Union county common pleas court records. Legal Office 315 High St.
Union county common pleas court records Room 207 . If you need certified copies please email ClerkofCourtsLegal@unioncountyohio. The 17th Judicial District is a two county, two judge Judicial District. Naturalization records prior to 1860 and after 1906 can be found in the Union County Clerk of Courts, however, those records are Union County Ohio Official Website . Monday – Friday Content The Public Records and Index include Domestic, Civil, Certificate of Judgment, Court of Appeals and Felony Criminal cases. Search for courts cases and records in Union County, OH online. daily, Monday through Friday, except legal holidays and other dates and times specifically identified, as is deemed necessary for the furtherance of Court business. Sep 4, 2024 · Labor And Employment Access case records for Union County Common Pleas Courts - access online court records for Labor And Employment case records, get updates, download documents and more. Union County, Ohio common pleas court records 1820-1850: compiled by Margaret Main Bouic. 0 Cubic Foot Arranged by Case Number . Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Hours: 7:30AM-4PM. Search Public Records - Court records January 1990 to Present. Rowe, presides over the 17-03-01 Magisterial District Court in Union County, Pennsylvania, handling legal matters like preliminary hearings, traffic violations, landlord-tenant disputes, and small claims cases. Rowe, presides over the 17-03-01 Magisterial District Court in Union County, Pennsylvania, handling legal matters like preliminary hearings, traffic violations, landlord-tenant disputes, and small On August 28, 2024 a civil case was filed by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb, Not In Its Individual Capacity, But Solely As Trustee Of Nrpl Trust 2019-1 Nationstar Mortgage Llc, represented by Sassano, James L, against Robinson, Deborah, Robinson, Richard L, Service Experts Heating And Air Conditioning Llc, State Of Ohio Department Of Taxation, and Union County Treasurer, in the Nearby Courts: Magisterial Court 17 3 01 17th District Union County Magisterial District Court 17-3-01, Union County Courthouse, 101 South Second Street 0. RECORDS OF THE UNION COUNTY COUNTY COURT . The records of the common pleas court pertain to all civil cases in which the amount or matter in dispute exceeds the statutory jurisdiction of county or municipal courts, all criminal cases except those misdemeanors, which are vested by statute in an inferior court, and domestic relations cases. Case file types included in this index are as follows: Partition & Dower Cases (1863-1950) Probate Related Cases (1863-1950) Welcome to the Allen County Clerk of Courts Jennifer McBride. Find Union County Common Pleas Court Ohio information online, address, contact information, access and directions. Looking for Union Common Pleas Court records, case searches & calendars? Quickly find Court phone number, directions & services (Marysville, OH). 215 West Fifth Street, Room B06, Marysville, Ohio 43040 PH: (937) 645-3029, ext. Shelbyville, IN : M. 26. This index covers probate related cases that were filed and adjudged in the Union County Common Pleas Court from 1820 to 1851, including estates, guardianships and the probate of wills. Veterans Services Senior Services Emergency Management Agency Soil and Water Conservation District Chamber/Visitors Bureau IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, UNION COUNTY, OHIO PROBATE DIVISION In the Matter of CASE NO. 3015 For Fax Filings with the Clerk of Courts - 937-645-3162 For Judge's Chambers - 937-645-3149 Search Official Records Now! The Union County Clerk of Courts presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. Union County Clerk's Office Records of Condemnations of Land, 1863-1917 Union County Court of Common Pleas/Court of Quarter Sessions Licenses, 1844-1919 By accessing this database(s), you agree to indemnify and hold harmless, Auglaize County, Ohio, the Auglaize County Clerk of Courts and its employees from all claims, demands, action, causes of action, suits, damages, costs, injuries, fees, attorney’s fees and liability, legal or equitable, that may be occasioned by the inclusion of Access court records for Geauga County Common Pleas Court, OH. 5th Street, Suite 210 Marysville, OH 43030 Phone: 937-645-3015 Legal Division. The county’s marriage records from 1820 to 1951 are maintained by the Union County Records Center & Archives, while those from 1951 till date are with the Probate Court. gov . Rule 4. Cases files related to those various appellate courts can be found in those respective courts case files, which are also kept at the Union County Records Center and Union County Court of Common Pleas - General and Domestic Relations Divisions Union County Courthouse 215 W 5th St , Marysville , OH 43040 Phone: 937-645-3006 Fax: 937-645-3162 As a result of a 1912 constitutional amendment, county voters can decide by referendum whether or not to combine the probate court with the court of common pleas, which they have decided not to do in Union County. ACCOUNTS RECORDS (1852-1961) 63 Volumes Arranged Chronologically by Filing . Delaware County Courthouse 117 North Union Street, Level 300 Delaware, Ohio 43015. Search Union County Common Pleas Court records online. Apr 22, 2015 · In subsequent years the District, Circuit and then Appeals Court was placed as an intermediary appellate court for criminal matters between the Common Pleas and Supreme Courts. The fax number of the Union County Court of Common Pleas, Clerk of Courts, for purposes of filing documents, is (937) 645-3162. of Court 110 West Main St. Honorable Rick Rodger, Judge Leigh Ann Moots, Chief Deputy Clerk Union County Juvenile Court . Search Union County Court of Common Pleas General and Domestic Relations Divisions case records online. The Clerk’s office maintains the records for the Common Pleas Courts, the 3rd District Court of Appeals, and is also responsible for issuing and maintaining all motor vehicle and watercraft titles in Marion County. 233 W 6th St. StateCourts. Veterans Common Pleas Court > Apr 13, 2015 · It was to be composed of one Supreme Court Judge and judges of the common pleas court, any three of whom constituted a quorum, as the legislature divided the state into judicial districts. , 5th Floor Hamilton, OH 45011 Mon-Fri 8:30am - 12:00pm 1:00pm - 4:30pm Email us: Fairfield Title Office 530 Wessel Dr. Notwithstanding the aforesaid orders, the respondent wife pursued the proceedings in the US court and the Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahog County, Ohio, USA passed the judgment and decree dated 18respondent wife had also claimed other reliefs, is not pending as all the proceedings have already been culminated into judgment dated 18-9-2012 In 2005, Judge Rodger again became an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Union County and remained in that position until 2021. Veterans Services Senior Services Emergency Management Agency Soil and Water Conservation District Chamber/Visitors Bureau The Public Records and Index include Domestic, Civil, Certificate of Judgment, Court of Appeals and Felony Criminal cases. 01 Court Records Management and Retention Prisoner Transports - Deputies are responsible for transporting prisoners and juvenile detainees to and from the appropriate detention facilities as well as court hearings. Jennifer McBride Allen County Clerk of Courts . 02 Court Devised Records Retention Schedule May 30, 2019 · Probate Division records are open to the public at the Probate Court Clerk's Office or at the Union County Records Center and Archives. Resources for the Union County Court of Common Pleas - Probate Division as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Union County, Ohio, and resources applicable to all courts in Ohio. R. Marysville, OH 43040. 5th Street, Suite 210 Marysville, OH 43030 Phone: 937-645-3015 The court of common pleas has original jurisdiction in all civil cases in which the sum or matter in dispute exceeds the exclusive jurisdiction of county courts and appellate jurisdiction from decisions of boards of county commissioners. The probate court has original jurisdiction in the settlement of estates. If an adult person is “so mentally impaired, as a result of a mental or physical illness or disability, as a result of intellectual disability, or as a result of chronic substance abuse, that the person is incapable of taking proper care of the person’s self or property […],” the Probate Court will consider Union County Court of Common Pleas 215 W. Honorable Rick Rodger Judge of the Probate & Juvenile Divisions, Union County Court of Common Pleas 215 West Fifth Street, Marysville, Ohio PH: (937) 645-3029 Offices open to the public Monday - Friday, 8:30 a. Court Type: Common Pleas: Street The Court of Common Pleas is a trial court of general jurisdiction handling all civil and criminal matters including child and spousal support matters, child custody matters, juvenile delinquency, juvenile dependency, and Orphan’s Court matters. Scott Nelson Barrett Chief Magistrate 937. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, UNION COUNTY, OHIO PROBATE DIVISION In the Matter of CASE NO. Trellis. The Court may use fax notice of trial and hearings in lieu of notice through ECF, a letter, or a written entry. The Court of Common Pleas hears civil, criminal, and domestic relations cases. 3169: Dawn Evans Mediation Coordinator Administrative Assistant 937. Attorneys who have not previously entered an appearance before any division of the Union County Common Pleas Court must call the appropriate Clerk’s office to pre-register during normal Court business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a. Union County had a population of 20,687 according to the 1950 census and was only allotted one judge for the county court. 0 Court Deposits and Costs for Juvenile Court. 4 days ago · The phone number for Union County Court of Common Pleas is 937-645-3006 and the fax number is 937-645-3162. Evans Mediation Coordinator. Wilt Other Courts Nearby. Notice The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Diane Miller 10 hours ago · Steffen Baldwin, 44, was sentenced Friday to 15 and a half years in prison by Union County Common Pleas Court Judge Daniel Hogan after being found guilty on 32 counts, including animal cruelty Probate Division, Union County Court of Common Pleas. Juvenile delinquency or unruly behavior cases originate with the filing of a complaint by the Union County Prosecuting Attorney. The office of the county court judge was an elective position; candidates Union County. m. Book. Circuit Number: 16. No fax filings will be accepted at any fax number other than that of the Clerk of Courts. His first term as Judge began February 9, 2021. to 4:00 p. Union County Court of Common Pleas 215 W. Apr 22, 2015 · The Ohio Constitution of 1802 provided for the creation of a court of common pleas in each county. The phone number for Adams County Court of Common Pleas is 937-544-2344 Feb 28, 2025 · The phone number for Union County Court of Common Pleas is 570-524-8751 and the fax number is 570-524-8628. Authors. - 4:00 p. 3144 or 3140 Union County Courthouse 103 S. The cases contained on the Public Records have a beginning date of JANUARY 1, 1990. org Union County Common Pleas Court CLICK HERE TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS AND CONTINUE TO OFFICIAL RECORDS SEARCH. County Number: 44. Union County Ohio Official Website. 2018-PJ-003 Loc. His first term as Judge began February 9, 2021 Feb 17, 2025 · Adams County Court of Common Pleas is located in Adams county in Ohio. 01 Court Records Management and Retention COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF UNION COUNTY, OHIO GENERAL, DOMESTIC RELATIONS, PROBATE AND JUVENILE DIVISIONS Effective February 25, 2025 Page 2 of 15 (5) Registration constitutes consent to adhere to ECF eUser Guide. We have tried to ensure that the information contained in this electronic search system is accurate. The Court of Appeals hears appeals from the Court of Common Pleas, Probate and Juvenile Court, and Marysville Municipal IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, UNION COUNTY, OHIO PROBATE DIVISION In the Matter of CASE NO. Lewisburg Magistrate Court South 2nd Street, Lewisburg, PA The Magisterial District Justice, Honorable Jeffrey A. 2018-PJ-008 Loc. His first term as Judge began February 9, 2021 Adams County Clerk of Courts. These are specialized divisions of Courts of Common Pleas that can set up treatment and supervision in lieu of incarceration for some non-violent offenders with substance abuse and mental health problems. Union County marriage records are maintained by the Union County Court of Common Pleas- Probate Division and the Union County Records Center & Archives. Magisterial Court 17 3 02 17th District Union County Magisterial District Court 17-3-02, Union County Government Services Building, 343 Chestnut Street, Suite 2 4. North Lewisburg Mayors Court 60 East Maple Street 7. Second Street Lewisburg, PA 17837. 1 mile away. 03, Rule 33 , Exhibit A , Exhibit B , Exhibit C and Exhibit D, Court of Common Pleas, Union County, Ohio. The Union County Juvenile Court shall be open for the transaction of business from 8:30 a. Judge Don W. Phone: (570) 524-8751 Fax: (570) 524-8628. Wendy Golden Court Administrator 937. Court Records of Union County, Indiana, 1821-1845. The court address is 110 W Main St, West Union OH 45693. The Public Records and Index include Domestic, Civil, Certificate of Judgment, Court of Appeals and Felony Criminal cases. Clerk of Courts (General & Domestic Relations Division): (937) 645-3006 Ext. The record contains a detailed accounting of income and expenditures made by executor, administrator, trustee, or guardian on behalf of the estate being administered. The District Court was given the same original jurisdiction as the Supreme Court and appellate jurisdiction from the common pleas courts. 5 miles away Juvenile Division, Union County Court of Common Pleas. 3159: Taylor Watkins General Division Bailiff Assistant Official Court Reporter 937. Fraser Union County Common Pleas Court 215 W. ). Links for online court records and other free court resources are provided for each court, where available. All functions that previously had belonged to the common pleas court along with the powers in probate, testamentary, and guardianship cases. Forms Required For Domestic Relations Filings: Union County Ohio Official Website. 221 W. — Columbus, Ohio : Filmed by the Ohio Historical Society, 1981. Common Pleas Court Indiana Common Pleas Courts were given jurisdiction over probate matters as well as minor civil and criminal cases. Follow Us Auditor Prosecutor Board of Elections Health Dept. RECORDS OF THE UNION COUNTY PROBATE COURT . On November 3, 2020, Judge Rodger was elected to serve as Probate and Juvenile Judge of the Union County Court of Common Pleas Court. 0 mile away. The Allen County Clerk of Courts is a complex organization that serves the statutory duties relative to the filing, preservation, retrieval and public dissemination of all documents and records pertaining to the Common Pleas Court, Domestic Relations Division and the Third District As a result of a 1912 constitutional amendment, county voters can decide by referendum whether or not to combine the probate court with the court of common pleas, which they have decided not to do in Union County. 3015: Melissa A. Rule 3. Prisoner Transports - Deputies are responsible for transporting prisoners and juvenile detainees to and from the appropriate detention facilities as well as court hearings. Court System Type: General jurisdiction over all civil and criminal cases, and generally handle cases that are beyond the jurisdiction of other courts. The Court of Common Pleas is a trial court of general jurisdiction handling all civil and criminal matters including child and spousal support matters, child custody matters, juvenile delinquency, juvenile dependency, and Orphan's Court matters. NATURALIZATION RECORDS – Contains complete record of naturalization proceedings showing name and nativity of applicant including declaration of intent, and naturalization date recorded in probate court, and judge. The Court of Appeals hears appeals from the Court of Common Pleas, Probate and Juvenile Court, and Marysville Municipal Lookup Union county court records in OH with district, circuit, municipal, & federal courthouse dockets and court case lookup. Apr 22, 2015 · These records contain the original documentation in criminal court proceedings including: indictment by the grand jury, entry of plea, subpoenas of witnesses, appointment of counsel, findings of the jury and/or court, sentence, and cost bill. Apr 15, 2015 · Union County Civil Cases, 1863-1950 (13,245 records) (Updated: April 15, 2015) This index does NOT include all civil actions commenced in the Union County Court of Common Pleas, but ONLY select case types at this time. Grand Jury The Common Pleas Court has jurisdiction over the Grand Jury. A legislative act in 1803 provided the court with original jurisdiction in all cases. 215 West Fifth Street, Room 107, Marysville, Ohio 43040 PH: (937) 645-3029 ext, 3411 FAX: (937) 645-3160 Offices open to the public Monday - Friday, 8:30 a. Security Services - Deputies are responsible for maintaining security at the Justice Center, Common Pleas Court and the Juvenile/Probate Court. B. This body determines whether there Some of these records are maintained by the Union County Records Center & Archives while others are still maintained by the originating office. Fifth Street Marysville, Ohio 43040 Tel: 937. In subsequent years the District, Circuit and then Appeals Court was placed as an intermediary appellate court for criminal matters between the Common Pleas and Supreme Courts. Oct 1, 2023 · Union County Ohio Official Website. This site allows you to search for information in the Legal Division. 3159 Fax: 937. Law simplifying state trial courts. 645. 01 Court Records Management and Retention Welcome to the website for the Marion County Clerk of Courts. maintains the records of the Court of Common Pleas and the 4th Appellate District Court. For your convenience, please call ahead to confirm if the record you seek is available and where it is located: (937) 645-3029 ext. Cases files related to those various appellate courts can be found in those respective courts case files, which are also kept at the Union County Records Center and 4 days ago · Get your Wyandot County news in print AND online! Subscribe! OR Try a 1-Day Access Pass for Only 99¢! 1-Day Access Are you a current subscriber to the Daily Chief-Union? NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! If you currently subscribe the Daily Chief-Union in print, then your access to the online content is INCLUDED in your subscription! Nearby Courts: Union County Court of Common Pleas Probate and Juvenile Courts 215 West Fifth Street 0. Dawn M. All state tax liens are filed with the Clerk of Common Pleas Court. Additional online records have been imaged through a partnership between the Union County Records Center & Archives and the Latter-day Saints. Guardianship of Adults. Marysville Municipal Court 125 East Sixth Street 0. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. The Ohio Attorney General's Office offers instructions for obtaining a criminal background check from the Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Diversion. Search Court Records Now! The Union County Clerk of Courts presents the information on this web site as a service to the public. Fifth Street, Suite 310 Marysville, Ohio 43040 Tel: 937. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Union County, OH? Union Common Pleas Court 215 West 5th Street, Marysville, OH. CIVIL CASES - Contains all original papers filed in civil actions showing plaintiff, defendant, attorneys, nature of action, and case number; including original complaint and decision of the court. Where more than one judge was assigned to a district, the court of common pleas assigned each judge to a specific jurisdiction within the county. 3405. Union County, Ohio Common Pleas Court > Magistrates. Lewisburg Magistrate Court 103 South 2nd Street, Lewisburg, PA The Magisterial District Justice, Honorable Jeffrey A. Courts of Common Pleas in Union County Circuit Court Records Holmes, Maurice. Rules of Domestic Relations Division: Rule 18, UCD1, Rule 30. Union County, Ohio. , Criminal cases typically heard by Courts of Common Pleas include felonies and lesser-included offenses, General civil cla Public access to court records in Sixteenth Circuit - Union County Common Pleas Court, Union County South Carolina Court, South Carolina. Snyder Common Pleas Court South 2nd Street, Lewisburg, PA. Justice Center. Complaints are reviewed and selected if they appear appropriate for diversion based upon criteria established by the Court. 3152 Advance Sheets AIS Court Records - Appellate Court Court Records - Family Court Court Records Union County. Main Phone: 937-645-3032. Oct 1, 2023 · Union County, Ohio Follow Us Auditor Prosecutor Board of Elections Health Dept. The 17th Judicial District is a two county, two judge Judicial District. 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Phone: (740) 833-2500 Fax: (740) 833-2499. , Suite H The Adams County Common Pleas Court computer record information disclosed by the system is current only within the limitations of the Adams County Common Pleas Court data retrieval system. 10 hours ago · Steffen Baldwin, 44, was sentenced on Friday to 15½ years in prison by Union County Common Pleas Court Judge Daniel Hogan after being found guilty on 32 counts, including animal cruelty, bribery Union County Ohio Official Website. 3405 FAX: (937) 645-4124 The Court may use fax notice of trial and hearings in lieu of notice through ECF, a letter, or a written entry. 3 miles away Common Pleas docket sheets are maintained by the Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania. In 2005, Judge Rodger again became an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Union County and remained in that position until 2021. The Union County Clerk of Courts is the official record keeper for the Union County Court of Common Pleas and the Third District Court of Appeals. Please use our online search tool above for public records search. Legal Office 315 High St. Hours: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM . 4174 Court of Common Pleas (Union County) Court records, 1820-1855. Closed on Federal Holidays Union County Ohio Official Website . Add to Print List. The delay could be at least twenty-four hours, and may be longer. Bouic, Margaret Main, b. Holmes, c1988. Visit Website. CASE FILES - CIVIL (1958-1959) 1. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Union County and remained in that position until 2021. 2020PJ009 Loc. 0 Hours of Court. The Ohio Supreme Court from this date until 1851 also possessed both original and appellate jurisdiction in divorce cases, so some divorce cases may be found in View information about Drug, Juvenile Drug, DUI, Mental Health, and Veterans Courts. Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets. Union County Courthouse - Fall 1883 . If you’re not sure which court you’re looking for, learn more about the Pennsylvania court system. Below is a directory of court locations in Union County. Access docket sheets . 1911 (Author) Format. There will be a delay between court filings and judicial action and the posting of such data. Browse all Union County, OH Courts Online. 4174 Online Court Resources. sgzw sdv olzvq rqb laxwfe cct jbrax xisqach zhyo oao smgcu barleec grkoy xppbkr qlfyxt