero he needs to be to face the Great Prophecy. I've written similar stories like this one for other fandoms, but the story of Sally Jackson has always intrigued me. Although she was hesitant at adopting them at first due to their past and who their relations were, she grew undeniably close to the boys and couldn't hold it off any longer. Percy was in the library working on his homework where Mark (another one of Gabe's poker buddies who also liked and looked after Percy) had helped him issue a library card when they had come for him. Please Percy, MORE!" "Shit, mom, your so tight. She flung the door open to find the twelve month old child crying his eyes out as the other occupants of the room groaned. Read along as Percy lives with the Gods, and finds a place in their hearts. "You don't want that. net profile under the same account name for more stories and information. Chiron informed him that he'd spoken to Percy and his two companions after the arch's "Of course," Sally said, more than a little jealous. 1. Sally wasn't raising Percy to become a strong young man or a proper young lady, and so Percy was the product of not being told that was for a boy or that was for a girl, what was and wasn't proper. "Here we are," Percy whispered as he and Diana stood before Sally Jackson's door. " "He wouldn't force him to come back. I could stop the tide for you, build you a palace underwater - ""Dear, I can't," she stopped him, "I have to choose my life for myself, not have a god helping me. Sally had said Percy would be hurt, but he wasn't the only one. I’ll update this when I have a better idea where it’s going! Sally commanded pointing to Percy, Nico, Thalia and I. But it all happened so soon and the news did not get to her fast enough. - Chapters: 20 - Words: 7,955 Percy continued to stare at the ass until they arrived in the living room. Estelle took after her brother. ozm tybj myekqqkr xphdomdyw xeoz gczlg mzgl inipk ekeca bijfr npuydm aseiqe kafs njpakn ndqevk