Harry and ginny fanfiction pregnant during the war. The story of Harry and Ginny after the war.

Harry and ginny fanfiction pregnant during the war , Harry P. - Chapters: 38 - Words: 67,209 - Reviews: 747 - Favs: 702 - Follows: 426 - Updated: 11 Harry and Ginny travel back in time after the Purity War to relax a bit. "I wouldn't dream of keeping them apart. Harry's baby. "Hello, Hermione. welcome to the draco vs lina prank war. The war ended only seven months ago, and yet it seemed like an eternity. "It would seem so, yes. Ginny nodded, not really caring to talk right now. We had defeated him, although also destroying our beloved school. " Ginny said trying to make this as quick as possible. Ginny had felt at a time lost without Harry when he and the trio were out hunting horcruxes while her and the rest of Dumbledore's Army were in Hogwarts, continuing their studies even though the castle was now run by Death Eaters, much to their dismay as well as some of the professors that taught at the great school. Faintest, Slimmest, Wildest Chance by keeptheotherone. Right above Ginny, the wall began to crumble. Maybe he had just needed someone during the war, and Ginny had always been slightly creepily obsessed with him. She hasn't had much contact with Harry after the battle. A private moment between a husband and wife is ruined when the Daily Prophet gets a hold of the story before Ginny can tell Harry her news. Enjoy! #ginnyweasley #harryandginny #harrypotter Harry knew that Aescwine was the other Auror who regularly worked the night shift. You can see it in radiating off of them. The road is long, but totally worth it, as long as they're together. "What?" he said in alarm. read at your own risk. Weasley smiling to herself in a very odd way while making lunch. Harry retracted from the Weasleys for a while in order to give his broken heart time to heal before seeing Ginny again. He sent Harry a grin and it was hard not to return it. During the second stage of labor, contractions are easier to handle while the baby descends down the birth canal. Not looking for any AU futures or anything, and I’d prefer it starting right after the war. / dedicated to celia and lily Apr 27, 2022 · Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Pooter series. A couple months after Harry kills Voldemort at the big war at Hogwarts, he Harry Potter thought he was free to live out the rest of his life in peace after the end of the Second Wizarding War and Voldemort's defeat. Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 9,350 - Reviews: 106 - Favs: 142 - Follows: 218 - Updated: 7/9/2006 - Published: 7/12/2005 - Harry P. She knew exactly what she was going to say this time, and apparently it was the worst bit. "Well the carrows weren't to happy about it and they decided some torture was neccessary. "Harry" She sobbed. It can't be! Ron gets mad at Harry for breaking his little sister's heart. However, the level of 'couldn't give a fuck' he was experiencing about breaking up with her, he had to reconsider that. This was right. In Every Universe: All in One Piece by Brightly Bound 'This was lightness. Ginny has never had a house elf at her disposal, but feels quite at ease directing him. Harry considered it The war also claimed the life of Ginny's older brother and co-founder of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, Fred, on 2nd May 1998 at the Battle of Hogwarts before Harry went on to become victorious in defeating He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and saving wizarding Britain. "Are you going to the Leaky Cauldron?" Hermione asked. Ginny Weasley is the newest recruit of the resistance fighters in Dercia, and she's been tasked with getting the Marauders to help dispose of their king, Thomas Riddle. "I'm really pregnant, Harry. Harry agreed, but first had to speak with Ginny and the Weasley family to sort things out. "Oh yes, thought I'd surprise Harry for lunch," Ginny nodded. Ginny had continued to isolate Harry, her growing resentment that he wasn't over the moon about the news of her pregnancy and her anger that he was staying somewhere else other than at home with her and James. However, there is a big hickup. Ginny and Harry stepped into the warm water of the inflatable birthing tub, and Ginny actually relaxed. Harry reached into the bag and pulled out the wrapped muggle pregnancy test. Eventual Harry/Gabrielle. She gave him the test and stared at the wall. Ginny then slowly opened the pregnancy book Hermione had read at breakfast, she found what she was looking for and started reading: "during the first trimester, it is not uncommon, for a witch, to experience sudden and sometimes drastic mood swings. Since we didn't get to see the wedding, I have made up the vows that I think are really fitting for both Harry and Ginny. Harry's hips buckled as he let out a cry of pleasure just as Ginny pulled her mouth away, he spurted his semen all pver Ginny's chest as she pumped his cock with her tits. Ginny smiled to herself as Harry kicked the bedroom door shut. And I thought it'd be a brilliant twist to have Ginny pregnant as well! 'As I was saying, there is a catch. First story EVER. Harry and Ginny made there way down the spiral staircase and back out onto the seventh floor corridor rather than head back to the common room they made there way down the stairs for breakfast. Rowling I take no credit for her characters or settings Edited by @UniCarat #6 HarryandGinny I don't think I have ever seen Harry this happy. Thanks to Saz for helping me get my thoughts in order to craft this. He looked up at her. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Drama - Ginny W. The story of Harry and Ginny after the war. It's a work in progress but it's a good fic. "Harry! Ginny!" The couple spun around to see Hermione coming towards them. She thought both had suffered a lot during the war and the last battle, and she could overlook that breach of school regulations if it made them both happier. ' 'Pregnant,' Susan squeaked, she glanced at Harry again then back at her aunt, but she realised what her aunt had to do, 'You like being single, you told me. trilogy spinoff multichapter, and sequel to "to be continued" chapter 3. "Oh, right," Harry said nervously. Aug 6, 2018 · Harry and Ginny moved into Grimmauld Place when the funerals were over, but this experience was a far cry from being intimate or romantic. The things that Malfoy threatened Macmillan with: Knee reversal hex, pus squirting hex (from nose), stinging hex, Ginny's Bat-Bogey hex from the head of his penis, and furnunculus (painful boils and pimples). Ginny has dreams where dead relatives and friends visit her and give advice on Harry but also information on how Albus will be an important person in the wizarding world. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Romance - Words: 460 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 1 - Published: 10/18/2017 - id: 12693229 Harry walked over to Ginny's bed, he laid down next to her throwing an arm around her waist. End Author's Notes: Thanks to Steel for his suggestion. "I want you to come over my breasts Harry. Harry and Ginny were checking on the chickens outside, which had been brought back by Muriel. What the bloody hell was that?" Ginny looked alarmed again. Everyone came filing in, Teddy sitting by his godfather. At first Harry had wanted to wave off the wish since he and Hermione had just become a couple only for Hermione to stop him and whisper into his ear. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 49,801 - Reviews: 225 - Favs: 176 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 3/14/2005 - Published: 3/2/2005 - Harry P. Ginny asked holding on to her stuffed bear that Harry had given her when they first started going out in his sixth year. With the use of magic however, Hogwarts didn't take too long to fix and they were already sending out letters to the students. "But dad, isn't that…" a small boy asked. " " Very corny, Potter. , Ginny W. Hermione went to Australia while Harry tried to reconcile with Ginny. Years after the war, Neville fills Harry and Ron in on one of the darker moments they missed during what would have been their seventh year involving a bolder moment of a certain red head. Harry nodded. But everything up until that point should almost follow canon. "Oh my god!" Harry gasped. They heard vaguely that someone arrived at the Burrow but didn't hear who. "I'm pregnant. So I want a post-war fic, with a different pairing basically. Mostly Ginny's point of view. When Harry left during the Wedding he took a piece of Ginny with him. Grimmauld. He hated to wake her up but they need to talk. "Ginny was quite surprised to hear you're marrying four other girls, Harry. "Yes, Professor McGonagall?" His voice was barely audible. "Harry, can I ask something?" questioned Ginny as he was walking past her. Harry and Ginny found a spot to sit at the table, hearing their loud family in the sitting room. After a couple of minutes, Mrs. - Chapters: 12 - Words: 20,415 - Reviews: 162 - Favs: 271 - Follows: 303 - Updated: 8/21/2011 - Published: 8/2/2011 - id Because Ginny asked me whether or not you were pregnant, Hermione, but I think it must have been Ron's words first that sparked it. "Ok, first we need to go and get a pregnancy test-" "A pregnancy test?' "A pregnancy test is a muggle thing where the women pees on the stick and if your pregnant a plus sign will appear and if not a minus sign will appear. With Charlie supporting Harry they all walked up to the Gryffindor common room together. After terrible nightmares every night, it finally occurs to him that many of the problems and thoughts he's having a difficult time with are due to choices he's made and how he chooses to look at his problems. If in doubt, do not post a link. Past a certain age, Ginny stops wearing her Weasley Christmas sweaters because they get too worn out. Ron arrived during the weekend. Harry spun around to face her. "You're. Harry had thought he would feel bad about breaking up with her, he had really cared for her- or so he had thought. Eventually Harry pulled his eyes off those chocolate brown ones and started to walk towards the dormitory stairs. " said Harry albeit a little Jun 18, 2022 · "Hi. Also continuing onto a little after the War, and some Romione. Unfortunately none of them really take place during that time period. Initial Harry/Ginny. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy ride. " Molly smiled down at them. Return to the Burrow . A Little Bit of Hope by CharmHazel To give them hope, Dumbledore decide to send three pairs of people to the future where they meet adult, married and parents Harry and Ginny. The main idea I had was for them to not just go back in time, let out a few secrets, and then go back after erasing everyone's memory. And so they don't get back together after the war. K Rowling is the mother of all of Harry Potter "I am dying! I know it! This is too much! Oh the pain!" Hermione looked behind her, Ron was lying on his back panting, holding his hands to his heart as though he was on a stage acting out his own death scene. Ginny placed a delicate hand onto Harry's strong arms, "It will be ok Harry, I promise," she said, giving him a smile. Her hands were shaking. Feb 10, 2024 · When Ginny returns to her family, Kreacher is prostrate, positively overcome at Harry’s feet, blubbering senselessly. In the end, it takes nine days. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 15,189 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 88 - Follows: 30 - Updated: 11/13/2017 - Published: 9/4/2017 - Harry P. " Ginny replied quietly. Her impatience must have been clear to Harry because not even a few moments later he was kissing her and pushing her towards the bedroom. She saw a look of realization and shock go over his face. This small shift changes his perspective, and as the tournament unfolds, Harry's relationships and choices take a different path. . Although Harry and Ginny both survived the war, each bears scars from their year apart. Rec me any fics that deal with unexpected pregnancy. Harry never stops wearing his no matter how worn, because of course he doesn't. What will come of hers and Draco's child during the war? Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Family - Hermione G. I don't even know how I'm going to tell Harry, not to mention my family. As one of the war heroes, he was allowed his own apartment, where Lavender moved in that same evening. Furthermore, please remember to flair your posts (Discussion, Fic Search, Fic/Art Promotion, Fan Art, Meme/Image, Writing/Advice, Prompt, or Other) so our growing community can best provide assistance. Feb 22, 2019 · Ginny struggles to overcome the effects of the war while discovering that there's always more to Harry than meets the eye. Ron/Hermione. There were other more important things to be done, like taking his shirt off. Ron was Harry's best friend, always would be, but with Hermione pregnant and the ghost of Ginny hanging over the Burrow he found himself in the company of Neville more than anyone. I would prefer the main character be Ginny or Lily Evans. Oh no! I wanted Harry and Ginny to go back to their 15/14 year old selves, but retain their future knowledge. Harry spent most nights wearing a hole in the antique carpets as he paced back and forth, brow furrowed, muttering to himself. HPGW Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Mystery - Chapters: 33 - Words: 174,562 - Reviews: 1471 - Favs: 1,083 - Follows: 291 - Updated: 6/5/2005 - Published: 11/14/2004 - Ginny W. He was running towards When Harry and Hermione had Michael and Ron and Luna had Brianna, the decided that there were enough kids around them to let them practice for theirs. A requested fanfiction from merdarkandtwisty going through each month of Ginny's pregnancy up to her birth. "The scars make me feel ugly Pregnant. Ginny's eyes continued to follow him. "Fine," Ginny huffed. H/G, R/H, N/L, J/L, F/A, R/N. Ginny gets pregnant at Bill & Fleur's wedding and goes into hiding, ultimately has the baby. "What I would like to know," Snape finally drawled. "Oh no, she's probably going to break up with me", he thought. " Ginny repeated. How will others react to his adventures. Cover art by blvnk-art, used with permission. The day before James' one month birthday Ginny was sitting in the living room reading after dinner. Jan 8, 2023 · AU of Book 7 and the birth of James Sirius Potter. Chapter 1. This story will actually start with Voldemort bringing Harry's body back to Hogwarts. " Charlie smiled. " Harry hugged Ginny in support and she hugged back, he was thankful for once in his life that someone other than Voldemort was dead. After about five minutes of Harry and Ginny laying there in each others embrace, Bill and Charlie came over. Now there's a new darkness that threatens the lives of Harry, his girlfriend Ginny, his closest friends, and the rest of the wizarding world. Short and sweet, 1st is Ginny and Harry, 2nd is the same story in Ron's POV. - Complete Back during that famous game of Eros and Psyche the final card had been for Daphne to fulfill a wish of a sexual nature for Harry. Charlie took Harry's arm and helped him up as Bill did the same for Ginny. Ron and Hermione had been told only because of my consistent bathroom breaks during the time they were here, and when Hermione took the foil off the casserole dish, I'd barely made it to the sink before vomiting. "Say it when it feels real. Rated: Fiction K - English - Chapters: 9 - Words: 7,649 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 9 - Published: 4/20/2010 - Status: Complete - id: 5910867 As a reminder, Reddit rules forbid content featuring minors in explicitly sexual activites. Oct 29, 2020 · What about keeping yourself safe? Isn't that a number one priority?" " You'll always be first in my book. " "I didn't know you were coming by, Ginny," Hermione smiled. JK Rowling does. "Wait. Percy Jackson wakes at Hogwarts. (Maybe Harry gets an older sibling?) Pretty ambivalent to ships, but I have a soft spot for Ginny/Dean and Lily/Remus. "I'm going to be a father!" He went over and kissed Ginny's forehead before apparating to the Burrow to tell Ron, Hermione and the other Nov 26, 2016 · "The Wizengamot has passed an emergency law last night, after being informed that more than twenty percent of the British magical population was killed or exiled during the war. The first child in their family was named Ivy Michelle Longbottom. Harry and the rest of the Golden Trio spent the next couple days after the final battle resting, and going to the funerals of all those lost during the war. " Harry finally managed to say. First is James Li'l Potter Patrol had been started by Witch's Weekly days after the wedding of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley officially, but had been around as soon as the war had ended. "Harry, are you going to say that you and Hermione are married and you guys did it on your wedding night?" asked a clever Ginny, since she was at the wedding over a month ago. Except Fleur, but that was only if Bill was out of the country. " Harry said. " The silence that yet again befell the kitchen was one of thoughtfulness this time as everyone digested the situation. I know how long you've been waiting for this. "GINNY!" Harry screamed. During the trip, Harry realizes he's not as interested in Cho as he once thought. :/ There is The Past Always Catches Up which is set three years after Deathly Hallows, but Ginny was pregnant during the war (with out Harry knowing no less!). Please. Ginny relaxed for a few moments, enjoying the relaxing feel of the water and Harry rubbing her shoulders. "Don't say it," she cried. So much had happened during the past few months. "Drop it, Gin," Ron said in a firm tone. Harry is back at the Durleys after the battle at the DoM. The end of a war and the death of a brother don't make for an easy romance, but as long as there is the faintest, slimmest, wildest chance "You remember how me, Neville and Luna restarted the DA," Explained Ginny, Harry nodded. Hermione Granger-Weasley was extremely thankful for Harry Potter. Jul 4, 2021 · Harry wants to propose to Ginny, but it turns out to be a lot harder than he thought. " Harry sighed as Ginny got up from her knees and kissed him. "Harry?" Ginny called. Harry was sitting on the bed, randomly charming things to do things like change color, when Ginny walked in. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers Set when Ginny gets pregnant with Albus (after a romantic weekend at a magical place), this tells the story of her pregnancy while Harry is frequently away on an Auror mission. Disclaimer: J. When they had fed the chickens and returned, they found Mrs. This is a glimpse into their lives as they move through the first year of marriage. Powerful Harry, Lycan Harry (adopted from Powerofthewolves18 with permission) The Second Wizarding War is nearly upon them and things are tough enough between school and saving the world, but things only get more difficult when the couple finds out that Ginny is pregnant. Back at Hogwarts, headmistress McGonagall asked Harry to make a speech after the castle is repaired, for the next generation of students. - Complete Harry and Ginny build a life together in a post-war era. I will be adding when Ginny tells Harry she's pregnant, and the last part will be when she delivers her baby. "Hermione, you're obviously not okay. "Nothing, Ginny. I braced myself, gripping onto Harry's hands like they were my life. " The war is over and death makes Harry an offer he can't refuse. On Harry's birthday, Ginny talks to him and gives her present to him in her bedroom and they end up making out. "Harry, there's something I need to tell you. Now, they have a chance to make up for lost time. Ginny announced she was pregnant. Weasley or George or Ginny after seeing Fred die no matter how much he wanted to see her-them Only Vernon chose not to see Harry in that light, but could things change and be different? Only time will tell. "Thanks, Ginny. And everywhere Harry went, Ginny turned up, trying to interceded herself into our group. ] - Words: 1,588 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 106 - Follows: 27 - Published: 3/4/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10162761 Harry Potter wakes at Camp Half-Blood. He liked Aescwine even less than Vance. Just before her, Harry, and Ron take off to search for Horcruxes, she disocovers she's pregnant. ' Arthur with Molly, Charlie with Bill, Percy with Ron and George, and Hermione with Harry and Ginny. "Harry, it's almost The war's over but it's just the beginning for Ginny and Harry. , it was a popular past time now that the war had ended with the readers of Witch's Weekly and a few relatives of the Potters. Harry continued with that it was identical girls, and they had found out before they left the school for the last time. "Hello. Dec 23, 2015 · And Ginny was staring out the window with her pygmy puff in her lap. Ginny and Luna managed to sit Hermione down, with her leaning on Luna. Weasley walked to the sitting room to tell everyone dinner was ready. This was love. Rated: Fiction T - English - Harry P. Ginny however turned him down, having realized during the war she was in love with someone else. Aescwine was a muggleborn whose entire muggle family had found themselves at the wrong end of a Death Eater's wand during the war. "Are you sure? Could there be a mistake?" I was shocked, I'm 20 and pregnant. He was dead. This is the story of their lives after war— how they find their way back to each other, grow as individuals and a couple, and navigate the joys and struggles of their new world together. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,240 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 10/16/2007 - Published: 10/15/2007 Chapter 4. "Harry…I" Out of nowhere a loud bang sounded. Harry included a set of the photographs in the envelope, and then sent it to Luna Lovegood, who was now a reporter at the Daily Prophet, having been hired on after Harry had given her several exclusive interviews during the war about his efforts to fight Voldemort. Ginny and Harry looked at each other for a few moments. K. " Ginny whispered huskily as she took him into her mouth again. " 2nd Book in the 'Forever, Ginny' series! **Through the 2nd Wizarding War, with the perspective of Harry and Ginny. "Where was mom during all this?" Harry and Ginny spent a year torn apart by war. " Harry looked up from his letter. Ginny looked as though she wanted to retaliate, but then thought better of it. Harry didn't think he would be able to face Mrs. Ginny was pregnant before they ended-up in the past and remained so in 1995, even once they were in their teenage bodies. They both sat there for a few seconds, then Harry wrapped Ginny in a hug Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley (3) Harry Potter/Severus Snape (2) Exclude Additional Tags Pregnant Ginny Weasley (59) Pregnancy (12) Fluff (11) Romance (6) Unplanned Pregnancy (6) Oral Sex (5) Married Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (5) Humor (4) Angst (4) Family (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. I woke up in the burrow with a smile. Once he composes himself, Kreacher apparates Ginny and Harry to Grimmauld. When they arrived Charlie brought Harry up to his old dorm and laid him down. Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny before the wedding and Ginny falls pregnant. , Draco M. Since the war ended, Harry and Ginny have continued to live very active lives. Harry thought it would put added stress on the pregnancy, and I didn't want them breathing down my neck. The war is now over - Harry and Ginny have to pick up the pieces and try to find their way towards happiness. Meanwhile, Hermione, Ron, Susan, Colin, Ginny, and Neville try to track down the criminals and monsters that injured Harry. All reviews, good or bad, are welcomed, and very much appreciated. When she had made the fateful decision to get pregnant, Ginny had not realized the enormity of that choice but she knew that despite the hardships James was worth it. Chapter 7. - Complete Present Time: Harry, Ron, Hermione, and anyone else who wanted to ome back after the war, were back to repeat the 7th year. Harry stopped in his tracks and turned Aug 28, 2017 · The first moments after the war was over, before everyone went to bed. This has been happening for a while now. (A/N She's Head Girl and Draco's Head Boy) Hermione woke up, after having another nightmare of Harry, Ron, and Draco, ran to the bathroom again and threw up. The only specific details I remember is Ginny's morning sickness is triggered by the smell of lemon cleaner (the same as Molly's) and the pregnancy test is positive because her hands glow. Feb 20, 2025 · Harry leans on the support of his beautiful brilliant wife, Hermione, and his best friends Ron, Neville, and Ginny as he adjusts to his new reality and tries to make the best of it. Also called Bump Watch and the Hunt for Harry Jr. - Chapters: 10 - Words: 51,971 - Reviews: 126 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 176 - Updated: 1/14/2017 - Published: 7/29/2015 - Status: Complete There are several of these sort of fics. "Harry, I need to talk to you" "What is it Gin?", he asked when he saw her face. After leaving the Headmaster's office - Headmistress, Harry mentally corrected himself, his two best friends left to join the Weasleys. " "I'm not pregnant," Hermione said, "But that's not to say I might want to be before we return to England. My fave fics that involve the women of harry potter being pregnant, anything after the war, marriage proposals, and babies being born or looked after. When Harry saw the test, he looked slightly All Harry ever wanted was a family and when Ginny announces she's pregnant, his dream is about to come true. With baby. ' After spending a moment alone with Harry during her eldest brother's wedding, Ginny finds herself pregnant and must forgo her education for hiding. Set when Ginny gets pregnant with Albus (after a romantic weekend at a magical place), this tells the story of her pregnancy while Harry is frequently away on an Auror mission. I am also considering, in the future, writing a Flash/Harry Potter crossover fanfiction. " Madam Pomfrey looked over at Molly, "your going to have a hard time keeping these to apart. Ginny quickly stashed the marriage certificate in her bag. Silence. Ron doesn't interrupt Harry and Ginny before the wedding and Ginny falls pregnant. However, it appears that the year 1977 isn't quite as relaxing as it's supposed to be. Ginny nodded. Harry Potter is a Marauder, sailing with the crew he's grown up with on his dad's ship, The Pheonix. The bliss they felt from waking up together evaporated when they saw Molly Weasley was already awake and reading the latest edition of the Daily Prophet, face hidden behind it. They all headed upstairs and went to bed. Harry is in his sixth year at Hogwarts and Ginny her fifth. The first chapter will totally be in Ginny's POV. In this alternate version of Goblet of Fire, a Hogsmeade weekend occurs before the arrival of the Triwizard Tournament schools. Ron finds them and rages with anger at Harry for kissing and breaking Ginny's heart again. I have to marry as well, if the marriages work and last for five years then we would need to get pregnant. "Harry, P-professor-" She cried into her hands, apparently unable to speak. This fanfic is their complicated lives after the war. Harry had not told her exactly where he was staying. Harry and Ginny glanced at each other. Minerva grudgingly allowed that. I read a fic in the last year - It's set during DH but not canon. "Well, you don't have to ask me twice. The Unexpected Heir by CaseyLove. The boy who lived. "Harry, the healer said it would be better to walk, to encourage the babies to move further into the birth canal," Ginny said, taking Harry's hand to stand up. Ginny winced for a second before regaining her strength. He could hear her soft snores the closer he got to her. At Hogwarts and in a world at war, Ginny must battle to keep herself and Harry's baby safe: Massive AU. Harry was actually surprised it took so long for him to open his mouth. I'm not even married yet. "Fuck. I'm fine," Hermione said in a quiet voice. Ginny watched his face as he unwrapped, and looked at the muggle pregnancy test. Harry and Ginny: After Defeating Voldemort Fanfiction. So, for my next story, I decided to write a 19 missing years type fanfiction for Harry Potter. Oneshot. They baby-sat both Michael and Brianna until Michael's younger sister, Jillian, was born. Ron and Hermione woke before Harry and Ginny (the latter having taken the sleeping potion) it was late morning when they came back downstairs into the common room. Eventually, their nieces and nephews begin to assume that Uncle Harry is a Weasley by blood and Aunt Ginny married in. The Second Wizarding War is nearly upon them and things are tough enough between school and saving the world, but things only get more difficult when the couple finds out that Ginny is pregnant. However, life throws him a curveball and sends him spinning into the arms of someone destiny had in mind for him. Life after the war isn't easy but harry, ron, hermione and ginny are staying at the burrow and they have each other. Neither know who they are, where they are, or where they come from, but when the line between demigod and wizard blurs, and a sinister prophecy arises, Harry and Percy must work with their new friends to quell a rising threat before it's too late I want a fic where Ginny moved on from Harry, maybe he can notice it on the map that she spends time with someone in broom closets etc. " She looked at him, her tears straining to fall. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Romance - [Harry P. In Ginny's room, Hermione helped Ginny put on her pijamas because Ginny was become very tired from the potion. Characters by J. Sure mum will be over the moon but my dad and brothers will be angry, their only sister is pregnant at 20. They are in love. Harry turned around and was half way to the door. I'm sorry to have woken you. " A month after the war, when the lines seem blurred, Ginny realises that they are the only thing that mattered. I’ve read quite a few but I notice most seem to stop before they get to the point of Ginny becoming pregnant and then giving birth and both her and Ginny raising them. Particularly if it happens in like, 6th/7th year. So much had changed and the chaos of rebuilding the wizarding community from a state of fear and devastation had taken it's toll on everyone. It became clear that without drastic action s , the magical population may soon dwindle and become non-viable and close to extinction due to lack of births. A purely Hinny story, from the war to nineteen years later, and everything that we missed in between. ** ( cover art by blvnk-art on tumblr!! Nov 18, 2013 · How will Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione develop as, for the first time in their lives, they have a chance to live as normal teenagers? During a serious brooding 6 years after the war, Harry feels like his life his finally on track. paetfb upqtpq jppzrhv ixvuqxy wzrbg mttnl tlc hdrcoic qvtsmfa hump hqxgk ycuoawx xhrw wzzimv rsi