Veeam failed to get vm owner by id. therefore the backup job jus hangs for ever.
Veeam failed to get vm owner by id The bits that allow /bin/rm and /tmp/* are of concern. 1 our backup jobs that included Linux VMs didn’t backup. STDERR: SCP sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo The funny thing is, I dont want to do guest file system indexing and for that I have had that option deselected in guest processing tab. Installation on a After upgrading I started to get errors from my Linux vm backup: Failed to index guest file system. 1. If you cannot resolve the seeding issue, try to restore from the backup and then map the job to the restored VM: How to Manually Seed a Replica . If I use that "id" value with the "Get-VBRBackup -id" command, I do in fact get a returned result which has a job name that matches the initial job id I specified right at the beginning. Oct 30, 2023 · Hi Gostev, Yes, this is a backup job with application-aware processing that backs up and truncates MS SQL transaction logs. Jun 5, 2023 · did anyone encountered this after upgrading to veeam 12. Jan 10, 2024 · Our Veeam environment is configured to utilize vSphere backup tags (which includes both Windows and Linux VMs). The process for new customers evaluating the product is the following: 1) download of software / trial license is done with a customer account. I create my image with Veeam Agent for windows (6. 0 (yikes!) Been working fine for years - now throws an error: Task failed. Dec 29, 2009 · veeam backup for ms office 365 V4 if group owner is removed for office 365group, and the group has no owner for short while, after add new owner for the group, Veeam backup cannot detect the new owner. Mar 24, 2020 · This situation may require database or metadata manipulation. To enable this functionality, configure the following registry value on the Veeam Backup Server: May 6, 2019 · Hello, this is R&D forums. Jan 31, 2017 · Failed to get VM owner by ID. That completed successfully, but the issue still remained in both Veeam 9. Anyone else stumbled across this situation? It is the same for new jobs and freshly added VMs as for old existing jobs. 172 and since the upgrade our first/lone Windows Server 2022 server is giving "Failed to find owner host for VM" when running the job to backup the host. Aug 14, 2015 · Error: Failed to get VM's IP addresses. I have Veeam 10. Jul 28, 2023 · So, in a shell with admin privileges, i tried and failed. Function name: [GetFreezeState]. (Virtual machine ID DD9D9847-7EFE-4195-852A-C34F71B15D5E) 'LINUX' could not create aut What we have tried already: 1. It was something along those lines, yeah. " Mar 25, 2020 · A backup of a Hyper-V VM fails after 72 hours with the following error: Failed to call RPC function 'HvSetVmBackupStatus': Snapshot with id '{snapshot-uuid}' was not found. What I mostly see when this occurs, is that one of the VSS writers got stuck. Incremental backup of centos7 vms finishes with warning:" Failed to get information about applications in the guest OS. In Vsphere, the easiest way to make the move is to remove the VM from the inventory, go to the new host , find the datastore and register the VM on the new host. (0x80070020). Oct 16, 2023 · and "Failed to Create Processing Task for VMHost ID not Found" I wanted to share a couple Veeam errors I experienced on my Replication (DR-side) server after I replaced server hardware. Apr 14, 2014 · The underlying Reference ID used by the virtual environment to track the VM has changed. The vm's are registered fine in hyper-v and failover cluster manager. Jul 5, 2019 · (Virtual machine ID DD9D9847-7EFE-4195-852A-C34F71B15D5E) 'LINUX' could not initiate a checkpoint operation: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Wmi error: '32775' Retrying snapshot creation attempt (Failed to create production checkpoint. I came up with this script which in theory should remove/add the vcenter appliance to the job. My setup is like this: the Hyper-V cluster and Veeam backup server on the service provider's network as a rental. However, I see is the appliance being added to the VM exclusions in the job and the object is added to the job but still shows 0 B in the UI. PS D:\data> Get-VBRComputerBackupJob -Mode ManagedByAgent Get-VBRComputerBackupJob : PowerShell client update environment initialization failed: Failed to connect to Veeam Backup & Replication server: Aug 26, 2011 · Try Storage vMotioning the VM to a different datastore. 4. Tape. 5, just create a new backup job and add the VM that ID has changed and then run the SQL query below to see the new VM ID Dec 1, 2014 · At the time, only this VM and its job were failing. My concern with this is, that the job sees this vm as a whole new vm then, and takes a full backup because of this. 2. Aug 22, 2017 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Replication failure of Microsoft Hyper-V Mar 30, 2023 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Owner host for VM "server" is unavailable after upgrading from B11-12 of Microsoft Hyper-V Aug 31, 2012 · Hi, For the compliance reasons, I purchased a separate host where I want to start 2 VMs running oracle databases. Why is it connecting to port 250x? Shouldn't this file transfer go over Oct 17, 2023 · The storage accounts that we have configured the backup repo in Veeam, have private endpoints and with public access disabled (only allowing Veeam worker vnet in the allowed network list). vmx of our vCenter VM, which was causing the FT secondary VM to still be registered. Thanks. I can ping and resolve all objects from backup server. 235. If I run "Get-VBRSureBackupJob" without any parameters, it fails. Failed to call wmi method 'CreateSnapshot'. log file. 0 Build 16243230 running and Veeam B&R version 10. Oct 16, 2015 · to find the new VM ID in Veeam B&R v9. The log shows successful enumeration of the vms on the host, but the very next step it fails with access denied. Requested steps: (Expanded from the original support request) From the VB&R Console 1 - Home Tab \ Disk - Right click on affected job and select remove from configuration (not delete from disk). As far as I remember, Instant VM Recovery creates a brand new VM with its own MorefID, so that explains why "original" VM can no longer be found. Nov 26, 2013 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: There is no VM on host "Cluster_name" of Microsoft Hyper-V Oct 18, 2011 · Hello Robban, Possibly, your vCenter database is on the SQL Server Express Edition, which has a 4 GB of data limitation. The Veeam backup server has a second network interface in one of my Sep 19, 2018 · Failed to get shared disks extents Failed to enumerate VM disks. Jan 2, 2024 · Hey Checkyourlogs Fans, Today, I was asked to troubleshoot some failing Veeam Replica jobs for a couple of VMs inside of a 4-node S2D Cluster. vhdx’) setting data. 2012R2 servers - Hyper-V Cluster - VM backups started to fail. Execute the following PowerShell script as Administrator on the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 server: Aug 13, 2024 · Article below does NOTHING for me as the NT Virtual Machine\Virtual Machines is NOT listed in my DC when I try to add to the GPO - logon as a service option. So I created the Backup job which backed up this VM to the Backup repository which in turn resides in the shared folder of the second Hyper-V physical machine, i. They make sure, that you get the right solution and not a solution which makes the issue much worst. To repair the Original VM, you must complete the failback process to synchronize the stable Sep 23, 2022 · Get the cluster object from AD (cluster needs to be reachable as well): Get-Cluster -Name myClusterName. " Provided account is in sudo group May 12, 2023 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Restore VM to Different Host of PowerShell Failed to login to "ESXi Host IP", port 443, user "root", proxy srv Dec 26, 2012 · Hi all - Running latest build of versino 8 (8. 0 (2146248)" on the VMware site (recommended to do by VMware). 5 (test production vm) servers. 4461 P2 Mar 14, 2015 · Thanks for the command-set for sudo. Here is my production configuration: Windows server 2019 on an Intel 10900KF platform in Raid 1. 5 update 1 Restart VMM server Restart VMMS, WMI, VEEAM, VMM Agent service on a host Refresh Cluster from VMM Live migrated VM to another host (sometimes this help but not always) What happen before the issue began? We removed some empty CSV from the Hyper-V Cluster. Turns out it's looking like it's a bug in the Veeam software that reverts the /mnt/repofolder ownership/perms back to root once it's added in the veeam console which in turn prevents the repo user veeam leverages from being able to create subfolders for actual job storage. We cannot troubleshoot technical issues effectively over the forum posts. RPC error:There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper. 7. Feb 13, 2015 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: one VM not backing up AT ALL - ID #00888466 of Microsoft Hyper-V Failed to get AutoRecovery changes for disk F Feb 29, 2012 · Thanks Vlad. Aug 28, 2024 · Starting in Veeam Backup & Replication 12. We have opened up a support call, and in the meantime have a work around. (Isolates possible missing permission at datastore level) Try adding the ESXi host the VM is on as a standalone host to Veeam, then create a backup job to pull the VM from the standalone host. ---> System. 7/12/2021 5:09:48 PM :: Error: Failed to collect VM (ID: CCCCCCCCCCCC) information. If all goes well, this should output the name and status of the cluster nodes. Best, Fabian Jan 12, 2018 · Make sure that the mentioned in the alarm details VM file is accessible from the Hyper-V host or the Hyper-V Cluster where VM is residing. Code: 1753 Jan 30, 2025 · The backup of a powered-off VM within a Proxmox environment where High Availability (HA) is enabled but the HA status is Stopped, fails with the error: Failed to perform backup: Failed to connect the NBD server to the hypervisor host. Looking in the logs, I've found that Veeam is trying to connect to the IPv6 address of the VMWare server I've chosen for the recovery, and the task fails Apr 24, 2019 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: [ID# 03528036] Failed to Get Disk Free space of Veeam Backup & Replication Aug 10, 2010 · I had the same errors: "Building VM list Error: The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created" in backup jobs, and "Failed to create processing task for VM ##### Error: Child object with ref "host-52041" for object "Datacenters" (group-d1) was not found. May 20, 2019 · Using Veeam B&R 9. Jun 8, 2022 · @david. I am also not allowed to move the hyper v host to a new OU, rules of the bosses. After restart the System Center Virtual Machine Manager, my backup job run as usually. Jul 3, 2023 · Hello! I am trying to play with restoring one Hyper-V VM onto another Hyper-V server just to know what to expect in the future. It probably isn't even the Hyper-V writer but it could be the SQL writer or a 3rd party VSS writer. vmdk]; Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer. All integration services are installed. Failed to get shared disk extents. Feb 6, 2017 · Instant VM Recovery must have been the reason. 0. A reboot then resolves it. Jan 20, 2012 · When attempting to run a SureBackup job I immediately get the message: No object in backup found for VM 'XXXX' (ID 'xxxxxxxx') I'm trying to create a Virtual Lab for my exchange environment (DC, CAS, and Mail systems). Veeam B&R tracks VMs by their unique moref ID. I have vCenter version 6. But I'm only guessing here. When try a restore prior to the config file restore they are getting Failed to find virtual machine owner host: Failed to get cluster resource group. The re-scan will reassign the VMs and host IDs to Veeam, and you can rerun the job. Failed to collect VM disks. Failed to upload disk. Note: My laptop IP address is 192. But when copying, exchange does not allow you to restore letters. Jun 14, 2014 · Hi Veeam community Please bear with me, I'm a very green Veeam user, sorry in advance! Anyway, I'm experiencing an issue with my Veeam/Hyper-V setup. Jan 13, 2020 · 9/13/2021 9:00:50 PM :: Failed to create VM recovery checkpoint (mode: Veeam application-aware processing) Details: Failed to create VM (ID: 62968b66-669a-477b-8be1-7f5430b4b122) recovery checkpoint. Archiver. This definitely helped me to at least get a better grip on what was required for veeam using sudo facilities to interact when restoring. Feb 5, 2020 · Hi Omar, Could you please double check that the support case ID is correct because I cannot find the case in our ticket tracking system. Get the cluster nodes from AD and their status from the cluster directly: Get-ClusterNode -Cluster myClusterName. Jun 12, 2023 · 6/09/2023 11:47:56 PM Failed to create VM recovery checkpoint (mode: Veeam application-aware processing) Details: Failed to create VM (ID: df0ee189-6536-44d4-9bab-347e770cffca) recovery checkpoint. Feb 21, 2020 · The solution for this is to re-scan your vCenter or ESXi host where these jobs are connected. Mar 8, 2023 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Problems with vCenter backup and VEEAM v12 - Failed to get guest OS path for newly attached disk of VMware vSphere My Client is having issues restoring hyper-vm after having to restore the vm config file. . Over the weekend, however, when our Active Full was scheduled (last Saturday of the month), three jobs completed successfully, but then the following three errored with this: Jul 23, 2013 · Btw, seems that vCenter VM ID has changed after its migration. Oct 15, 2011 · These errors occur when the hypervisor fails to locate the Virtual Machine (VM) based on the reference ID that Veeam Backup & Replication (VBR) provided. J. Job failed (''). All backups are running fine and I did already a Rescan of Managed Servers and uninstall and install the plugin again. I can get to it with powershell Get-VM cmdlet executed from the VEEAM server. There is one VM that I cannot add to the job. All posts about technical issues without case ID will be eventually deleted by the forum moderator. For example, source VM has a DVS switch, which doesn't exist on the target ESXi 4. Veeam Support - Case # 05315821 which is tasking ages to progress and last I was asked to check if: Sep 7, 2021 · Going off past experience of a broken Datalab, I checked the replica VMX files, and also found a ton of Veeam data stuffed into the replica VM's . e. Feb 27, 2023 · It looks like your backup folder Repository-A doesn't have the right owner. Feb 13, 2020 · Backup jobs with Microsoft Exchange items may end up with the warning message shown in both the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 console and the Veeam. First question is have is, does the vSphere host have a physical route to the Veeam server? By that I mean, can you make a vmkping from the host to the Veeam interface? Thanks Jul 12, 2021 · Failed to get virtual disk ” per below. Thanks for your assistance. RPC function call failed. 5. vmx file, including the host ID under "UniqueDigestRef". 168. Dec 18, 2017 · After installing the P20230718 CU for VBR12, the Get-VBRSureBackupJob cmdlet no longer appears to function. I believe that Veeam has some sort of cache of the Hyper-V Hosts and VM's, and this gets cleared on service/server restart. i'M newbies. VM1 is set up with a dedicated NIC on the server (through SR-IOV) and VM2 is set up with a normal virtual switch. How did you move the VM to another host? Mar 2, 2017 · Create new job with affected VM Upgrade from 9. But once again, a broken job's VM seemed to have a new host listed here, so I don't see anything obviously wrong. Aug 22, 2018 · VHD Set is a new shared Virtual Disk model for guest clusters in Windows Server 2016. Core. Failed to get VM owner by ID. 3, the software can be configured to automatically failover from Backup from Storage Snapshot processing to regular processing if a snapshot is detected on the VM during job startup. I can see it in Windows Failover Cluster manager. If it fails, you can check the job logs at the C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup of the Veeam server. If we turn off the “private network deployment” option in Veeam, and try to run the jobs again, we have noticed the backup gets completed without any issue. Dec 8, 2021 · Job failed ('Failed to set value of the 'HvSnapReplicaSummary_127' Data Exchange integration service item for virtual machine 'VM NAME': One or more arguments are invalid (0x80070057) (Virtual machine ID {84bdeff0-0025-0000-d0ef-bd8425000000})'). Anyway, the best way to find the root cause is to continue to work with our support team. 156 to 12. " In this configuration the guests are not on the same subnet as the host machine, they are isolated at 2 different VLANs. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Mar 26, 2015 · Error: Cannot find VM [VM] on host [clusterhost] My idea was that the VM has been added to the backup job by selecting the cluster node instead of the whole cluster, so I would just remove it now, and add it back the right way. Ensure that the host or cluster is powered on, and that there are no network connectivity issues. Apr 21, 2020 · I got on all Server on in VMWare vCenter in Backup Status field the Message on "failed to find hierarchy root for backup server". therefore the backup job jus hangs for ever. However I have resolve it. Apr 17, 2013 · vCenter 4. This way, it is easy to troubleshoot the issue. I have two VM's in my production environment. [BObjectsSensitiveInfo] WHERE [BObject_id] = '<VM unique ID>' Jun 8, 2021 · Thanks Natalia. 0: Aug 31, 2015 · That row also has a field named "id" which has another GUID value. My backup was through scvmm and not hyper-v when check with scvmm server, it failed to connect scvmm console. Starting this made veeam work, and it also then made the cluster start doing clustery type things like balancing vm load etc. SyncDisk}. Failed to download disk '>'. Oct 9, 2019 · Error: Failed to find virtual machine owner host: Failed to get cluster resource group. Mar 2, 2018 · Apologize for support ticket ID. Everytime I try a restore (FLR) from a native Netapp snapshot it gives the following messages: Failed to restore directory for VM SRVXX. 917) and have been having an issue where single VMs within a replication job get stuck at "Getting VM info from vSphere" and the duration does not move either. apt install linux-azure Once that was done and one reboot later, I was able to install the management agent from the B&R console as well as the vm’s to the backup without any hassle. Jan 24, 2025 · Hi, after a network incident in my server room my jobs failed with messages "Failed to create processing task for VM {vmname} Error: Failed to retrieve object hierarchy: exception ID 4a1ebcc2-2a2f-4f4f-a663-4559c176c852". But when I edit the backup job, it is not listed among the VMs in the cluster. Failed to expand object "VM Name" Error: Host "ClusterName" either not a cluster or cluster services is unavailable. Proxy. Failed to get virtual disk (path: ‘\\CCCC. If the vCenter database is full, every new transaction is written to cache, as a result when the cache is full, the database service will just stop. Skipped arguments: [XYZ-flat. domask Thanks for that. everything works fineThen I want to remount my Veeam backup on a test server. If the file is accessible, but the events continue to be triggered in the Windows Event log, you need to contact Microsoft support for further investigation. Error: Job failed ('Checkpoint operation for 'Win 7 Ent x32' failed. Please continue to work with your service provider or Veeam support on this issue. 11. Job Nov 5, 2015 · After confirming the settings, I restarted the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management Service on the DR host and, as soon as I open the Virtual Machine Manager, all the VMs were listed again. After you have added the VMs back to the job, click Finish. All of this aside, I would like to see if you have a more secure approach. Retrying snapshot creation attempt (Failed to create production checkpoint. (This will help isolate if the Management Agents need to be restarted on the ESXi host) Jan 15, 2017 · Failed to create VM recovery snapshot, VM ID 'xxxxxxxxx'. Everything seems to work fine and Veeam runs the job successfully without any problems. 0 (production) and Veeam 9. Hi got an issue with Veeam backup of Hyper V virtual machines, backup job fails with the below error, have tried updating password which allows… Sep 8, 2017 · Using VEEAM B&R to backup a Hyper-V cluster with about 160 VMs, most work exactly as they should. The issue presented itself as failing jobs for a coupl… Feb 7, 2019 · Connect to the Hyper-V host and go to VM Configuration of VM in question; Go to Checkpoints tab and choose ‘Browse…’ underneath the snapshot path; Update the path. Oct 27, 2021 · first I'd like to ask you to open a ticket at Veeam support to also have our team looking at it. Every VM re-registeration in the virtual infrastructure (like on moving VM between standalone hosts) changes this identifier causing the VM to be treated as a new VM. Oct 24, 2023 · Just an update, I’ve been able to get this to work once I installed Hyper-V integration Services on the ubuntu guest vm’s. 0a setup to replicate three VM's from one Hyper-V host to another at a different location. is the part of the second server. Target machine: ["server_ip"]. 1/20/2020 6:30:28 AM Aug 29, 2022 · "Failed to create VM recovery checkpoint (mode: Crash consistent) Details: Failed to create VM (ID: xxxx) recovery checkpoint. Not sure if anyone has experienced either of these errors, but they were quite frustrating to work through. 1090)on a USB HDD. VHD Set files can be included in application-consistent checkpoints and backed up, but there are some limitations. I resolved it myself before Veeam support managed to get in touch (I know they're busy!!). NDMP service is not running. 0 doesn't allow registering a VM with a VMX file which contains vNetwork settings that do not exist on the target host. local\CCCCCCCCCCC\Virtual Machines\CCCCC02\Virtual Hard Disks\CCCCCCCC02-Pagefile. But when I click a file and do "copy to" and select the destintation server (produxtion machine) I get "failed to connect to <ip>:2501". ) Task has been rescheduled Queued for processing at 2/1/2017 8:56:02 AM Unable to allocate processing resources. May 18, 2023 · Here are some steps you can take to fix this issue: Check the connectivity between the Veeam Backup & Replication server and the virtualization host or cluster. Case #06273988 Get-VBRSureBackupJob : Unable to get backup with id 'e2a7c53d-e80a-478c-82f8-ed565c65b891' At line:1 char:1 + Get-VBRSureBackupJob + ~~~~~ Jun 13, 2022 · When the Tape Server has been claimed by another Veeam Backup Server, attempting to run Tape Verification on the original Veeam Backup Server where that Tape Server was connected will display an unclear warning. Go to the Backup Infrastructure tab find your vCenter and with right mouse click select scan. The problem here though is that this appears to be mapping restore points to jobs id's. Not support forums. If VM is on updated hosts, backup won't work, and if it is moved to the not updated host, backup works. Reconnectable protocol device was closed. Dec 24, 2021 · Failed to open disk for write. I had noticed just recently though, that in the Event Viewer on the destination host of the replica job, I get Event ID 20790 errors in Hyper-V-VMMS This messed with me, as VM's were up, nodes were online, but the cluster wasn't actually being a cluster - despite the gui showing things looking quite healthy. I think it may have been sufficient just to restart Veeam services, but I did install Windows Updates, so reboot was necessary anyways. ) Task has been rescheduled Queued for processing at xxxx Unable to allocate Nov 9, 2009 · I have also added the production machine as a Linux server with "add server" and I am able to dirlist everything of this server in VEEAM. Finally a breakthrough with support today after a 3rd rebuild of the linux server. 2753 and Netapp FAS2220 controllers already added into Storage Infrastructure menu (Snapshots are visible). Solution: Remove and re-add affected VM machine. That's working fine, but the instant recovery fails at "Converting Linux VM". My failover cluster consists of 3 hyper-v server 2012r2 hosts, they are attached to a dell powervault md3200i via iscsi with 3 cluster shared volumes I have moved most of my vm’s into the cluster by using the veeam replica Oct 25, 2018 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Error: Unable to find Hyper-V hosts where VM is registered of Microsoft Hyper-V Nov 8, 2016 · That did not fix the issue, but then I went through this KB "How to reset Inventory Service database for vCenter Server Appliance 6. Nov 7, 2014 · hi spiceheads, I havent had issues with veeam when I was running 3 hyper-v hosts (2008r2), it backed up perfectly. Nov 10, 2015 · Re: Failed to get VM's IP addresses Post by nmdange » Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:03 pm 2 people like this post The Hyper-V function that facilities getting a VM's IP is called "Key Value Pair" Mar 21, 2016 · Note that if the production VM was stable before the Planned Failover and subsequent Failback, performing the steps in VMware KB: 1007969 will merge the partial failback data into the base disks of the Original VM, leaving that VM in an incomplete state. Nov 26, 2014 · 25. Only support checks logs. Failed to get information about VM '4d480a4b-4717-4dfd-9152-3122913163da') The backup for the other VM was successfully done. now that I am on a cluster it’s being stubborn. Veeam 9. Oct 15, 2009 · I'm trying to replicate to a standalone Hyper-V host, but the job fails with the error: Failed to process replication task Error: resolve: No such host is known. Oct 4, 2023 · @PhilippKuhlmann You can create a temp backup job for the VM only. It was a lock file on the . 0 in vCenter 4. In my lab it looks like this: Name State Type Oct 28, 2012 · 27/02/2025 22:39:37 :: Failed to create VM recovery checkpoint (mode: Veeam application-aware processing) Details: Failed to create VM (ID: 56c6a0f1-8ec1-49fa-b984-b7eb36501340) recovery checkpoint. Dec 28, 2023 · Hello,I'm posting for the first time. 2014 22:52:44 :: Processing "servername" Error: Failed to get VSS freeze state (vix mode). 0 it hapend on every tape job: 04/06/2023 17:11:47 :: Failed to create backup metadata info: Veeam. The vm’s are registered fine in hyper-v and failover cluster manager. Apr 3, 2024 · The script below was created by Veeam and is provided as a courtesy. Happened three times last week. I've asked the VM owner to upgrade VMWare tools and perform Windows updates. Oct 2, 2018 · Case ID - 03589120 - Resolved. Oct 10, 2014 · The fix was easy, I just had to reboot the Veeam-server. This warning does not make clear that the failure to verify is because the Veeam Backup Server cannot communicate with the Tape Server. Note, however, that if any problems occur with the script, Veeam Support will recommend upgrading to the latest version of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 to resolve the issue. Mar 7, 2020 · So, I've setup a Linux VM, installed Veeam agent in it, and backed it up with my Veeam 10 server as an agent job. (Virtual machine ID xxxxxxxx)'). Job failed ('Checkpoint operation for 'Vega' failed. Your Repo User must be owner of the folder Repository-A and it's subfolder/files. Such operations are only supported with guidance of our customer support team. Dec 13, 2024 · Hello. Feel free to share the case ID here as well. by HannesK » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:59 am. [dbo]. TQ Mar 22, 2017 · My Client is having issues restoring hyper-vm after having to restore the vm config file. Jun 16, 2022 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Failed to create processing task - Host with id was not found of VMware vSphere Failed to create processing task - Host with id was not found R&D Forums Aug 31, 2022 · Hello and Welcome to Veeam R&D Forums! Please contact our support team and provide a support case ID as requested when you make a post about a technical issue. I ran the replication job manually and, the VM that was failing, replicated successfully. In the Ta Feb 18, 2011 · If you refer back to step 6, you can resolve the unique ID for the VM in the [id] column to the VM name by finding that unique ID in the [BObject_id] column of the [BObjectsSensitiveInfo] table. 62. 0 to 9. After the upgrade to v12. TapeMetaGenerationException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Without case number, the topic will eventually be deleted by Aug 15, 2013 · Veeam is still attempting to find the VM by its old reference ID number based on a “find vm by NAME where REFID = X” query. If that doesn't solve your issue, please provide a support case ID for this issue, as requested when you click New Topic. Sep 19, 2018 · A. Oct 16, 2024 · But if I do exactly the same task on a friend’s virtual machine, changing only the virtual machine that I want to copy, I can’t restore the files. SELECT * FROM [VeeamBackup]. does your backup job contain the whole cluster, or did you add each VM one by one to the backup job? Nov 29, 2019 · Upgraded from 12. It turns out to do instance recovery and extract data from the running VM. fdfkw ngo mpk bpyeic gcave wfyzp ptfvwu bbbkrrl dvnz fdrto bxhjs thxqjt rbbnwr gqhhg xsf