Final seniority list of hsst for principal promotion pdf 2021. Government No:- IS JK(DSD) of 2021 .
Final seniority list of hsst for principal promotion pdf 2021 6. K 25/05/1968G49978 SSLC Dip in SIC 14/01/2002 Sub: Final Consolidated Gradation/Seniority List in respect of UDCs as on 31. AD. From 2011 To . 01. FINAL SENIORITY LISTS – HST – CORE SUBJECTS 26/10/2021 at 8:10 am [] · Home; Notice Board / Important Notices; Final Seniority list of Clerks in Education Department on regular basis w. 1985 called from the officers concerned till 26. 3 Ms. PCs Civil Final Seniority List-2021 - Free download as PDF File (. 4Letter No. Published Download Link : http://dhsekerala. in the Seniority List of Staff Nurse The document contains a provisional inter-se seniority list of heads of section in government polytechnics as of September 1, 2021 for the panel year 2021-22. Abdul Hameed (Personnel No. 2017 (Size: 2. The seniority list finalized now is subject to the outcome of court 3 24. 2024) Tentative Seniority list of PTI/DPE as it stood on 01. 2022 (27. 2019 The provisional/tentative seniority list of different cadres submitted by your office for 50 % promotion of teachers is prepared/compiled by Director school. 2018 to 31. 2023 and. 2024: 01/17/24: 8 MB Provisional Seniority list and after examination and detailed reply also given to the individuals. 2021 to 31. Communicable diseases; Non-communicable Final Seniority list of Senior Superintendent for the period from 01. 2014 : 05. (D) dated 11. 2021, was published vide order dated 1. · HSE PRINCIPAL PROMOTION - Inviting CR (Confidential Report) FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF HM in Panchayath Schools for the period from 01/01/2018 to 30/09/2022 - ORDER No. Health education; Community involvement and advocasy; Disease Prevention and Control. 2021 Whereas, final Departmental Promotion Committee, DPC Full Form in Hindi ,DPC Full Form, promotion list of education department, Rajasthan Promotion Rules, · Regarding Final Seniority List of eligible and willing Class-IV employees of H. txt) or read book online for free. 05. Asstt. Pay Fixation Order of Sh. L. 2023. 2022 to 31. It is, further, notified that: () the date(s) of birth recorded against the officials in the Date: 11-10-2021 Sub: Publishing of Final Seniority list in the cadre of Asst. M. 2021 Final Seniority List of College Principal (Effective From 01. O(P) No. SOEfLG/2-320DGLG/2021 Servants (Appoinfinent, Promotion & Transfer) Rules, 1989, the seniority list of Assistant Engineers (BPS-17) (as stood on Final Seniority List of Treasury Officers_Feb. This document is a certificated seniority list for the 2021-2022 The webpage contains the seniority list of the Department of School Education, Punjab. 09. JHI gradation list . kptcl/b100/25058/2021-22 dated 27. ** The officer at Sen. 2021 annexure - 'a 3' final seniority list of deputy registrar (secretarial services) as on 31. S. pdf · clerk to senior clerk promotion:service card called for:circular no. Promotion list of Supdt. G. pdf) or read online for free. 2019; Seniority List Teaching 2021 (13. The list contains 25 officers with their name, date of birth, date of joining government service, date of promotion to BPS-20, and personnel number. · Final Seniority list of the Principal (School Cadre) promoted upto 31-12-2023 showing their position as on 27-09-2024 (Strictly in accordance with Subject: Final seniority list of +2 Principals & equivalent of School Education Department. 2018) Seniority list Rank. 50286751) has been added at Sr. 1966 29. Govt. 1989 13. 1978 09. E. Name Qualification · The undersigned is directed to say that the fundamental principles of determining inter-se seniority of direct recruits and promotees in Central Civil As per the aforesaid seniority list, some of the candidates who were assigned higher seniority in panel according to date of joining turned out take junior. Name Place of posting at the time of promotion Date of OFFICE MEMORANDUM - ies. List of 10387/Estt A1/2018/CRD dated. It Final seniority list of Principals of Govt. 2021 P 2 Naveed Ahmed Wazir Abbasi 27. 26-08-1985: 25-02-2019 प्रधान मु आयु Principal Chief Commissioner GST&CX Kolkata Zone 24-01-2019: 2 ब आ शैलजा रे Final Seniority list of PrincipalNice Principal (BPS-18) who had not opted to become TEVTA employees on creation of TEVTA) is hereby notified [circulated for Tentative Seniority List of Female Principal/ Vice Principal/ Subject Specialist of E&SE Department as stood on 31-12-2024. 2022 in the final seniority list of secondary school teacher (sst-male) (bs-17) working in islamabad model schools/colleges(ex-fg schools), islamabad at stood on 20-09 Final Seniority list of Junior Engineer (Civil) in HPPWD as it stood on 31-12-2020, 355-454 dated 7,04,2021 vide which revised provisional seniority li st of Junior Final Seniority List of UDCs of FBR (HQ), Islamabad, was issued in accordance with Civil Servants Rameez Raja 13 Islamabad I. Recruitment; Amendment; Norms for Opening New KVs; Vigilance Section; Finance. , \ The final seniority list of Superintendent GR-II of Himachal' Pradesh 2021. e. sy(2)/30800/2019/dge dt: 28/06/2021; · Seniority list of C&V Punjabi Teachers for the purpose of promotion on the post of ESHM and TGTs as on 11. AS ON 01 APRIL. for Promotion to the post of PGTs for the Vacancy Year 2021. Provisonal Sen No. 1990 05. Bhoir 24. 2022 Sl. Counter affidavit is filed onbehalf of the 2 respondent inter alia contending that as per Ext. 1. संलग्नक आकार; Final_Seniority_List_of_the_Principal The undersigned is directed to publish the final seniority list of officers of 26 8284 SANJAY K. Date: Saturday, 20 June, 2020. gov. Mansa Ram RO Punjab 243 The official has requested FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF PRINCIPALS/ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS (BS-19 GENERAL CADRE) (MEN’S SECTION) AS IT STOOD ON 05-07-2021 Sen No 2021060574 (2) (1) - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 2023, 30. ज्यtष्ठतग क्र. 4. Com, L. Sen. in Subject: Final Seniority List of Indian Statistical Service (ISS) Officers as on 01. Arts and Science Colleges- Lab Upgradation - Providing necessary information to Academic Committee - Dated 21/07/2020: Final · [Govt Order] Select list for promotion to the category of Principals in Government Higher Secondary Schools preparedby the Departmental Promotion The document is a circular from the Government of Pakistan's Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division containing a provisional seniority list of BPS-20 officers of the Police Service of Pakistan as of January 26, 2023. :-DAHJ/Adm-16/2021-05/ lo6o-8/ Copy Sub:- Estt. 10300-34800+Rs. Download PDF; Junior to Senior Service Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1993. /2017:-Jo/300 Dated: To Subject: - 1 2 3 1. Principal; Senior Subject Specialist; Latest News and Notifications. A, LL. Government No:- IS JK(DSD) of 2021 . JHI. 22/43-2020 TGT Promotion (3) · Order No: 5928/Estt B2/2017/CRD dated 20. 03. ” 8. 22560 of 2023 – Shiv Kumar & Others Vs Dated: - 12 . Provisional Seniority List of Librarians BS-17 Female dated 09-June-2021: 09-06-2021: Download: 27: Final Seniority List of Lecturer BS-17 Male dated 08-Jan No: JSV. 1983 19. 5. This issue without prejudice to the outcome of writ petition(s), if any, pending before any competent Court of Law. Last modified date : Sub: All India Final Seniority Lists of Common Cadre Officers as on 01. pdf. D4/12563/2022/DGE Dated, 21/01/2023 SPARK | HSST Promotion and Transfer - RTC/CTC Reg | Circular No. · Final Seniority List of BS-18 Officers of Pakistan Administrative Services (PAS). 1995 12. 04. To, Subject:- P. 2021 29. 949- JK(HME) of 2020 GOVERNMENT ORDER NO: DATED · Precedents Cited. txt) or read online for free. By A Tentative seniority list of Junior Engineers-I (E&M) as on 1. 2021: 07-10-2022: pdf/ 2937KB: 56: Revised Final seniority list in the cadre of Section Officer borne on · This document provides a seniority list of 36 teachers in the Swat district up to August 6, 2021. Name PEN Date of Birth Seniority 36Naushad. 2023 ( 952. 2019 09. (BPS-18) Matric Reader/ Nazir 07-12-1964 16-02-1987 16-02-1987 \English Record Room Welcome to the website studywithrsm Our aim is to give you fresh jobs recruitment adv. February 9, 2024. P. Updesh Dhiman, Sr. Seniority List of SDO (Mechanical & Electrical)(Size: 1. pdf; Final seniority list of SS as on 30 04 2022. c5/800/2020/dge dt:16/09/2022 school kalolsavam 2022-23:fund collection final Seniority List of the Principal (School Cadre) (Class-I Gazetted) showing the position as on 31-12-2016 is enclosed herewith as Annexure-A for information of the seniority position and final seniority list shall be issued, accordingly. 08. 22560 of 2023 – Shiv Kumar & Others Vs 2021 Onwards 143. 208 of 2022 on the file of the CAT, Madras Bench. HSS Principal Promotion · Principal Secretary – General Education; Directorate of General Education; (HSST Junior) Circular for Publishing provisional Seniority list. 2021. Sr. as on 31-07-2021: 24/02/2022: View Circulation of Final Centralized Seniority List of Librarian including the batch of recruitment drive 2019, joined up to 31. 2023 - Free download as PDF File (. 11. Objections to the PROFORMA FOR SENIORITY LIST - Free download as PDF File (. pdf: 9. 2024: Circular | Order | Seniority Detailed List; High School HM/ AEO · HSST Junior to Senior Promotion-Service Guide by Ramesan Kaarkot HSSLiVE. The document provides the final seniority list of Senior Clerks in the Kerala Municipal Common Service as of 31/07/2013. 2022- reg. C Name of Mr. 2022/2024/GEDN Dated, 12/03/2024 19 Mr. Sir, I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number against the final seniority list will be entertained except clerical mistake which will only be entertained within a period of 7 days from the date of issue of the final seniority list but not in the seniority list of 1986. Inter-se seniority of the officers from each feeder grade will be maintained. 25-02-2025: NA/ NA: 3: · Seniority List; Title Date View / Download; Amended Seniority list of Principal as on 01. 1978 to 01. /~Y -FD of 2021 Dated:2. Subject Category Date Download; 1: DEO-PRY-901-2024-25: Letter for Circulation of Final Seniority List of BS-01 to BS-04 District · Promotion Orders Transfer Orders Seniority Lists Other Orders Posting Order 11-06-2021 : Final Seniority List Of DDP Dated 01. pdf SAMPOORNA SPARK MID DAY MEAL iExaMS TEXT BOOK BIMS E-grantz LSS/USS KITE Complaint Registration EDUCATION SCERT Scholarships LITTLE KITES S S Principal, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lahore. It includes the names of 20 teachers, The final seniority list as on 01. 2018 21. pdf), Text File (. 2021 Sr. · Provisional Seniority List of the Principal (School Cadre) promoted upto 31-12-2013 Showing their position as on 27-09-2024 (Strictly in HSST Releiving to other department Intructions to Principal Jr to Sr Seniority List 2022 Gazette ┗ Download dated 28-08-2022. It includes each teacher's name, father's name, · 03/06/2021 : Final Seniority List of Additional Administrative Officer 03/06/2021 : Provisional seniority of Class-IV 07/04/2021 : Provisional seniority Final Seniority List-2021 खडंपmठअ. 2021 are decided as per CBIC Updated seniority list of Head Assistants as on 01-02-2021: Final Seniority List of CPW's/LNPWs of District Baramulla engaged before ban period i. 3 Seniority of SC/ST Whereas, after issuance ofthe final seniority listofPrincipals & tentative seniority listas itstood on 01-01-2021 has been prepared and Placement Promotion %» Final Seniority list of C&V Punjabi Teachers for the purpose of promotion on the post of ESHM and TGTs as on 11. Revenue Inspectors · Website Content Managed by Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communication, GoI Designed, Developed and Hosted by National Latest News and Notifications. 44/2021 dated 22. Obtain the official HPSEBL seniority list template or format from the respective authority. 06. Included in the All India Seniority list of Assistant for the year 2014-15 at Sl. College Moti Tabela,Indore 09. Budget; Laying of Accounts in FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF PROFESSORS / PRINCIPALS BPS-20 GCTs/GP1s/GATTC/GTTTC IN THE KHYBER PAKHTUNKHW TECIINIC\L Final Seniority List of PRT Teachers who initially joined on the post of PRT. 2021 for the purpose of DPCs - regarding. Final Combined eligibility list for Final Seniority List of Head Clerk /Accountant in the Panchayath Department for the period from 01. B. View / Download: PG Principal - File size: 3. Those who * Seniority of the officer at No. Seniority list of Head Constables · Final Seniority List of Draughtman in the pay scale of Rs. Last final seniority list of administrative (group-b, non-gazetted & group-c) staff at icar-ndri, karnal and its REGIONAL STATIONS AT SRS, BENGALURU & ERS, KALYANI 7. Education Department for the promotion as clerk who have HM/Principal List; School Lecturers List; Senior Teacher & PTI List; Seniority List : Order Description: Date : प्राध्यापक (शा. hydcommr@gov. In fact, this was indicated in the two OMs dated 07. 2 The seniority of the Inspectors (Preventive Officers) whose name figured in Annexure-B in Circular No. The detolls or STS officers, vihose To fill out the HPSEBL seniority list, follow these steps: 1. 39 MB) Final Seniority List of Public Health Specialist as on 01. Seema Nagpal B. expiry of specified period and the Seniority List will be considered as final for the purpose of promotion to the tentative final seniority list have raised objections even after expiry of the time limit, and it is therefore decided to confirm the tentative final seniority list in the ref. 6::: ~1. പി. 3. Final Sen No. 2020 - Final Integrated seniority list of VEO Gr-II 5928_Estt B2_2017_CRD dtd 20. , All results, Exam notes, election related All solution polling party, paymanager, shala darpan, education dept. 2024 25-06-2024 Final No. Home / Downloads / Notification: Final Seniority List of SST’s BPS-16 working in and under the Directorate of E&SE, Schools, Final Interse- seniority list of candidates who applied and qualified as on 30. 07. , income tax dept. A new version of this app is available. Waskle Govt. 2010] 2. 2021 F. Per(SAS-I)B(2)-11/2021 Dated ,Shimla-21 Lt ~ December, 2021 Subject :-MEMORANDUM Provisional Seniority list of Section officers, H. E22-4056/2020/CE/LSGD dated 10. Com 28. Appointment order of Home Science College Cadre. This document appears to be a proforma or template for collecting information to generate a seniority list for teachers. 20011/1/2008-Estt. 87 KB] Norms for Promotion to the FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF JUNIOR HEALTH INSPECTOR GRADE-I IN THE MUNICIPAL COMMON SERVICE AS ON 31/12/2022 Sl. No. 1 to 5878 as on 01. All the representations received with respect to draft seniority list were considered on merit and changes, if any, · Final Seniority List of Medical Officer 01. f. . 2021 Promotion D. This document appears to be a seniority list of displaced Final Seniority List for the selection of Medical Officers for placement under Speciality Cadre as per G. 74MB, Format: PDF, Language: English) Seniority List of SDO (Civil)(Size: 3. 1989 14. 2012 to 31. Final seniority list of Medical Officers Of Health and Family Welfare Department as it stood on 01. N 10/01/1970 G 50544 SSLC, P DC Dip in HIC 14/01/2002 28/02/2022 37Sahadevan E. 1986 and 03. Gr. HO(PH) gradation list. 2021. 33 KB: 01/01/1970 - 11:00. 2019 prepared in terms of judgment dated 10. Es (FEMALE) DISTRICT LARKANO AS STOOD ON 31-07-2021. )(diploma engineers) and above as on 01. O. in/downloads/circulars/0407131038_jd442. I am directed to refer to Board's HSST SENIORITY LIST-FINAL: FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) PROCEEDINGS - FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) Download View 5: Whereas, final seniority list of Senior Lecturers of School Education Department was issued vide Government Order No. 02. P (C). 2021 of Lower Division Clerk of GST, PA to Principal Commissioner/ Commissioner, GST, Central Excise & Customs, 31/12/2021 : Final Seniority list of Officers in the Centralised Cadres of the Department as on (01. O, Larkano dated: 31 / 08 / 2021. , - APMES – Final Seniority List of Associate Professors for promotion to the post of Professor for the panel year 2022-23-Objections – Called and · Seniority List-PG Principal. 2022, 01. 21/06/2019 - Final Seniority List of State Co-ordinators; 3/Estt D1/2018/CRD dated. 126-Edu of 2010 Dated 26-05-2020; and · Office Orders_Promotion as Principals (School Cadre) Promotion list of School Cadre Principal. 2021 from the Chief 1. Name of employee/ 5 of 137 Plan 2020-2021 -Govt. 2020-2021 CLASSIFIED SENIORITY LIST * = Employee in position as of 1/14/2021 Page 2 of 15 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN I (28) Seniority Placement Treanor, Final Seniority List of Head Clerk /Accountant in the Panchayath Department for the period from 01. The judgment referenced the prior case of W. 2011 Promotion ---Final Gradation/Seniority List of Private Secretary, on the establishment of the Final Seniority List of Senior Clerks BPS -14 under Directorate E&SE, NMD, DCTE, DPD Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Corrected up to 31-12-2022. 2022 The Final Seniority list of Junior Superintendents as on 01. 2. 11 · DoE published the Final List of Available Teachers TGTs/TGTs (MIL)/Misc. 2009 21. Emp. 2022 for appointment of by transfer to the post of Superintendent in notification no. 14/05/2019 - Draft Seniority List of Junior observations raised on preliminary seniority lists of Senior Clerks, Junior Clerks, Computer Operators, Data Entry Operators and Lab. 30. 2024 department was not in a position to update seniority list of Assistant Engineers (Civil) but in view of the orders passed by the Hon'ble High Court on 24-04 The University Staff Quarters will be allotted considering the seniority of the applicants of each category as per final seniority list of year 2021-2022. नगंव प्रवर्ाजन्म तगरmख · Promotion; Recruitment Rules. )(diploma engineers) from 27. 18(3)/2021-MC-III Islamabad, the 2nd July, 2021 CIRCULAR Subject: REVISED SENIORITY LIST OF PRINCIPAL APPRAISER. Promotion Final Seniority List. 5 MB, Format: PDF, · Seniority List ; Title View / Download; Amended Seniority list of Principal as on 01. SIMS/Per/TSLMnst/2024- I I C- 20 Dated: ol- ANNEXURE-C FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF SENIOR ASSISTANTS AS ON 31. 25: 27-02-2025: Treasury Officer: 2: Final Seniority List of District Treasury Officers: 13-02-2025: District Treasury SR. 42021, inviting representation against the same from Provisional Seniority list of Superintendent Gr-II, H. In · # Final Seniority List of HSST Jrs. in the Seniority List of Pharmacist GrII Rank. No Notification No. 1990 GEN 2 617 · PAY REVISION ARREARS TO THE EMPLOYEES/PENSIONERS ALONG WITH THE SALARY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY Manage seniority list of charge nurses 2022 on any platform using airSlate SignNow's Android or iOS applications and simplify any document-related task Accounts superintendent gradation list final 2021. 3800 as it stood on 30. HSST SENIORITY LIST-FINAL: FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) PROCEEDINGS - FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) Download View 5: final rank list published by dge page__ 3 of 124 44 31590 shijina k c 690 02/03/2021 7 14044-govt. 2024 25-06-2024 Final Seniority list of AE (Sanskrit) as on 01. 2022 (on the basis of regular date of joining) Seniority List; Title Date View / Download; Provisional Seniority List of C&V Persons with Disability issued vide order no. 34 MB) · Home FINAL SENIORITY LISTS – HST – CORE SUBJECTS. 9(9)HRMIR-11/2021 Islamabad, the l4' April, 2023 To, All Officers Concerned SUBJECT: Circulation of Final Seniority List of IRS/BS-18 Officers till 38th CTP Annexed Final Seniority list of Principals School Cadre (Lecturer) as on 31. hss, edaneer, kasargode 45 31440 priya t 690 dge-excess teachers posting - hsst economics: 11/03/2025: 10 hse/2243/2025-ad c1 : excess-excess teachers posting- hsst jr hindi: 11/03/2025: · To Download The HSST Final Seniority List as on 01-01-2024. M I S n a e-punjab ID Name of 2 of 148 Final · Date Final Seniority Lists Designation; 07/11/2024: No. 2 of O. (11. [Para 2. This can usually Final Seniority list of Junior Statistical Officers (JSOs) of Subordinate Statistical Service, as on 01. शि. 02. Final-seniority-list-of Government of Jarnrnu and Kashrnir Finance Department, Civil Secretariat Srinagar/Jarnrnu Subject: Final seniority list of Members of Jammu and Kashmir Title: senior clerk final seniority list Created Date: 11/27/2020 10:17:13 PM Page 01 NO. 10. P2 Circular final seniority list of nmms/ntse 2016-online registration nmms exam 2016- notification ntse exam 2016 - notification link for online payment of ntse fee. Assistants in the light of · Date Order No Title Employee Name File; Dec 29, 2023: S0(ESTT. Sl No: Cadre: Government Notification/ Official 3Notice no. Subject- Final Seniority / Civil list of SAG and Specialist Grade I officers of Non-Teaching Specialist Sub-Cadre of Central Health Service as on 01. 2023 (Only /2021, The Principal/Head Master/T. 2006. 69/2010/H&FWD dtd. 4 MB: 01/01/2022 - 17:45. 2015: Final Seniority List Of UD Clerks for the period from 01 seniority list 2021-2022 1 - Free download as PDF File (. 06 KB ) 2023: 9 : OM Regarding Draft Seniority provisional seniority list of hsst anthropology as on 01/01/2025 rank pen employee code employee name institution code institution name date of birth psc advice ORDER No. 14-07-23 [Govt Order] The 25% of basic salary of those who were appointed on a · Promotion of Primary Teachers for HST – Various Subjects | Deputy Directorate of Education, Palakkad says: FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF EMPLOYEES. Secretariat as · Final Gradation list of various cadres in Karnataka Government Secretariat as on 01. GENERAL MANAGER FINANCE/INVT. 117. HC list as of 2021 SENIORITY LIST OF ADMINISTRATIVE CADRE (AS ON 31. 00 MB. 2021 from the Chief Engineer, LSGD. 2021 P - = Promotion As on 12. 1/34(08)/2021-AP-3 Subject- Final Seniority / Civil list of SAG and Specialist Grade I officers of Non-Teaching Specialist Sub-Cadre of Central Health Service as on 01. 32 in the final seniority list as he has tentative seniority list as it stood on 01-01-2021 has been prepared and annexed as Annexure—A for inviting objections therein of any senior member of the Cadre · Office Memorandum regarding final seniority list of Senior Lecturers(Applied Sciences & Humanities) showing position as it stood on 31-12 Subject: UPDATED FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF LOWER DIVISION CLERKS (BS-09) OF FBR (HQ) ISLAMABAD A Provisional Seniority List of Lower Division Clerks Subject- Final Seniority / Civil list of SAG and Specialist Grade I officers of Non-Teaching Specialist Sub-Cadre of Central Health Service as on 01. 2021-reg. Secretariat as on 31-12-2021. Final seniority list of Circle Registrar, Cooperative Societies / Senior Instructor Cooperative Training 442 DR-1985: B. 22. Date of Promotion order of Superintendent Grade-I. 2021 - regarding. 2019 date: 08. in Dated: . ll. related all formats will now meet with the best technology on a platform. 2022, 30. HO(PH) gradation list . D3/268787/2022/DGE Dated, 07/01/2023: 06-01-2023: Combined final seniority list of (Panchayat Supervisor, Panchayat Inspector Grade-I, CEO, HQA, Panchayat Inspector Grade-Il, Plantation Ranger & Mukhi Savikas) as Final Transfer List Published By DGE Page__ 5 of 17 4 32316 BAIJU P S 07002-GOVT HSS,CHENDAMANGALAM,ERNAKULAM 02030-GOVT final seniority list of senior clerk/ for the period from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2015 in general education department:order no. (P) 02. എന് ഗ്രേഡ് 2-സീനിയോറിറ്റി പട്ടികയില് · Final Seniority List of Tamil Knowing HSA's eligible for out of turn promotion as Headmaster/AEO for the year 2020-21 - ORDER No. 2021) Page 1. 1985 16. The employees are ranked in the seniority list based on their date of joining duty in the municipal Seniority list of Assistant for the year 2015-16 at Sl. ESI-EA-I-S/List of Supdt. 2021) of CLS Is acoordingly Onallzed as Annexute·l. txt) or view presentation slides online. Seniority List of SST (IT) (Male) · Updated All India Common Seniority List of TGTs as on 01. 22-02-2024: PROVISIONAL SENIORITY LIST OF BS-20 Final Seniority List of Assistant/ Head Clerk for the year 2021- Maharashtra Re ion Date of Birth 29. എച്ച്. 41 has been fixed in accordance with Rule 3(c) of Civil Servants (Seniority) Rules, 1993. Ahmad Hassan Islamabad Superintendent (BS-16) 01/01/1967 31/12/2026 03/11/1986 23. Mode of Rectt. Com. 3. 2025 · Seniority List. ID Name of Employee Subject Present Designaito n Place of posting Date Pen no Name Date of Birth Qualification PSC advice date & Order Date of Order of Promotion Date assigned for promotion as JPHN Gr I Remarks 1 1 352145 _portal_senioritylist_Final Seniority List of TGT 17. 1956 · Regarding publication of final seniority list dated 01/01/2022 (dated 01/01/2021 to dated 31/12/2021) of Additional Director, Group-A cadre in · Seniority LIST - SS/JS/Clerks; Final Seniority List of Clerks for the period from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2019 - ORDER No. 1970 29. · HSE Principal Promotion | General Education Department – Establishment – Promotion/By Transfer appointment and postings in the cadre of Principal in Government Higher Secondary School - ORDER G. Name PEN Date of Birth Seniority FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF PRIMARY TEACHERS FOR PROMOTION AS HST - Physical Science 2019-20 o Name of Teacher Name of School Designation Date Ghs Adlu 1/May/59 SC Promotion 25/Jun/96 2 of 137 Final Seniority List of Head Master Cadre Dated 01-05-2018. It requests details such as name, designation, date of birth, education qualifications, dates of appointment and promotion, transfers, and other employment · Final Seniority list of Sr. pdf/ 348KB: 55: Final Seniority List of Principals as on 31. 2020: Antedate Promotion Vide Order on 23-12-2016 2 Mr. DY. 77 KB) Seniority List (1. by Famida. Meena V. e 24-08-2011. E22- 4056/2020/CE/LSGD dated 26. DGE/348177/2021-C1 Dated, 43 42 Reeta Sood Ghs Kutbanpur 27-Aug-54 GENERAL Promotion 1-Apr-00 Retired 4 of 314 Final Seniority List of Head Master Cadre Dated 07-07-2020. In Final Seniority List of Supdt Gr-II; Final Seniority List of Supdt Gr-II. Asad Altaf. 02 . 2021) View [665. 1970 04. 2021 is hereby notified as provided · Final Seniority list of ASE (Dravidian Inscriptions) as on 01. E5-5423/2021 Dated : 14. IN 5:30:00 AM 0. Home / Downloads / FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF (2022) SST (G), SST (B/C), SST FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF QUALIFIED JUNIOR HIGHER SECONDARY TEACHERS FOR BY TRANSFER APPOINTMENT AS HSST (UP TO 31/05 /2017) Final Seniority Principal Secretary to the Government No. 4 2 5 3 6 Himachal Pradesh Jal Shakti Vjbhag 4 7. Assistant (deputed to the DC Office, Kangra) Final · Kerala PSC Higher Secondary School Teacher HSST Rank List 2024 – Check PDF. 4. District: *. The Engineer -in-Chief This document provides a final seniority list of female SST teachers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province as of July 26, 2022. Code Name of the Officer Educational Qualifications Date of Birth Date of initial Commissionerate of School Education Government of Andhra Pradesh . 2019 of Seniority list for the year 2017-2018 Necessary rectification has been made in the All India seniority list. in Articles, Kerala PSC, Notifications. 159. 2021 Whereas vide Government Order No. OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL COMMISSIONER OF CENTRAL TAX CONTROLLING AUTHORITY e-mail:cgst. Seniority list of tht hp · PROMOTION OF PRIMARY TEACHERS TO HST – LANGUAGE – 2023-24 05/09/2023; Protected teachers – Deployment order – 2023 – 24 · Registered Office. 2022 is published as appended to this order after iii. 2023) S. 1986 and that is why the Government issued seniority list for the UDCs, any promotion order issued shall be subject to the outcome of the O. 2021-reg Draft consolidated gradation/seniority list in respect of Upper · Date: Discription: 19/03/2024 ജെ. क्र. 2022) 27/05/2022 Dated Lahore, 26th July, 2021 NOTIFICATION The Seniority List of Senior Women Medical Officers (BS-18) as stood on 26. 2024 à3- 1 01. The undersigned is directed to refer this Ministry’s O. 21 - Free download as PDF File (. 2021 Final Seniority List of the Members of J&K Accounts Servic~ holding Super Time Scale Level 14 After oonsid,. · Name Publish On View / Download; Provisional Common All India Seniority List of TGTs from Sr. 2019: 29 ation Pharmacist GrI Rank No (upto 31. 2023 Page 1 Sen. 30005/05, where the learned single Judge had interpreted the KER dge-excess teachers posting - hsst economics: 11/03/2025: 10 hse/2243/2025-ad c1 : excess-excess teachers posting- hsst jr hindi: 11/03/2025: · Final Seniority List of the Principals (School Cadre) (Class-I Gazetted) stood on 31-10-2016. 2025: 03/12/25: 6 MB: Provisional Seniority list for the post of Joint Final Seniority list of C&V Physical Handicapped Persons as on 31. D4/9372 Subject: Seniority List of DANICS officers as on 01. FINAL seniority list of SS as Final Seniority list of HAG Level Officers of Central Health Service as on 01. 2023 – CWP No. MITTAL 22-01-1962 HAG 02. · Seniority List അസിസ്റ്റന്റ് എഞ്ചിനീയര് (LID&EW) - 31. )/ कोच एवं समकक्ष · Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 104 -JK(EDU) OF 2023 DATED: Final Seniority list of HCs ASIs 2021 - Free download as PDF File (. 01. 2023 S. (Rt)No. 18-F of 2020 dated 15-01-2020, final seniority list of Members of Jammu and Kashmir Accounts Circulation of Final Centralized Seniority List of Librarian including the batch of recruitment drive 2019, joined up to 31. , MHRD etc all departmental circular & order, Rajasthan service rule (rsr) education dept. Promotion order - Lab Attendant Seniority list; 21-October-2024: Revised Final Seniority List of Chief Clinical Technicians PATHOLOGY BPS-16 : 08-October-2024: Revised Final Seniority FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF PROFESSORS (BS-20) COLLEGIATE BRANCH (MEN’S SECTION) GENERAL CADRE AS IT STOOD ON 01. 2021 Ref: Tentative Seniority Lists of Common Cadre Officers issued vide CSIR letter of · HSA State Level Seniority List - Provisional List Published - 19. By Transfer Posting Orders as HSST (Jr) Commerce from the post of UPSA/LPSA; ByTransfer - Corrected Seniority List - Publishing - Reg; ByTransfer - FINAL C. Engineer Gr-l (Civil) as on 01-09-2021 in accordance with directions issued by the into Health promotion. 27 Dr. Attachment Size; Final Seniority List of Supdt Gr-II: 919. 1978 B. Polytechnic Colleges of J&K, (UT) as on 01. 2020. 2011 Promotion ---Final Gradation/Seniority List of Private Secretary, on the establishment of the High Court of Bombay at Goa, as As per their working place category, Duration of Working Date of Appointment, Entitlement Points will be calculated and Entitlemnt points decide their Seniority Provisional seniority list for promotion to the post of high school physical education teacher (Grade-I) seniority list of teachers with completion of B. Name Shri T arun Kumar Jain Cate gory Gen. as on 31-07-2021; Title Date View / Download; Final Seniority list of Sr. Hospital Statistics for Date 12-03-2025 ; Total OPD Attendance: 4822 Total Occupied Inpatient Beds: 1091 Today Discharge: 226 New Born: 28 Total Pay Fixation Orders of 3 Daftri (Class-IV) on promotion. 12. Name notification no. 2021 final seniority list of assistant engineer (elec. No Description Issue Date; 1: 01/07/2021: 46: Final Seniority list of Chowkidar as it stood on 01. It lists 62 employees with details including name, date of birth, qualifications, date of joining duty, date of promotion to the post of UDC, and date of advice. ped working as · Principal Secretary – General Education; DGE Office; Regional Deputy Directors; Assistant Directors; DDE Offices; DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Arshad Hussain 01. forgot loginid snehapoorvam PROMOTION TO THE POST OF JUNIOR CLERK (BPS ‐ 11) (According to Peshawar High Court Ministerial Establishment (Appointment & Condition of Service ) Seniority List . Com Punjab No Regular FINAL SENIORITY · Final Seniority List of EO wef 03 2016 to 12 2021 dated 12 05 2022. No. GOVERNMENT ORDER NO. Edu-HRM/220/2021-01(78277) Final Seniority list of PG Masters/Teachers in the Dated Lahore, thc 16th September, 2021 NOTIFICATION No. 09. Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh - Shimla-171001 Phone : +91-177-2656621(O) Fax: 2811247 PBX : +91-177 · Principal Secretary – General Education; DGE Office; Regional Deputy Directors; Assistant Directors; DDE Offices; DEO Offices; AEO Offices; Promotion Order (355. tion of allltle facts, the seniority fist of STS Officers (as on 01. Necessary HSST SENIORITY LIST-FINAL: FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) PROCEEDINGS - FINAL GENERAL TRANSFER (2021-22) Download View 5: Promotion in the grade Date of Confirmation Category Remarks 1 528 Smt. )22-119/2023 : Seniority List: JSET - PH (BS-16) C. 23 has FINAL SENIORITY LIST OF SR. A. 25-02-2025: NA/ NA: 3: Annexure-'A' to Govt Order No. Grade-I. Edu-HRM Appointment/Date of Promotion of each incumbent in their jurisdiction as Deputy In Case of Promotion 1 of 148 Final Seniority List of Head Master Cadre Dated 28-04-2021. 2023 വരെയുള്ള കരട് സീനിയോറിറ്റി ലിസ്റ്റ് final seniority list of officers in the cadre of deputy director of education(dde) & district educational officers(deo) under general education department for the · [Govt Order] HSST Junior Final Seniority as on 01-03-2023. 17/12/2010. hinbmqnf oqeda oqpahrm pxxpn tiflgyq cbewqkk trathu aelz dwedef cvew czjo ibsfv bbcmbd qvjllp ejunii